Friday, May 08, 2009


(begun Friday 8th May at 6.30am.....)

It got fairly busy down in the moonlit valley after 2.30am this morning.... Even Nobby joined in for a change...*grins...
Thinking Sophie might like to add her .2cents worth, I heaved myself out of bed and we went out onto the verandah.... By then little Pepsi had either fallen, or been 'encouraged' over the edge of the deck and she was bustling about in the newly cut grass down in the valley, barking furiously at a big black dog she obviously considered was an intruder...*cackles..

I guess this pretty scrap of a dog has way more lives than your average moggie...How her spindly little legs don't snap on impact as she drops down into the valley I dunno... *shrugs... It would be pointless asking Missus C to arrange for more wooden planks or even wire along the valley deck and the deck up by the road, as their priorities are vastly different to your average pet owner...*sighs...

The money forked out on the fancy cane citronella (?) candle holders now decorating their front deck along with the incongruous metal shell of the marqee (sp) sans cloth (!) would have been better spent on keeping the little ones safe from harm...*looks at who it's talking to and keels over laughing.... It's admirable indeed that the Twins now accompany Nobby regularly to Scotty's Doggy Parlour and they fairly glow next to grubby Sophie, but their luck and dangerous life-style will ultimately lead to at least one of them coming to a sticky end....

Have I not harped on endlessly about the electric gates so easily pushed apart? Were they attended to? Nope. Easy access they proved for the so-called truck thieves..... The Fowl King has more than enough droogs working at his home on a regular basis to attend to the fairly simple matter of shoring up the gaps so the dogs can't fall off the slippery decks, both at the road side and down by the valley..... Instead, further offence will be taken at my suggestion and nothing will be done...*shrugs..

Anyways, I managed to persuade Missy to crawl through the hole under our valley wall before 3.00am and she's kept us company ever since then...*smiles..
It was a really pleasant start to the day as I reclined nodding on the bed out on the verandah with Sophie and Pepsi, while Kitz and Chi prowled about the garden in the dark....

My dear Master has wisely managed to confine his more obviously cruel behaviour of late to witless toads....*cries for trivia....
The fortunes of the Terrible Twins and their large companion are naturally of ongoing interest to me and as such, will be shared here relentlessly....

mon Capitano, in his position as Supreme Controller of all Power, will true to form go out of his way when his SO's back is turned, to allow his four-legged responsibilities to continue endangering themselves, despite the relatively simple solution to this latest problem....
His treatment of the pups in their early days is on record and as I'm so fond of saying, I have the pictures to prove it....*snorts...

However long it took Missus C to finally convince the Master that he'd done his character more harm than good by using these innocents so callously, nothing has changed at all....*sighs..
He merely resorts to more subtle methods and waits till the wife is out or arranges for someone else to do the dirty work....

I watched yesterday afternoon as the Lout's amiable gardener tried to get Pepsi to come to me at the wall... In the past she has been happy to dance about him, but not yesterday.... How odd... She was clearly scared of him, and I must assume that twas HER cries of pain I heard on Mayday when our Controller arranged for the latest theft from his property...*growls...

It's well within his power to wound me by shutting me out of trivia and nobody gives a tinkers.... What happens to his dogs is another story altogether... The Master's water-tight alibis are LEGEND! (halfway to Pietermaritzburg FFS!) He has access to any number of aides to do his bidding and will frankly be unable to divorce himself from whatever unpleasantness may befall the dogs, despite any amount of carefully worded fabrication... His Fanbois stock reply that by blogging them, I raise the odds of them having an 'accident' no longer applies.... All three live on borrowed time as it is....


I dropped Pepsi the foot or so back over the wall into their yard after 6.00am... I'm betting she hadn't been missed by her owners.... *sighs..

Did I get a call yesterday to say they would be working on the house alarm? I did not. It went off several times in the late afternoon as has happened in the past... You will therefore surely pardon my lack of interest shown on Friday 1st May, as banging and the alarm are fairly regular features occurring on Lord Foul's property....*grins...

Did voda3g perchance also use my Mayday blog as sufficient grounds to throw his clever hands in the air and join the She Asks For It brigade? More wishful thinking on my part, that he doesn't still smart from my frangelica jibes and as such, merely stands quietly amused on the sidelines as my leaky raft sinks?

Be honest now (if you can still even grasp the concept). If I'd not pointed out that the plying of your young guests with copious amounts of liquor was a tad distasteful Jannie, you would've continued posting on the subject in the latest get-together threads would you not?
So far above the likes of the goondas Tweedledumb and Tweedledee in the Power Ratings, and yet you still resort to saying there's nothing you can do? And why indeed should you even want to? *cackles...

The Zone has been signed, sealed and delivered into the hands of the Shaikboyz and their Minions in the guise of Barnabas and the Rotten Apples...*shrugs...

You and YOUR Masters in turn, merely sit back and watch the play unfold in this experiment which will eventually engulf the entire country.....
One unpleasant and vociferously loud-mouthed toad isn't going to change anything and never was right? *sighs.....
To be brutally frank, I'm bored of, with and by, the dregs of Society you've so willingly enabled to control us all... The 'you had no choice' excuse falls flat coming from one as resourceful as yourself voda3g....

My own picture doesn't load when I go to my blog, whether signed in or not, and I'm not given a search option at all... Am I seeing a parody of the site, as my scurvy Editor lurks constantly waiting to delete what he chooses before it hits the Public Domain? I caught him at it once before if you recall, when I had a friend go in and copy paste my blog to me showing an entire paragraph hastily re-inserted in the wrong font...*laughing.... Ooops!

Eh! Bali will have a rebuttal to all my claims and despite that you know him now for a Prevaricator of the worst kind, you choose to not rock the boat? *pukes..

The wind is picking up and it's a stunning day here in the valley of the Zone.. The toppies and mousebirds are delighted with the pawpaw on the birdtray, and the cloud of frets rises and falls as they feed below on the grass...
It all looks sort of perfect and yet I still have the vague feeling of impending doom... Whether mine, or the entire country's, I couldn't say......*grins....

Peace julle...


Friday 8th May 2009 at 10.30am...