Sunday, April 12, 2009


(begun 12th April at 5.00am...)

There's not a cloud to be seen in the moonlit sky as the traffic starts picking up on the Freeway heading into the city...
I catch myself looking over at the gumtrees hoping to see a glimpse of something - anything....*cackles..
The first and only time I got lucky it was mid-winter just before 6.00am, and there was a ring of giant cumulous clouds marching along the horizon as far as the eye could see...
Sheet-lightning had still been dancing against the clouds way across behind my view of the Howard College MTB...*slaps itself.... Eh! You'll forgive this ancient toad for replaying one of the more astonishing encounters I've been fortunate to see...

You bright young sparks can snort as derisively as you like, but there's absolutely no doubt in my cooked old head that seeing that ball of light speeding along the Freeway in the mid-nineties was the prelude to the Information Theft Project....*grins..
The researcher from MUFON had said I might get lucky and see it again but I'm not exactly holding my breath on that one...
Winter proper is still a way off and I'm not sure that, never mind that....*cackles...

Yesterday on Page 3 of the Independent on Saturday I read that Zuma is to forego using the plane set aside for Presidential use? That he will be using SAA to get around.... Judging by reports of the onboard meals I would hope that he eats before he flies.... *lawls... Almost every word he uttered in the article came directly from Schabir Shaik and his team of Spin-doctors... Do I mind? Hell no! *beams..

I swear I could feel myself reaching out to buy the product! This, despite what I've been through in the name of the Project and what, without any tangible proof, I just know to be the truth.... Beautiful!
Has Schabir learned anything since the Arms Deal debacle? Just that it's better not to get caught with his hand in the cookie jar? With all the time he's had to reflect, does he now fully believe himself to be the new Messiah? *fascinated...

Jacob Zuma is clearly a convert and quite comfortable preaching the Shaiks' words to the masses....*shrugs... Once he's officially installed as Head of the land, is there to be an immediate and visible improvement to Municipal Services for instance? Crazy as it sounds, if the Parks returned to the valley with their noisy petrol-driven whackers, and the contractors to DSW stopped deliberately leaving loose trash all over our verges on collection day, I would begin to entertain some hope at last....*chortles at its own shallowness....

It's just after 5.30am and the Master stirs his befuddled stumps next door and sets off my electric bell up by the road.... Just back from an allnighter clubbing or just rising, is anyone's guess.... His family appear to have headed out for parts unknown and left him to his own devices for a while... A dodgy exercise at best... Only two of the bells chimes sounded pitifully as he smacked it in passing....*applauds obligingly....
There's nothing like a touch of our Controllers antics to bring me back to reality...*chokes...

Did you see the speed with which the infection Shawn Mackay acquired at the San, and which no doubt led directly to his demise, was played down? *startled..
The GameWrecker says the unfortunate driver that couldn't avoid hitting the young man as he ran out into Umgeni Road, was automatically charged with culpable homicide...*gags... Where's the justice in that FFS....
The real charges should of course be made against St. Augustine's and their staff....

Imagine for one minute that you are booked into the San for an op tomorrow? Stressful enough without now knowing there's dirty work in their theatres and wards? *screams... An immediate veil of secrecy descends and the cover-up begins...*vomits...
Let's rather have a transparent investigation into what it was that really killed Shawn Mackay, and whose head will roll as a result...
For some years now I've been hearing how the service at that hospital has gone downhill and this pretty much confirms it..
How's about a PUBLIC enquiry into the current standards of this once fine establishment?


An unrepentant Chippy Shaik is being re-introduced to the public as part of the new elite. Now all we need is for the reclusive Younis to appear in the Social pages of the Press and it will be accepted that the Boyz are back bigtime! *roffels...

Today's Sunday Times is choc-a-block with juicy snippets... Agliotti announcing that he and Jackie are a good as in the clear had me falling about... Is he capable of quoting Latin? I always took him for a mafia-type hood with little or no culture but who knows.... *shrugs... Did the latin phrases on the intercepted calls that finally saved Zuma not lift the entire situation from run-of the-mill to intoxicatingly fascinating? *grins...
Have you ever called the offices of the NIA? I remember doing just that one day a couple of years back, for a laugh, and being startled by the accent of the woman who answered the phone.... I'd somehow thought that Bali had redirected my call to his auntie! *falls over... Is Zuma's lawyer Michael Hulley a Zone Boy? A special friend to Schabir and his boeties?

Right now I figure Schabir would be more aptly named the Juggler than the Whisperer... Philani Mgwaba says in the Tribune on Page 16 that 'indeed, it's appropriate to ask what else is being illegally hawked by unscrupulous officials to the wrong crowd'... Well said Philani and that's just the tip of the bloody iceberg! *grins...

Monday 13th April at 4.00am...

Not a sound this morning but the wind in the trees, though I'd heard the Wireless song belting out yesterday evening...
The bedroom cricket/buzzer sounded briefly as I stood up next to the bed earlier.. Does it cause a discreet red light to flash on the Master's Smart phone or has he set it to vibrate to wake him? *curious....
Has the Muni Network system been installed in your neck of the woods or are you as yet a relatively free man, so to speak?

Have the ShaikBoyz bitten off more than they can chew? If there were any truth to the reports that Schabir is genuinely under the weather, the goings on at the laughably titled NIA must surely be the ultimate test of his health.... May I predict that as with Schabir's parole, this latest excitement surrounding stolen information, will soon run its course and die...
Jackie Selebi will be the next to be exonerated and it will be back to business as usual....*claps madly...

If you've been paying any sort of attention to my ravings you would have seen all this coming for a long time... *beams.. I've warned you from the outset that those contractors and Muni droogs with their ladders leaning against YOUR streetlights are not there to ensure that your road is illuminated, but your very life instead....*shrieks...

While it is the Big boys personal lives they concentrate on for the moment, they will get round to you eventually.... A data bank filled with the minutest trivia that can be accessed at the tap of a key, should you need to be brought to heel in a hurry...*smiles...

LATER at 4.55am..

My Lord Foul shows remarkable restraint on this clear chilly morning....*cackles... As yet, no wave of heat engulfs me and the shriek in my ears is muted... Only the moonlight shines on the gumtrees across the valley and the relatively new spotlight stays off.... *waits curiously...

Last week I saw the biggest troop of vervets I've seen in years, taking their ease in the shade on the Hardcastle's verge over in Loon Road... I've no idea how they survive as their natural habit is relentlessly gobbled up by progress....
One of their number has taken to visiting us now almost daily, and I fear he has lost his sense of direction and as a result, his family...(sounds familiar?) His visits are the highlight of fat Sophie's day, and her continuous piercing shrieks of rage and frustration has me resorting to shutting her up in the house till the bull monkey moves on... *laughing...
I think monkeys are a symbol of good luck and just hope that his own luck doesn't run out before he can find his troop again....



Monday 13th April 2009 at 9.08am...