Thursday, April 02, 2009


(begun Wednesday 1st April at 5.05am....)

You want irony, check out yesterday's Times Page 7....
Two thirds of the page devoted to an advert for Telkom's MetroLAN while the remaining page has an article by Raenette Taljaard entitled 'Phone taps a political bombshell'...*falls over shrieking...

The Beast's little one-day-early April Fool's Day contribution? *lawls...
Now if Raenette could rewrite the entire piece in a language the toad-in-the-street could follow, she may just increase her Readership.... As it is, this idiot finds her words are couched in Government-babble and are unintelligible and boring...*glum...
I'm not asking that she resort to sensationalist journalism by any means, and I've no doubt the small minority of intellectuals will find it enlightening as it is....
But FFS let's now have it laid out in words the less-than-stunningly-bright can fathom?

Let's have articles on the phone-tapping potential the lauded Muni Networking System will open up....No? It hadn't occurred to you? You're too busy practising hacking into your unwitting neighbour's adsl system? *looks at Aziz...

Repeater boxes? Throw out my over-used multiplex/wireless box title and call them repeater boxes? If we're on the same page here, that's a marvellously apt name for them...! *roffels..

How many of you didn't bother to attend our CPF AGM last night because you think it's a toothless joke? *curious... That as an official member of the Chosen you have no need to interact with the community, and firmly consider yourself safely under the protection of Dodge City?
Struggle though you probably do, to make sense of my endless allegations and assumptions, feel free to use this blog as a blueprint for what is inexorably heading in your direction if it's not there already *shrugs...

The sly hypocrisy of Government officials (read Selebi's minions), exhorting the communities to unite and stand together while behind the scenes you're encouraged to ferret in your neighbours privacy leaves me almost speechless .... Almost but not quite ! *laughing....

And yes Captain Lazzie, I do believe that the organised shooting at Siripat Field last October 18th, 2008, was the single biggest oops moment you and your Mentor experienced in your crazed attempts at self-gratification....*teeth...

My word, but I would dearly love to know how the Spin-doctors scrambled out of that one! *shrieks... I made no errors in reporting the events that took place and as you see am happy to repeat them ad nauseum..

There was never an ambulance called for, despite inevitable denials... It was always to be a flesh-wound was it not? The odds of the whole scenario going horribly awry were huge, but hey - the setup was as near as dammit perfect, and the snipers skills legendary....*vomits..

What I'm betting you didn't allow for, was the time I was given to chat to the kind young Reservoir Hills CPF Member who finally took us to hospital...*beams..
Your Damage Control team may protest until the cows come home that this was a one-off situation...
I OTOH, will as vehemently tell you that unofficially many of the Chosen are being encouraged and SHOWN how to access their neighbours computers....*pukes... What reason for doing this is given by the Tutors to these often naive Chosen escapes me totally....*baffled...

The real goal however, and here I would have to guess as usual, is that by their linking clandestinely to their neighbour, the signal is ultimately strengthened and enhanced on its merry way to the nearest street Controller and from there to the Station.
You're entitled to fall about at my struggles to make any sense of this technology and yet I have an odd feeling I've got its basic premise down pat...*beams...

Almost as I watch, my Controller changes which SE's he chooses to activate when the sun goes down... Whose home does he invade on a Thursday, and whose private conversations on a Friday? *gags...

Again, a Catch-22 situation... The only people you could employ to do the Controllers work were those that already had a bent for corruption....*looks at Colin Balliram....
Those who cling to the now useless concepts of ethics and morals were approached from a different angle entirely and I feel that the much touted Business Against Crime features here somewhere....*waves to Shaheen...

As a result, you have the wickedly irresponsible in charge of those that genuinely wish to do their bit for the country and who blindly follow the orders given them...*sighs...


As young Khaled down at No. 2 has been fooled into thinking he's now some sort of favoured pet up at Dodge City, for all the contributions he makes to the Information Theft Project, will many of you be suckered by the companionable manner shown to you by the Mentor and his Lackey... Hey, a friendly wave and a blast from his siren worked for me for a while....*grim... Moving on...

My little copper/bronze crinoline lady bell has vanished from it's perch on the wall between our house and our Controller's home.... I used it to call the next door maid if we needed to communicate. It's possible it was knocked off and has fallen into Bali's yard, but how or by whom is puzzling? *winks... No trainsmash, for if Missus C can't find it her side I do have another...

Not once during the years that I worked for the original owner of 343 Innes Road was I ever invited to the Big House... It was just the way it was...*shrugs...
My how times have changed! I recall asking the Warder jokingly whether he'd had an invitation after Schabir's release and he'd laughed and said no way would that ever happen.
It now transpires that invites WERE extended after all, and many have since been allowed into the hallowed halls of Shaik's private residence.... *green...

The Shaik name has already all but disappearing from the Press as predicted, while their Slave and Puppet, the crooked Town Clerk, loyally martyrs himself by drawing the spotlight to his outrageous financial demands on the already crippled rate-payers....*snorts..

LATER 7.45pm...

The wireless song fills the valley. I've just spent an enjoyable hour + reading the mybroadband forums... It reminded me of an article I read in the Femina magazine way back on the potential damages of cellmasts and power lines... Anger as I recall was a symptom recorded as a result of over-exposure to EMF and presumably RF... Sort of ambiguous though isn't it.....

Until you read some of the posters comments, and you can literally feel the rage rising off the page in reply to the most innocuous of remarks...*cackles... 'I don't tolerate fools' reeks of a pompous ass quite frankly, though I'm sure it's not meant to....*cackling... Spending too much time in front of your PC dear? Take a chill pill and relax...*grins...

The thread on java problems encountered by users in Pretoria was just cruel, though hopefully not intended as such...*sags...
At the last count we had 600 errors on our registry despite now cleaning it regularly. May you and yours NEVER be graced with a Network Administrator as determinedly corrupt as ours..*rolls it's eyes....

My online time has been reduced to viewing my corrupt gmail and the myadsl forum, with the occasionl blog for comic relief...Pretty much as Tweedledumb and Tweedledee prefer it... They can't have me trundling about in trivia shouting of the injustices they've caused to one of their own now can they? *winks....

Thursday 2nd April at 3.40am..

How many times has the Chief presented himself down at the 343 Innes Road mansion since Schabir's release? There to receive accolades for his huge contribution to the Shaikboyz Master Plan? *cackles.. Mistuh Shaik knows a thing or two about the value of showing his thanks in an ostentatious manner, and I can only wait and wonder at what form his thanks will take...*beams...

It's doubtful any mention will be made of the gigantic cockups caused by these two idiots, for the Project is still many miles from completion.... The Shaiks will be forced to continue stroking these two perverted egos for some time to come....*cackles... Interesting times fosho...



Thursday 2nd April 2009 at 5.16pm....