Friday, April 03, 2009


(begun Friday 3rd March at 5.30am....)

The timing was perfect. The SAPS van pulled up just as we were going to get in the cars and leave on a Community Patrol... They dragged the young man out of the back as they shouted at him, and began roughing him up.. Several of my companions were beaming widely as they watched, delighted that the thief was getting his come-uppance..

Man, I'm confused... All I felt was nausea and the desire to get out of there... *gags... No doubt if it had been my stuff he'd stolen I would've felt very differently...
The guys were gathering outside the Station to go on a raid into a nearby squatter camp. Dangerous work at any point, let alone after dark.... I was horrified to see just how many appeared to be barely school-leaving age, dressed up in uniforms and weilding enormous guns...

Yeah, I know it's a dirty job and someone has to do it blah blah.... I grant you I was tired after a long day, but looking at those kids just made me incredibly sad...*shrugs....
It's got to take guts to leave the relative safety of their vehicles and stumble through the dark rabbit-warrens down at the Informal settlements...*sighs...

By comparison, my own Captain of so-called Immense Courage is a joke.
Just a different kind of bravery you say? Pfft... *vomits copiously...

His stealthy and underhand attacks over the years have won him many like-minded cowardly fanbois... As hard as I try, I see not one vestige of courage involved in his behaviour...
While his Mentor could at a stretch be diagnosed with a split personality disorder, Bali is merely a perverted sicko, enchanted by his own IT skills and power...*snorts...

We are most certainly all flawed to some extent, but my word, some more than others...*looks at its Controller..

Do nothing and she will eventually dry up? I think not o Poisonous One...*grins... The little time I now spend on the PC each day is a stark reminder of your presence, and more than sufficient fuel to keep this old toad croaking on...
Back in the day, ninety percent of the problems encountered on our PC could safely be laid at the door of this idiot herself.
This can no longer be said to be the case..... Sure, I still make inane and silly errors but my paranoia has taught me to be careful if nothing else...
Does mon Capitano claim that I click on dodgy mails or links? That this is the reason for our computers degradation? I do not. The only links I occasionally open are on mybroadband, and then from regular posters.

The Avira full scan reveals nothing and is run regularly, and yet our machine is as sick as a dog. My gmail lurches and staggers as it opens, as does myadsl.. Clear the cache? Done regularly. Clean the registry? Also now done...

It's common knowledge that Colin Balliram is our Network Administrator despite the account holder's ignorance...(Crowing has its drawbacks...*laughs...)
I will stick to my guns and say again that some sort of truly crooked compromise has been reached. Our TV in return for the java program.

How many of you think I should now STFU and be grateful for small mercies? *curious... You're kidding me right? You're only fooling yourselves if you think the picture I've painted for you of my Master is not a true one...*shrugs.
As a stunning example of the type of person that will ultimately be given control over your power supply I could ask for no-one better than my Controller....

I will therefore continue to share what I see and hear of his doings with you here, just as he has done with my life...*cackles... While I obviously don't have the dubious advantage of being able to record his every fart and snore, tis amusing enough to pass on his often frantic efforts to appear to be law-abiding....*falls over..

If my PC and power system were to settle down and run normally, I grant I would find it that much harder to amuse you here... Rest assured it aint gonna happen..
As I sat down in front of the TV yesterday evening, the standard lamp went bananas.... Just the Master making sure I know he's around fosho.... After his initial arrival the lamp ran steadily till bedtime.... *grins...
The very fact that he needs constantly to visibly remind me of his control proves IMO his total unsuitability for the job he currently (!) holds..... pfftt...
A Cracker he was and a Cracker he remains... damage and destruction are his forte and little else the poor sod....*sighs...

The Park lights up at the Hall have for the moment been reinstated, though it remains to be seen if the young soccer players will return....

LATER 9.15am

I went up to take a picture of my kids bakkie and instead, found Adrian Kingsley strolling down the road heading for Mayville...*grimness... A useful stooge, used to great effect by the Rotten Apples. I have to wonder whether if I'd called der Kommissar, he would have sent a task force rushing out to pick the Creep up, as happened in the past.... Probably not hey....*winks... Kingsley, by the by, is badly in need of a new stylist.....

The GameWrecker seemed pleased enough to report that he can suddenly access his bandwidth speed again after it's not been working for a couple of weeks...*startled.... Another 'Network' problem?

I had to smile at the photos carefully placed in both the Rising Sun and the Gazette this week of the Reservoir Hills CPF together with our SAPS guys.... Am I to believe that the relationship is back on track? Or am I now just too jaded to buy into what's being sold here? While I was pleased that three reps from the Reservoir Hills CPF pitched to the last Motherbody Meeting, what would Really delight me would be the news that the Gareebs had accepted the change to the hierarchy in good spirits... I will continue to consider them sitting ducks until they come round...*sighs...

The rain has begun to belt down and the grey and white sparrowhawk has left the coral tree to seek denser shelter. Water thunders down from der Bunker next door, probably from THIS gap in the guttering....*rolls eyes...


If it is wished to have me think Schabir Shaik will, from behind the Throne, make a difference for the good of the masses, you have an uphill battle ahead...*grins..
The Moulana will have to do much better than that, though I grant you my call to him had me chuckling delightedly for some time...
And yes, I can put simple things together..... Islamic Trauma Centre for ALL the people + Schabir Shaik = Assistance financially.... *applauds Mr. Khan for trying....

Many promises are being made at this crucial stage by Mistuh Shaik and the Boyz... Promises to Community Leaders that may sadly be forgotten in a few months time...
While its certainly good business practise to use the people most suited for the job, it's most unfortunate that in the case of the Muni Network System, suitable encompasses all that is rotten and corrupt.
Earl Michael Barnabas and Koobair the Squat FFS? The little weasel that is the Town Clerk? *pukes...
How disappointing that there was simply no other way to set up the Information Theft Project without resorting to the use of Druglords and disgraced ex-Station Commanders....
That millions are being spent on the laughable street name changes when the money could have built houses for shack dwellers...
(Of course a distraction was needed and that nonsense fit the bill perfectly..)

Ridiculous Projects are now the order of the day... Take the ludicrously named Safer Cities Initiative for instance.... *waves to Fatima the Fair aka Tasha... Rubbernecking dear? Or will you appear at our next CPF Meeting and prove me wrong? *winks...

And yes - I take umbrage to the fact that we have been handed on a plate to two sick thrill-seekers in the form of the Abuser and his Lackey Colin Balliram. I'm in a position, at least for the moment (though judging from the antics of the desklamp as I type this, a tenuous one at best) of being able to report back on their combined pettiness and crass stupidity. How many other victims have no voice at all?

Whose assets are being fried regularly and whose water supplies deliberately contaminated? Who is to be the victim of the next arranged hijacking or burglary? *sighs...
As I was saying, Schabir, you had no choice in your scramble for absolute power... You assist with the new trauma centre in Sydenham while you also allow the likes of Barnabas to sit in power at your feet? What's wrong with that picture? Crazy days hey?

You might suggest to the Loser next door to me that he reinstate our java and treat us with a tad more care while you're at it....



Friday 3rd April 2009 at 6.59pm.