Thursday, April 09, 2009


(begun Wednesday 8th April at 8.15pm....)

For some reason I find the words come easier when I'm ever so slightly amused.... Page 2 of today's Rising Sun worked a treat! *chokes.
The only thing missing in the "New Trauma Facility Launched" article is an image of our Controller himself standing next to his partners in crime.... It could then be retitled New Heights of Hypocrisy Reached....*falls over...

A safe haven for victims of abuse? With the Chief's penchant for causing and then eavesdropping on misery, that particular bolt-hole should provide the Rotten Apples and my Master with hours of sniggering pleasure....*falls over....
Tis truly time to take the blinkers off and wake up to the Truth guys.... *sighs...

Was the huge old tree really killed to make room for the Trauma Unit container or rather to allow better quality of audio-monitoring? Madre dos Dios! How many other women do this lot abuse apart from the toad and our CPF member deliberately shot for their amusement?
Are we basically second-class citizens and no better than pond-scum? Another of my infernal rhetorical questions fosho...*cackles...

I was 100% correct when I said Schabir would change the sales pitch drastically to each person that appeared before him... *grins..
The GameWrecker tells me Schabir was the least academically inclined, and yet I feel he carries way more responsibility than his brothers in their push to own the country.... He persuaded the Muslim community to believe that he will back their every enterprise and then turns to such as my Chair and speaks kindly of how they will aid the RC church? The Boyz already own St Theresa's totally..... Has the huge Signal Enhancing light always been atop the Soofie Baaijaan mosque? The one that crowns the crescent moon? *grins...

Were I to have an audience with His Greatness, would He whisper to me that the Agliottis and Koobairs and even Barnabas are necessary scum which they are forced to use in their haste to install the Project?
Could He persuade me that the Boyz are fully in control of these thugs and can force them to behave in a civilized manner with ease? *snorts..

You will forgive my extreme scepticism here... Firstly I feel that swanning amongst the hoi-palloi has caused the Shaiks to lose touch here in the Zone... Secondly I have to say I truly doubt they give a shit what the Abuser and his Merry Sickos get up to as long as they keep recording useful information for the data bank....*nauseous...

Tis unlikely Schabir even knows I exist and yet I am the only effing voice that will tell him what's really going on behind the scenes here....*shrugs... My Monitor and his Megalomaniacal Mentor clearly consider I should be grateful they have temporarily stopped attacking our TV and PC via the powerlines and should STFU.... Not a chance in Hell! *shrieks...

I called my kid in the Midlands this morning, using the solid old Venus set... As soon as her number rang I could hear the interference on the line, and when she picked up I couldn't make out her words and was forced to redial.. *snorts... The second time round the line was as clear as a bell and we had a lengthy interference-free call...
However much you would like to believe the utter BS Colin Balliram and his chommies feed you, I'm frankly astonished that after all this time you still buy the garbage he spouts.... *sighs..

You have to know that he manually degrades our landline in as many ways as he can, and has done so for ages.... *snarls.... WhyTF would I make this up? While I'm reconciled to being joined at the hip to this Idiot till the end of my days, and feel that he deserves me, I'm grossed out at his continuing to nuke our electrical assets for his own sick gratification...*shrugs..

The GameWrecker has supported the Project unwittingly since day one, through no more than blind ignorance... And yet it has been the GameWrecker that has been hit the hardest financially over the years by the Fool next door....*cackles...
God forbid Bali has been awarded any sort of Spy Diploma along the way! It would denote a terrifyingly low standard of quality in the Monitors you hire if this were so....*lawls...

Send your apprentice Monitors to me why don't you? Let them sit in der Bunker for a week and I will pass or fail their efforts? I will report when they crank up the levels of EMF and RF and when they noisily degrade my landline.. When my ears shriek from their attentions and my cell phones switch themselves off for no apparent reason.
When my jackpoints loudly proclaim the arrival of the Monitor and the TV screen is taken down... When lights choose individually to dip repeatedly for no reason. These demonstrations would all result in a FAIL and a recommended further 6 month intensive tuition before the would-be Monitor was ready to be unleashed on his/her unsuspecting neighbourhood... Not viable? You can't afford to wait? Gnite......

Thursday 9th April at 4.10am...

The moon competes with the brightest of your signal enhancers at this hour of the morning... *marvels..
Bali's animals were freaking out at his top gate last night, and at midnight I took the steps two at a time to find the cause.... *grins... And there they were up by No. 16 in the road... Two brakke that I've seen loose before but which are still fairly new to this stretch of road....*curious...
Combined with the full moon, I concede after all that there is little Missus C could do to still her beasts (though I noticed they were the only dogs continuously barking....)

My Controller is running late this morning, and I'd been sitting here for some fifteen minutes before he joined me and despite the cool of the morning I had to discard my jumper smartly...*grins...
His silly buzzing devices are judiciously silent for the moment...
You'd be right in thinking I've an axe to grind after all these years of such pitiless attentions from Tweedledumb and Tweedledee... Sadly it detracts from the fact that I KNOW I'm not alone...
Who was it that told Creepy Kingsley to go and rip the elevator control panel from the wall at Sydenham Manor? He was acting independently? Bollox! He would've acquired a nice little stash from his Masters for that effort fosho....*spews...

So many of the Chosen have now sold their very souls for what? Their own sweet hotspot and a reduced utilities bill? Did you not read the Health warning before you signed up? There wasn't one? *cackles.... Too late now! Your health and every other facet of your lives is now (or will be very soon) OWNED by your nearest Muni Network System Controller and ultimately the Boyz from the Hood...*shrieks...

I agree with Captain Wi-Fi that tis not such a bad thing when you consider the few alternatives left... It remains to be seen whether the new Royalty (roffels) continue to allow the Druglords quite so much freedom....
Schabir's own hands are tied in this regard and my guess is that he merely whispers 'wait' to the sceptics... How long? And how many of the innocent must suffer before you can publicly take the Agliottis and Koobairs down? For, were he to make an example of just one, twould cause the rest to question his promises and here in the Zone at least, the Muni Network System has been installed fully under the auspices of Barnabas and the Rotten Apples *gags...

You appreciate now why I see no light at the end of this particular tunnel? Whipped to a bloody pulp by your very own Chosen and the power you have seen to it they wield, am I to rise cheering in the hope that Schabir is the Knight I've waited for? *nonplussed... Does the Whisperer say gravely that things must get worse before they can improve? CAN they get worse? *intrigued....
If you have any genuinely good intentions left in you, I wish you well in untangling the complicated web you and your brothers have woven....

Once my java was reinstated, why did I not rush back to continue offending the egotistical intellectuals that populate efnets trivia channel? What would be the point? Any ludicrously titled Intelligence Agents that saw my plight out there have stocked up on the Courageous Couple's brand of BS to the extent that they have lost sight of the Truth altogether....*shrugs..
Meanwhile, my wrinkled presence in efnets trivia+ is not ideal either...
Lobby my Master for a far flung room with a trivia bot that runs ceaselessly and I will happily remove myself from your midst.....*grins...



Friday 10th April 2009 at 8.57am..... (Late)