Friday, April 25, 2008

*I attempted a couple of times to connect at 8.11am this Friday morning to update my blog...
This is what I got: Connecting through WAN Miniport (PPPOE) Error 676. The phone line is busy....*laughing..
A creative new Error to hide the fact that our Network Administrator has better things to do than supply the connection paid for by the GameWrecker to Ian Halliday at tradepage? *shrugs and winks at Bali.....
(begun Thursday 24th at 3.00am)
A trip to the loo just after 2.00? - a song title? Nope, pretty much par for the course for the over-sixties club...*grins..
Not wasted either, as it got me this picture taken at 2.17am of so many dormitory lights active despite what looks to be further additions to the smart windows, since I mentioned being able to see the TV working from here....*laughs...
The whine of heavy machinery on the Freeway, I guess by Waterfall Road, has this minute begun to fade into the distance....
I chatted briefly to the 4-legged guys over the wall last night.... it must have been about 9.30pm.
Though there was no sign of a vehicle on the driveway, the light was on inside the garage, doing backup guard duty.... If it's the reason our system's dips have improved lately, then long may it burn...
At 3.10am Kellogg started calling to the moon...*grins..
I can't be sure, but it sounds like Dilshaad's Spotty may be visiting next door, judging by the cantering and panting up and down outside....(Unless its Bali?) Though he can squeeze through a gap in Bali's gates, he battles to get back out....
The wireless song is very erratic this morning and stop/starts constantly. Something like the sound my tummy has been making the past few days, as it plays a noisy symphony of it's own....*cackles... Something I drank? From the tap perhaps? *grins..
How things change.... Time was, when kids were said to need a good nights sleep to ensure they functioned well at school.
Going on the really strange hours my Controller's youngsters keep, added to all these lights on in the dorms over at the orphanage, this practise seems to have fallen by the wayside...*shrugs..
A regular and stable routine is now a thing of the past, and I have to wonder whether this reflects on the orphans school report cards...*curious...
The opening page of had an interesting ad. appear as I scrolled down through the headlines last night. A site called Cyberlaw was apparently running a competition with an iPod as a prize.... I clicked on it and, *poof*! the ad. vanished and I was still on the news page...Neato...*grins..
No follow-up word from the Bookish One either, despite saying a pamphlet would be mailed...*winks... I do recall the nick participating on the BOF Corner thread on myadsl, which pulls no punches on tech's opinions of tards...*laughing...
The Toady Game Show appears to be as active as ever...*beams...
As fast as the GameWrecker enables AdBlock, it would appear to be disabled again. If this silliness cheers Bali for even a second, who am I to grumble...*laughing...Desperate times?
It must be years since the online locals were first introduced to our extreme tardishness, and it is amazing that my lack of IT skillz is still of any interest whatsoever...! Certainly says something about the lives of the IT friendly does it not? *grins and belches...
The GameWrecker tells me that our City Treasurer (mentioned in the previous blog), has now been elevated to the position of Assistant City Manager...*falls over laughing...
Does the Town Clerk assume this will give some credibility to the lies fed the Press regarding the deliberate power and water wastage? He has to be kidding! Quite the opposite in fact, and it tends to reveal even further, the cronyism and nepotism that infests our Municipality...*hawks..
A big thumbs down then, to Herr Doktor Sutcliffe's latest peurile efforts at a cover-up...
Assistant City Manager/City Treasurer Krish Kumar, gave a figure of a whopping 36% water losses. Totally unsurprising when you study my pictures taken, just in and around the Zone. In fact, I would say the figure is much higher.
What does Missus Microwave Boffin think when she reads these lies in the press? I always thought her to be as straight as a die, and am frankly surprised she has not penned a letter to the Editor on the matter....
After all, she certainly can't have missed the steady runoff from Naroth's property going right down past her front gates for months? *baffled...
That the authorities are very aware of this particular runoff, is shown clearly in my photo of the pipe on the verge, chugging out water, while reflected in the GameWrecker's side-mirror is one of three Water Dept. bakkies that arrived to surround us as I was taking the photo. Classic!
The series of dated photos taken subsequently, on a fairly regular basis, prove that nothing has been done to stem the flow...*bares it's teeth...
This scenario is being played out everywhere I go so, little wonder that Mistuh Kumar arrived at that huge water-loss figure...*spits...
Tis the sheer gall of these official Press releases, and the ensuing silence from people I consider to sit in the Camp of the Good that puzzles me...
They cannot all have signed Official Secrets Acts surely? What is the wondrous knowledge that keeps them all so quiet when they read the Party lies? *curious....
I noticed the big orange signal enhancer activated in the belltower of the convent church early this morning...*shrugs...
May I request that a special effort be made to find Basil's stolen white Jetta, and the sooner the better?
The poor bloke must be utterly drained by the time our Thursday morning shopping trip is over... He does inspire me to greater heights though, and I find myself doing things I might have balked at, were it not for him riding shotgun unknowingly...*cackles...
So, the sooner he has his own wheels back, the sooner he can escape from my relentless yammering....*grins...
If the theft of his little car was organised, you may find this is yet another case of the Corrupt shooting themselves in the foot.... Who knows, I may even persuade the man that I am not totally barmy after all....(given enough time heheh)...
Today's highlights...hmmm.... Getting a second chance at educating a shop owner.
Getting a closeup, taken in Michan Road itself, of No. 32's amazing backdoor light, active at 11.22am.
This streetlight, groaning with accessories, and on at 11.09am down Hugo Road...*grins...
Though the enormous runoff on the corner of Raftery Cres. and Sparks Road appears to have stopped, don't be fooled. The gutter is wet still, each time I drive by,and water is still clearly being run off overnight.
It appears that No. 35 Sparks Road has picked up the baton anyways, as you can see here by their large runoff...
Where Ferris Road joins St. Theresa's Road, bears a closer look as well - check out this river of water....*gags...
The biggest deliberate wastage I saw, has to be heading down Sparks Road just beyond Raftery towards the City... As the water covers the entire road from island to pavement, it is hard to pinpoint the source but these pictures may convince you that this is no tiny stream...*sighs...
Sutcliffe will soon be heading in your direction with Assistant Kumar hard on his heels.... They will be waving big sticks and carrying sacks to hold YOUR hard earned cash and you will dutifully pay up, or have your water and power shut off... A failsafe scam wouldn't you say? *cackles...
I pulled in to the Hall grounds to take a closer look at a Telkom bakkie parked there.
I got chatting to this young man who has confused me even further...*grins..
He was from the Merebank Depot FFS! The other end of the world. Whether deliberately obtuse or genuine, he said that he didn't call these structures DSLAMs but UCFs....*dizzy...
where the copper ends and joins the fibre...*beams..
UCF - he said he didn't know what the acronym stood for, but clearly by then, his alarm bells were shrieking.... I guess United Copper & Fibre will do? *grins...
A plant? I don't think so, as he had no way of knowing I would pull in next to him as I headed home...*shrugs... Deliberately obtuse maybe...*nods..
I was sitting in the lounge at about 4.30pm when my teeth started to ache mightily and the usual heat and nausea kicked in.... Interesting to find when I went down the passage at 5.00pm this big wall light was already on, but my Master was only just pulling Kitt iii into his drive...
Nobody had been home up to that point, so he clearly activated them from elsewhere, and I had felt the results immediately....*beams...
The power went out neatly at 6.00pm as scheduled, and despite not a light to be seen, my teeth began aching even more and the heat, sitting here at the desk, was astonishing...
I have absolutely no explanation for this, but know that something is cranked up to the absolute maximum despite that I SEE nothing...*nods..
Strange how chatty fibre is.... when the power went out, there was a soft sort of thump in the passage....*laughing... along the lines of the strange noises apparently behind the monitor as Bali grovels about with the controls... What it is that makes these noises I don't know, but they can't be missed...*nods...
It may well be an area you will have to improve upon, for it is a dead give-away.
At 6.45pm I glimpsed a GateKeeper and his torch bobbing along by the orphanage foyer. I watched as the chopper made a second pass from the Microwave tower down to Howard College.
A north-easter has sent a band of clouds scudding down the horizon. Brickfield Road must have their power cranked up to make the clouds so bright... The moon isn't up yet, but little Kellogg has started it's miserable howling nonetheless..
I bet you can treble the earache and toothache that furball is experiencing right now...*shrugs...
Strange how the parents of kids bordering this valley shrug off these happenings with such ease...Kerching? *puzzled...
Missus Courageous came in and left again with the kids. My Master? Who knows? He may have cadged a lift to a chommies place, or been dropped off at the Hill, or even lurking next door in der bunker *shrugs...
Friday 25th at 4.00am:
The power was restored at 8.00pm and not 8.30pm as scheduled...*grins... The GameWrecker says he heard that Eskom will probably not do blackouts next week...*falls over laughing and gives a toss either way....
My Master cuts off his nose to spite his face, and his helpers must be irritated in the extreme....*yawns....
A noisy scuffling rustle just below my wall as I was about to climb on the Orbitrek. It put both cats on the alert though didn't wake fat Sophie... It was too big to have been a passing dog and my next bet would be on the transvestite.
I put a pellet into the tree and carried on as usual. *shrugs...
Friday 25th April 2008 at 12.32pm