Friday, September 28, 2007

(begun Wednesday at 4.00am)
When I went up to open the gates yesterday at 5.00pm, My Hero was on his verge. Though he studiously avoided any eye-contact, he greeted me pleasantly enough before driving off...*shakes it's head...
He looked tired and middle-aged and I was struck by a feeling of sympathy.....*chokes...
I recovered quickly enough and decided it was merely a trick of the light...
My Master is just fine and dandy...*cackles...
He continues his meteoric rise up the ladder of Fame and fortune as always. Sure - I do think there may have been minor adjustments made, quite possibly due to my constant and ongoing yapping bark here on these pages... for this I will undoubtedly pay the price....*grins...
If nothing else, I have learned that Bali is utterly unforgiving - the concept of moving on is foreign to him, no matter what he may say elsewhere....*shrugs...
It is a shame but unsurprising... I am happily, free of any negative thoughts towards him and had he walked up to me yesterday and hugged me, I would have been utterly delighted...go figure....*smiles...
As I switched on the lamp after 4.00am this morning he noisily joined me...*beams..
Am I bad to so enjoy his company? As the GameWrecker appears to get deafer and slower each day - I enjoy the fact that a much younger person is so fascinated by this ancient toad?
I am comfortable to feed his perverted fetish and to share my home and every sound made therein with the Guy Next Door....*grins...
It thundered off and on during the night and there was no sign of the clouds lifting..
Today we decide whether Thomas lives or dies...
The vet has diagnosed Feline Aids ... as most of our other cats have succumbed to this disease, it comes as no surprise..
Between Sophie and Thomas, we have racked up nearly R700 in 3 weeks at the vet and if it is merely prolonging the inevitable, it is curtains for the grey one...*shrugs...
It is possible but unlikely, that the vet will say Thomas infection has miraculously cleared...
Before I move on, it is worth noting that on Wednesday, not long after the Heroic Pair had arrived home, I was treated to a Happy Family scenario staged uncharacteristically in their front garden. Whether for only 5 or 10 minutes is immaterial.
I'm betting the kids were even encouraged to USE the abandoned swing set? *doesn't wonder why, but keels over laughing instead....
Friday at 4.10am.
I am making heavy weather...*cackles...
A huge golden moon hung over the top boundary wall as I looked up from the kitchen window...Clear skies at last...
I did indeed have to take my leave of Thomas yesterday. Wallowing endlessly in sadness was not on the itinerary for the day, as I simply had too much to do...*shrugs...
At one point I stood next to my car at the Farmers Market,chomping chili-bites and enjoying the spectacle of the chopper going about its business. Round and round it circled and I guess Westville Girls High was connected up to the Grid amongst others....*beams...
I also sallied in to Mad Fronk's Plant Emporium to see if they'd found any more maimed frogs...they hadn't...*sigh...
After coffee and a good many laughs I finally staggered home...
Later in the day I nipped over to St. Theresa's and was lucky to find Sipho the 'driver' in the Parking lot as I arrived...*cackles...
I gave him the photo enlargement I'd had done earlier and then delivered a load of magazines to Sister Yvonne...*smiles...
The brief chats I have with the Good Sisters are often invaluable sources of information..
That Sister Yvonne was also bewildered by the strange metal bars put on all the orphanage windows, was indeed interesting..
She said twice that they had no choice but to move with the times..but she clearly didn't believe their function was to prevent the children from escaping....
As I have established that that is the building that sleeps and houses the very youngest of the orphans, it is little wonder that the Sister appeared quietly puzzled about the bars...(see pics)
She too, knows nothing of the Wimax Project....odd?
Now Sipho on the other hand.....*falls over cackling....
At 5.00am this morning as I walked on the verandah, the Law clattered over the Convent towards Brickfield Road with its searchlight blazing.... it then circled round over Sparks Road...*applauds...
Did Jackie Selebi step out of line? Does his clear fall from Grace involve the Big Brother scheme or had he simply outlasted his usefulness? *looks at der Kommissar....
Not yet? I have high hopes in that department, but understand fully that there is a great deal more linking up to be done before true acclaim and visible rewards can be handed out....*waits with growing anticipation....
Was it this past Tuesday between 6-7am that a chopper buzzed the valley repeatedly and so theatrically? Several times coming so low that our windows rattled?..*grins...
I was not inclined to run outside and wave at the time, but remained seated at the PC, remarking online on each pass they made....*cackles...
There are many lurkers in the Channel and one or two may well have been interested...*beams...
I was fortunate to be given the name of the new owner of No. 25 Harris Crescent at last. Hopefully Tristan Govender can be persuaded to join our CPF...*grins...
At 10.00am the chopper was back and circling over the Convent once more before heading off into Sydenham...
Does it make a bee-line to St. Anne's? The Convent's sister church over by Randles Road? Does St. Anne's house orphans as well?
Has that establishment also been fitted out with bars and scaffolding to the bewilderment of its occupants?
With huge new aerial/lights and special conductive finishes? *vomits...
The greed displayed by the so-called Trust Committee managing these Catholic churches, is frankly disgusting... Like pigs at a trough they were easily persuaded by the glib, to swallow the proffered carrots...
Who exactly heads this Trust Committee and can they be connected in any way to Earl Barnabas? Interesting...
Could the bright new spark so hastily imported from Pietermaritzburg, Cncllr. Alex Christians enlighten us at all? *cackles...
Glen Agliotti - hands up those of you that have met him socially? Does he too take orders from Koobair or is that a laughable suggestion? They must surely have a fairly decent working relationship?
Quite frankly, if Koobair and Telkom are assisting Mr. Agliotti, I don't see him spending any time behind bars at all... You can bet that he will be sold information that will save his hide.
Not so with Shabeer Shaik..hmm.. are you SURE he is not coming and going freely from his cell these days? *cackles... he too has way too much information to feel the full weight of the law..
Once the true Big Brother scheme (which is being piggy-backed so neatly into homes and businesses via Telkom's unsuspecting Wimax Trialists) is in place country-wide, the fun is really going to start...*chortles...
Already chaos is the order of the day in the matter of Selebi, Pikoli and Zuma...
10.30am and there go the Boys in blue yet again...*grins...
Does Selebi know enough about the Telkom/Govt/Eskom Big Brother Project to be a threat? Or has he already been bought off and this is all merely posturing for the Media?
That this so Grand and Corrupt Scheme probably originated with one nose-picking Telkom tecchie is quite astounding...*falls over laughing...
Friday 28th September 2007 at 1.22pm