Friday, July 06, 2007

(begun Saturday at 3.55am)
They are pushing the signal over into Mayville as I write. The ensuing canine protest was in full cry as the system was activated. Even little Spotty down at No. 2, forgot he was supposed to be used to it by now...*shakes its head...
Do the Rose Ave/Barnard Road residents hear the dogs dismayed reaction? Probably not, as the noise settled down fairly quickly... Hopefully, it is an experience they Will eventually learn to accept without complaint.
The backlash from yesterdays blog, was, as is becoming more frequent, unoriginal but effective...*grins....
Using a similar theme to last week's tired and frequent disconnects, my Master merely set our PC to run at a quarter it's speed. *smiles...
Though the signal reads 100%, Error 404, pages not loading or taking forever... everything working but in extreme slow motion. It may just as well be the disconnects he uses....*laughing...
Reminding readers yesterday, of those heady days when Mweb was our server, merely served to draw out those still smarting from the experience years later....*smiles...
I've little doubt that Captain Courageous played his part yesterday by whipping them to a frenzy...*cackles...
When I was finally able to lurch into efnets #trivia, it became fairly obvious that I was to be smacked, and hard.....
As the whole experience of Bali's involvement in the Mweb saga, plays such an integral part in showing his utter lack of responsibility, I fail to see how I can avoid returning to it....*shrugs...
At some point last night he passed his channel nick to ....whom? The weasel? and the Courser bakkie swept off the property on an errand.... *laughs...
I repeat, old, tired and lame but effective...*grins..(that last remark could almost fit me like a glove...haha).
Unable even to access my blog, it had pretty much the same effect as the disconnects last week..*applauds...
Thrilled with his own success, there is little doubt that this particular form of abuse will continue....After all, he can argue that he is not disconnecting us totally...*grins..
It matters not - for every abusive upgrade, I polish my Noddy Badge, and KNOW I have made headway...*beams...
On the strange matter of the Parks wekkers being dropped off across the way last week. Where they busied themselves out of sight on the steep hill for some days?
It has been well over a week since any rain has fallen and yet the ground at the foot of that steep bank has grown visibly soggier as days pass....
I watched in amazement yesterday in the late afternoon sun, as a flock of mynahs happily bathed in what was by then, pools of water...*chuckles...(see pics)
So - the Parks droogs had been clearing a channel or even laying some sort of crude pipe down from the Senior Boys Hostel to facilitate further deliberate run-offs?
So much water has been wasted, that the ground is now saturated and forming little lakes...
If there is NO risk involved in this so dodgy project - why do the run-offs at all? *puzzled..
Each surged and resulting burst pipe, and every so visible, water wastage, merely confirms my insistence that a huge cock-up was made in the latter half of 2005 for which innocent victims are paying the price...*shrugs...
To waste so much water on such a vast scale, certainly indicates that someone out there considers the EMF levels to be risky.
The huge and noisy run-off done by the Heroic One overnight last Saturday. The one he waited so eagerly for me to blog? *falls over.... Backwashing your pool right mon Capitano? *watches Bali's nose grow at least another inch.....
Now 5.30am:
As I walked on the verandah just after 5.00am, I was treated to a fleeting glimpse of a GateKeeper bumbling around by the big orange light below the Senior Boys Hostel.
Only a terse flash on the gumtrees at about 5.10am. How are they coping? It must be exhausting right there next to the Freeway, with the huge dump trucks so often making a din... I hope that promises are kept, and that little family have only happiness ahead...*beams at Dilshaad....
The Servant's Quarters at the Orphanage were having a lie-in this morning? There had been a huge orange AND a huge white coming from that direction last week. The chopper too was very busy yesterday and again last night.
Is there an AirWing chopper in your area? One that returns regularly to make passes over the houses? If so, there is the probability that your Neighbourhood has finally been linked to the Muni's grandiose Data-Theft Scheme.... the Beast is with you!....*cackles wildly...
PS Ive just logged on to do this blog and found the Captain delighted to see me...the speed is back to normal, at least until I have published the blog....*smiling...
Saturday 7th July at 6.21am