Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Did I flush out some long forgotten faces with my previous blogs' trip down Memory Lane or what?! *laughing.......
I have the distinct feeling many would prefer me not to remind them of those worrying days but hey...bite me why dont you?
The very first forum I ever struggled to use was the charming Sunflower's and even all those years ago, it was used to send me succinct messages... *beams at the fiery calliope...
Of the posters, I dont remember much except there was this one guy who always reminded readers that he was vertically challenged and that he enjoyed a round of golf. Weird the things that actually stick in this pointed head of mine but this chap sounded so pleasant and well...normal. When the crud starting hitting the fan I recall screaming for him to intervene on my behalf on my original blog run in Outlook Express.
A naive plonker I was and surely will remain heheh....
So...whats potting in Sherwoods WirelessLand? Thankfully nothing much at least down this end. Choppers are still scarce and I imagine working flat out in other distant areas.
The convents Rec. Centre has had an orange light activated for the past two nights. My electricity dips continue but I still look at the Captains wheels askance as the cause of that.....
And yes, the Captain heard correctly the other evening when the GameWrecker finally conceded that he could see 2 sensor lights on Bali's streetlight pole, on a photo I had taken. Wunderbar! Once again though, it proves nothing but merely gives me great pleasure to have visible proof for my photo album.
I figure that Cassim's elderly retainer, Gladys, will be the next statistic to go down.
I did say I was keeping a list that will hopefully cover the start up in 2004 of these covert tests by the Municipality and of how many people croak over a period of time?
All or none of the deaths/illnesses may be connected to the EMF levels in the valley during specifically 2005/2006 - who knows....
Basil reported that old Gladys was very ill in hospital with cancer though Dilshaad found that amusing and said it was incorrect and they had retired Gladys who had asthma... either way, I'm betting the Munis system didnt help her at all.
In the spirit of sharing our private lives as dear Bali has done with mine for so long, and I now do with his.......
The Captains faithful domestic, Elizabeth, who was also retired in December due to pregnancy (a condition she flatly denied), has been replaced by a most charming young lady.
I'm guessing that her very cheerfulness and amiability will cost her the job quite shortly. She certainly doesnt conform to what I imagine the NIA (*chokes) rules advocate and that will never do will it mon Capitan? Prove me wrong I beg you.....
Tweedledum and Tweedledee over in efnet (diehard groupies of Captain Courageous'), resorted rather desperately to their "I am an Indian/I am of colour" routine again the other day. Only worth a mention here for the hilarity it causes me..
I can only imagine that a large part of Bali's successful smear campaign was based on the race-card. *laughs......
Ive certainly been known to say some truly silly things in the past but nope, I decline to wear the racist dress whether provable or not. Actions speak louder than words and unlike the BB UK's truly scary Jade, I am totally comfortable with ALL colours.
Its not colour but corruption that irks me dear boy, remember?
So if the Oily Twins remarks are indeed related to your efforts then I feel I have made headway somewhere along the line heheh.... the loss of face in the m-web drama perhaps?
In a complete panic at the time you clutched at straws and used race as the hardest thing to prove or disprove? certainly bears your signature style about it.....
and in similar vein..... it is weird how nearly all pretense at friendliness by Missus Courageous has stopped since my blog is now widely read.
She is too busy now to make random calls to me 'just to chat'? *falls over laughing.....
Ironic to think that one of her first calls was to fill me in on the perils of prevarication - but since speaking the truth here in public I am now considered persona non grata? Heh - hopefully tis just another misconception on my part and things will eventually improve..
After all, the Captain's obsession with every facet of my daily life has certainly led directly to wondrous changes in My attitude. A fact that I will always be grateful for no matter what may come.
The rather amateurish notice tacked up hastily on Captain Courageous lightpole... hmm.. interesting... are they coming to replace your windowframes or are they merely covering the really visible activated sensor on the pole from toadarazzis camera lens? Whatever.....*grins and shuffles off singing.... they call him Fliiiippper....
Tuesday 7th February 2007 at 1.17pm

PS. OOer! Our doorbell at the top rang all by itself a bit earlier this evening... been happening quite a bit lately *chuckles.... I pay it no mind at all as it just makes me smile.... and the chopper went over at about 8.30pm... they must be aware that I miss them heheh.... the Senior boys Hostel over at the convent wins the Light Up the Sky competition this week. Whoa it looks stunning!!!
