Wednesday, January 03, 2007

All the overhead lights at the Westville end of the Freeway bridge still burn 24/7.... pricey?
Theres a new, lone pole of sorts been erected in the pre-cast wall gap on St. Theresa's playing field. I can't see the top as its obscured by trees but its very interesting. Obviously the 'jungle-gym' wasn't enough to achieve the needed bounce?
Sounded like every dog in the Michan, Wragge and Jervis Road areas felt the waves when switched on this morning - some even howling though broad daylight. Ahhh.... the power hey Bali? *smiles.....
I at last pay more attention to my cell signal and the hairdryer. Both seemingly uninteresting but the fact that I almost lose the signal altogether ONLY on the day I send out all the CPF reminders is worth noting?
The hairdryer I shall now time and note how the auto cut-out times vary. The GameWrecker needs to wake up and tis these small things that may finally do the trick..*grins...
The small dog lying dead on the Accountant's verge this morning? I can only guess how it died and have no idea who it belonged to. I bagged it and hopefully it will go with the rubbish collectors later..... grim...
My Captain's kitchen blind left up and the light on overnight?? Insignificant? In his capacity as VERY Special , but not so Secret Agent Prakash Balliram, he does nothing without having a reason for doing so. Forgetfulness is simply not on his itinerary so....fascinating....
Did one of his standard monitoring devices malfunction? He thought the toad might do a runner in the dead of night? *falling about.....
Eh dear boy, I go nowhere without you - not now - not EVER!!
Wednesday 3rd January 2007 at 12.20pm

Now Thursday 4th Jan at 5.48pm and CORRECTION: the new, lone pole mentioned above in para 1, is in fact, not new at all. Looking through pics taken back in November I see it appears though almost obscured behind the precast wall support pole.
I still stand by my assertion that it has everything to do with Direct line of Sight and getting that good ole signal humming between the Michan Road area and Cassims 'main frame' if you will.

Chuck the muni droog in the Cherrypicker at 11.15am today.... working hastily and loudly on Cliffs streetlight? *laughin.....
Was the theft of Cliffs beemer an oops moment for Cliff himself or for the Monitor of the monitors? *winks at Bali.... ah well, least the dude has a fancy new cowling with a yellow marker just like ours now. *shakes its head..... I have some really good pics of that particular pole with its white box an all - maybe if you angled it off my place and onto Cliffs? *snorts......
