Saturday, February 01, 2014

For my sins...
(begun Saturday 1st February at 5.06am..)

Edit at 5.15pm Sunday:  It would appear that our quite possibly soon-to-be-relocated Area Controller, Collin P. Balliram, has seized upon this latest update as a fine opportunity to once again put the boot in.
At 4.09pm this afternoon I sent an sms to our Superintendent of Electricity for Durban, Allen Spence, and it said:  "Was my update today on the money? Hours long ache to the jaw and neck now includes ear + temp indoors has risen steadily since midday.  Are you touched by Ballirams loyalty?  Jane  Sent at 4.09pm"
Over an hour later and there's been no lessening of the horrendous levels operating in our home.  You may draw your own conclusions...

I'd been up and about for just ten minutes, when I'd felt the gusher soaking my top and running down my back.. It's been a while since last we flooded like that, but I take it pretty much in my stride...
Stupid must pay for Stupidity, and these messy setbacks are to be expected now and then, whether they occur naturally or whether that abomination is jabbed at remotely, to set it off...
I'm vaguely amused by the idea that many of you still consider that much of what I tell you is little more than imaginitive rubbish, and can't possibly be true...  Will you remember me ten or twenty years from now, or for that matter, five minutes after you've exited this update?  Hardly likely...

The self-confessed and confirmed Dimwit doomed/priviliged to experience every aspect of this astounding and deadly technology, yet without the credibility to convince you of it's existence... Should the penny ever drop and you get to sample first-hand what it's like to be on the receiving end of these less-than-heroic laser-wielding quantum 'soldiers', will you have a flashback and hear my echoing shrieks in your empty heads, 'I TOLD you so?'
Chances are that if you unwittingly offend just one of your neighbours in a conversation held in the privacy of your own home, that is overheard by a nearby Monitor, that the entire pack of recruits on that stretch will band together to do their utmost to cause you misery..
Don't always think the worst? How glibly does that trot from your tongue to make me heave?

She'd finally messaged me yesterday to suggest I go to her husband's FB page and send him a Friend request.  Would you be surprised to learn that there was no such option available, and that once again I had to resort to messaging his Other Folder?  I went back to her and asked that instead, he Friend me, but there's been a stony silence since then...
Despite that his name is on that document, I seriously doubt he was the author of that eight-page rant, and figure he was merely doing the whistleblower a favour by posting it on durbanite...
I sat down yesterday late afternoon and read it through, and I wondered again whether Sutcliffe's threats had culminated in some sort of kiss and make-up truce between him and the writer of that diatribe...
It's eight foolscap pages long, and I've an idea I'm not going to be able to convert the document to Word, in which case it could be a while before I'm able to share it with you...

LATER at 9.25am

It must have been around 8.30am when that gigantic jumbo did it's ponderous turn over Sydenham this morning.. Just practising landings and take-offs from King Shaka?  You think?  I'm not so sure at all...
We'd had a pleasant evening in front of the box last night, and I'd been remarkably pain-free once I'd shut the window and switched off the wall plug nearest me...
I'd been about to heave myself out of my chair around 9.30pm and head for bed, when one of my Shift Monitors had seen fit to nail me hard in the fatty tissue next to my knee, and I'd cursed out loud before I could stop myself... I can tell the difference between their careless cruelty and a savage making-a-point hit, and this was most definitely the latter... Less than ten minutes later I'd been in the kitchen in time to hear a car toot and pull away nearby... A visitor of yours?  Someone you couldn't resist treating to a display of your prowess?  

More boring whines from a professional grumbler?  The idea is to report ad nauseum on the quality of the characters recruited to the quantum laser neighbourhood armies, and to question just how you picture these unfortunate puppets could ever contribute to a happy future for all...
I continue to come up with a blank, but possibly one of the many intellectuals who surround me could provide us with a plausible explanation?

Sunday 2nd February at 5.05am.

I just took a dump in the murky grey pre-dawn light, and I swear to you that I'd not been perched on the throne for even a minute, when Someone had tried to render my right hand useless by setting it on fire.. Awkward.... Whoever it was had run out of time, and I'd managed just fine, although the dodgy handle on the cistern let me down and I'd had to fetch a bucket of water to flush...

Was he your first, Mistuh Spence?  *studies the Superintendent of Electricity for Durban.. Was the Sydenham Druglord's candidate for the position of Area Controller for the Smart City Project trials your very first pupil?   You continue to have a soft spot for him, despite that he's brought your 'baby' into such disrepute?  How're your memory banks doing after all this time?  Can you still recall back to November 15th, 2005, and what had happened here in your 'trial' zone?
Come on Al, I could understand if your head was somewhat cooked due to the nature of your work, but I'd find it hard to believe you could've wiped out the events of that day, no matter how many times you've repeated that farce across the city?
I'd only heard about it myself, months later, but for some reason I'd connected it to your operations immediately.

Were you and Collin P. Balliram actually communicating with each other when my friend down at No. 4 had keeled over like that?  Although I doubt very much that the visuals were up and running way back then, I'd have to guess you only heard about it yourself sometime later?  That my good friend Basil Arendse had gone down like a stone as he worked out in his front yard, oblivious to the fumblings taking place between the Barnard Road cellmast and his own streetlight?
Had you needed reassuring at the time, that the incident could never be traced back to you or the Smart City operations, or had you found the whole thing amusing right away?
Fast forward to exactly one month later on 15th December 2005, and it's occurred to me to wonder whether your Agent at No. 6 actually called you to say that Basil was back working outdoors in the identical spot you'd felled him before...

Had you then deliberately activated whatever it was that had achieved those stunning results the month previously, purely in the interests of running further tests?  Had your protege at No. 6 actually been watching Basil at the time, and had said to you that the fellow had collapsed for a second time?  On both occasions they'd had to rush him to hospital and drain the fluid that had somehow accumulated round his brain, and miraculously, he'd survived unscathed, apart from those two traumatic experiences.....
So ja - Was there any remorse on your part at the time?  So much as one iota of guilt, or was the Project Author's character assessment spot-on and you felt nothing, apart from vague amusement at the chap's predicament?
As an aside, I saw that Marburg had made it into the press again sometime last week, though I can't recall the reason, only that it had been a clear indication that the fibre cable layers are in that area...

I'd bet that for a while at least, you never gave that family another thought after they'd been forced to relocate from No. 4 to that little hamlet down the South Coast?  It may be however, that down the line you were also involved back when my friend and I had been chatting on the phone sometime after they'd moved, and she'd casually mentioned that she could see a Telkom tech up their nearest streetlight pole?  Had you been working with those techs at the time, to ensure their line was intercepted, despite their distant location?
She and her adult son were hit the hardest once you'd set up the Smart City surveillance technology here in the Crescent in 2005... Never mind that you'd nailed Basil twice, those two were diabetics, and had borne the brunt of Agent Balliram's fumblings over the powerlines, had they not?
In her case it had initially been the Hand on Fire that had caused her countless nights of agony...

Funny enough, one of the tricks that was employed twice as I lay on my bed last night.. Once at 1.35am, and again at 4.35am... Despite the pain and the sensation that my hand will spontaneously burst into flames at any moment, the knowledge that it's being engineered deliberately makes it fairly easy to deal with, although it's attempted re-introduction as I'd perched on the loo at 5am was, even for your favourite Entertainment Manager, a pretty low blow?

LATER at 6.25am

Is the study of quantum physics part of the requirements towards obtaining an Electrical Engineering certificate?  Would our Allen Spence have come to know and admire the illustrious eggheads up at UKZN, long before he was employed by the Municipality?  Has he gone on to become a personal friend of Francesco Petruccione, just as his Mentor Sutcliffe considers himself to be?
So tellus Al - As a highly intelligent Intellectual, when they first gave you the outline of the plan to control the country, were you sceptical?
To get Mo Shaik and his cronies to select some of the most notorious Druglords and Crime Bosses across the land, and to deliberately hand them control of this astonishing technology?  Did anyone actually spell the Plan out for you?

That the remarkably sophisticated monitoring devices, combined with the interception of both landlines and cellphones, were to be used to AID the Crime Bosses to kick off what was to become a tsunami of mayhem and murder, in order to ultimately persuade Joe Public that the loss of his privacy was a small price to pay in return for a crime-free country?  A line that had worked like a charm for your Marketing and Promotions Manager, Michael Barnabas, here in the Zone..
Playing on the beliefs of the many Devout, that 'born-again' hypocrite had both St. Theresa's orphanage and St. Philomena's home wired up as mini wireless base stations in a trice, had he not?

It's my dumbass curiosity that has me now standing in the dwang up to my eyeballs?  Rubbish.   I'm no more than an insignificant amusement set up in this out-of-the-way backwater, to entertain the quantum 'warriors' as they invisibly invade the nearby homes...
Is the deadline being met?  Were the Men in Black suitably impressed by the speed of the installations in the area, or did they fly off home rolling their eyes and shaking their heads?
I'd have to guess they were delighted on the whole, by the ongoing engineered mischief and misery being played out in every province across the country, and that they were licking their collective lips at the glimmer of light on the horizon...
Will the achievement of their goal include keeping you in the ranks of the Elite? Where do you actually live Al? And how do you avoid your own nieghbours from noticing visible signs of your wealth and affluence?
Have they flown you and your family over to the States yet, to shower you with praise and gratitude, or am I giving you more credit than you deserve?

Take care and


Sunday 2nd February 2014 at 8.01am.