Friday, January 24, 2014

The Devil makes work....
(begun Thursday 23rd January at 5.20am..)

A quickie before I forget... It had been around 1pm yesterday, when I'd looked up out the window at the Operative's now regularly left-standing-open gates, in time to see a big fellow walk in off the verge.. He was wearing a hat, and he'd put his heavy toolbox down with a thump.
Five minutes later I'd taken another look.  This time there were two of them.  The big guy appeared to have swopped his hat for a beanie, and was up a ladder working on the gate motor, while the other simply stood and watched me...  I fetched the camera, took a picture, and gave them the thumbs up as you do... Hardly worth the mention?
Well, that depends... When that large fellow walked through the gates, I could've sworn it was the very same Telkom tech who'd arrived last Wednesday 15th January at 2pm, to have a second go at restoring our landline..  Nope, I didn't get his name, and it wasn't Siyabonga.. This other dude had told us the wires had been cut on the box up in the Parkland, and that he'd had to sort out Balliram's landline the day before, and now here he was again, working on the GATE MOTOR?
WTF have those gates got to do with the telephone and Balliram's connection and control of everything in our home, including the interception of cellphone calls and landline calls?  Everything?  Looks like I was right in my claims that those befokte gates are involved in a great deal of the pain I endure, after all...

LATER at 4.30pm

Today, the area chosen for attack turned out to again be the lymph glands on my neck, alternated with the BackFire frequency..
I've a notion to ask young Professor Leonard Els why he would cheerfully send me photos of what I presume must be his own garden in Sleepy Hollow, where the air is filled with the product of Stefanus Roux and Francesco Petruccione's wondrous quantum laser surveillance technology...
Has that kind young man been misled, or is it simply that as a part of the Elite, the inside of his own home won't ever be bombarded with the fluctuating levels of power, as the plug points are accessed, and he and his family will never provide targets for his neighbourhood monitors?

Something that will only happen to those residents deemed to be at the bottom of the food-chain?  Funny how, once I'd met him personally, I'd found him to be a kind and compassionate person, and yet in retrospect, there's a chance that he suffers from the Intellectual's pet hate? An in-built loathing for STUPID, so entrenched that he considers people like myself deserve all they get?
Early on I'd noted that he was anti- the erection of masts at schools, and yet I find that astonishingly at odds with his support for the quantum laser/wifi technology...

The unpleasant stabbing aches and pains I've endured so far today, have all been concentracted on the right side of my face, fillings, ear and neck... and when I push the area just under my ear, on my neck, I find the source of that discomfort straight away... As I'd happily consumed a bucket-load of icecream and a tall glass of iced water earlier today, without any reaction whatsoever from my fillings, would young Leonard venture to guess what it could be that's causing the problem?  Despite that I'm a confirmed ignoramous, I will say loud and clear that it's wireless..
Wireless that's being deliberately aimed at that specific area in copious amounts, on and off during the day...
Is Professor Els, like so many of his peers, so blown away by this near-alien technology that he would happily overlook the obvious?  That in the hands of the corrupt this 'pefectly safe' technology is proving to be a deadly weapon, albeit targeting those that the young man might be inclined to think deserve no better?

LATER at 5.10pm

And just like that, the pain in my fillings and neck was gone.. *poof!*   I checked out the window and sure enough, Operative Balliram's blue Beemer has since disappeared... There's still a faint background ache and pressure in that ear, but for the most part that lymph gland assault has left for the moment, no doubt to be replaced by the fire on my back, in anticipation of the second daily Bathtime Matinee...
Turns out I'm as good as any canary, Leonard... After nine years of being battered by the stupendous Smart City quantum laser technology, I'm able to feel in an instant which wireless weaponry is being employed, although the names I give them will bear no resemblance to the codes that you and your colleagues use...  As much as I feel I could be put to work in a useful manner, with my *coughs* special skills, would your friend Francesco rather choke on his own vomit that concede that there is an extremely dangerous aspect to this technology..

Will your children have your genes and turn out to be bright as buttons, and as such, a part of the Elite?  What if, godforbid, one of them should be affected by the technology and turn out a vegetable?  Do you seriously think that those at the top of this New World Order would have any sympathy whatsoever for the unfortunate child?
I speak of things so dark that it seems the majority prefer to shrug them off as insane ramblings, and yet it's happening here, and it's happening now...

Friday 24th January at 5am..

Yeah, it's a late start for me this morning.. Seems I prefer watching the storm clouds out on the horizon to filling you in on some of yesterday's events, but I suppose it must be done..
My Watchers are waiting avidly to hear my version, and the abomination between my shoulder blades has already reached a slow burn...
It was like, wherever I went regularly on my Thursdays out, the Project installers were right behind me, to link those areas to the Grid..
It had begun with Ash's two print shops, one at Hofmyer Heights, and the other at Westville Checkers Centre, and had then gone on to include the Biscuit factory in Pinetown, and Sandy's Centre at the foot of Cowies Hill, that's just undergone a big upgrade, and is now wired to the hilt HERE..

As I somehow manage to break my fine gold chains on a regular basis (mostly gardening), I visit the manufacturing jeweller at that little centre every few months, to get them fixed, so it seemed to follow that those shops would eventually form a link in the chain...
Jimmy Bellow's Farmers Market?  More of the same ja, but even I was fairly startled at the extremes gone to, in that parking area outside of the clubhouse.. Lopping off all the branches that had provided shade for the vendors was really over the top, simply to monitor the idle chit-chat between the customers at that venue...
Yesterday I may have discovered just why quite such lengths have been gone to, and I have to chuckle at the apparent jumpiness of these pseudo-intelligence twerps.

I call her Missus MacGregor, for her strong Scottish accent... A brisk no-nonsense little lady who I sometimes chat to on a Thursday as we purchase our fresh veggies...  We were leaning over the cauliflowers together yesterday when I'd casually said to her that I had understood from previous conversations that her husband was some sort of engineer, and she'd said no, he was a physicist..  Had she told me that before, and I'd simply forgotten about it?
You want serendipity?  I'll give it to you in spades... I'd reacted in my usual dumb-ass fashion by saying that the quantum laser surveillance technology was all that I wrote about.. Want to know what she'd said in reply?  That 'people tend to worry too much about surveillance, and that it's always been around, and as the technology improves, so it will be employed...' Hell, if you're that interested, you could always ask the Chirpster to get you a transcript of the conversation we had, and listen to it for yourselves... Let's gloss over the idiotic and garbled protests I'd tried to make to her, and cut to the chase...
Her husband is a semi-retired Professor Emeritus of the Physics Department at UKZN, and I would guess that he's as much invested in the quantum laser/wifi Project as his colleague, Francesco Petruccione...

Did it occur to these eggheads that in the hands of criminals this advanced technology could cause massive devastation?  Did it occur to these learned scientists that it would in fact initially be handed over to some of the most callously corrupt individuals in the country, to be employed as an aid to the organised crime teams set up to do just that?  Organise befokte crime, designed to terrorise the population into accepting the loss of their right to privacy and good health, willingly?
That leaving your French doors open on a sweltering evening can now be noted by your neighbourhood Monitor two doors down, who will make a quick call, in order that a bunch of armed thugs may burst into your home within the next half hour?

That the tracking device hidden in your vehicle during it's last service will allow the Monitors to follow you across the airwaves to your destination, and once parked (as in the case of the young DA councillor for Ward 31), a call may be made to the Project stooge at the Centre's Security team, who will get the guard nearest that vehicle to damage it, or have the vehicle either stolen or broken into?
None of this deliberate skullduggery will effect the Einsteins up at UKZN, or even give them pause for thought, and I believe I've already blogged the probability that they will to a man, be enraptured and enchanted by the scientific possibilities now available to them, to the exclusion of rational thought..
Do you really think this elite group of eggheads are going to concern themselves in any way with what's happening on the ground, underneath the blanket of spheres, to the masses that will ultimately be under the control of a One World Order Elite? Not a chance..

LATER at 9.45am..

I'd walked into the kitchen at 5.40am this morning, to be met by a high-pitched whine.. I tracked it easily to the wall switch behind the kettle, and noted that the switch was off, just as I'd left it last night...
At this point I'd like to express my total disgust at the concentrated assaults on the lymph glands below my right ear... It's certainly no error, but a deliberate and determined effort to do me a mischief.. At the very least this attention could result in an abscess in my metal teeth, and at worst, a cancer on my neck...
Whatever it was that had your Operative's gates being fiddled with on several occasions recently, it's clearly not been to my benefit at all...


Friday 24th January 2014 at 10.59am.