Sunday, December 08, 2013

(begun Monday 9th December at 4.35am..)

It's always interesting to see which script our Director of Entertainment will fall on next, in his failing efforts to amuse his jaded troops...
Saturday's eye-watering contribution made at 1.25pm, was singularly repellant, but I assume that when you're in a corner, anything goes?  As far as I can ascertain, he's chosen to go the Unsettling Sounds route, as a somewhat lighter, if effective means of raising a laugh or two among his butt-kissing acolytes...  Sadly, much of this mischief is wasted on me, as the noises he's creating are dumbed down dramatically due to the increasing damage he's done to my hearing...  The GameWrecker, you may recall, has operated on only one functioning eardrum since he was 10, when a bout of Scarlet fever did for one of his ears...

Still and all, the Scum had managed to have the dogs freak out at some point after I'd gone to bed last night.. I'd staggered out to see what the fuss was about and had found my old man, still up, peering out of the lounge windows in an effort to see the source of the noise both he and the dogs had heard.. Yeah, I'd also heard it, but to my damaged hearing it had been muffled and non-descript, and as it had appeared to come from the direction of No. 6, I'd not moved until the dogs had made a racket, and then only to reassure the GameWrecker that it was nothing to worry about...
This morning's theatrics were no less pitiful, and I'd already been half awake at 3.50am when the thump had sounded nearby, again from the direction of the Chickencoop..

I'd taken my time getting out of bed and had eventually come to sit here at the desk at 4.08am, when (in case I'd missed the previous effort?) another noise had been created in what appeared to be the passageway between the Bunker and our side wall...  At which point I'd picked up the pen and logged the possibility that my Controller was employing his maid's nimble roommate to create those interesting sound effects...
At 4.20am I'd been up and about by the kitchen, when Agent Balliram or one of his Monkeys had made the next contribution, and this time it was in our bathroom..
I recognised this one straight off as similar to the sound made when I rap my knuckles against the side of the empty Samsung washing machine that stands at the end of our bath... *yawns...

An appliance that if you recall, was delivered a whole day later than expected, by two pale but burly plainclothes cops, complete with some sort of booster monitoring device hidden in it's innards...
Once again the cheap goonda, with the help of his nearby elves, would unsettle the elderly, and once again it's a dismal FAIL...
After all, the ease with which these saddos bounce their signals to the enhancer points carefully dotted about our yard, to create the shrill chirrups and squeaks, would have me believe it's not that difficult to achieve a similar effect inside our home, using either the waterlines or the dobbed-up washing machine?

There was a time when I would've been bug-eyed at the cleverness of it all, but I find now that the ongoing physical cruelty has soured my innocence somewhat...
To achieve something as inane as the noisy gurgling whirpool created by the plug as I empty the bath, Someone has to be present in that little space, and their presence is accompanied by what I refer to as the BackFire frequency, which pain cancels out any delight I might find in these party tricks that so amuse my Master and his aides....
It's almost as if the Dark Man is trying to reassure his companions that he's only ever been up for a laugh, and is nothing like the brutal Beast I paint him to be... Again, too little, too late, and he is in fact the Ted Bundy of the airwaves...

LATER at 6.10am

Does Investigator247 get to critique our Area Controller's theatrical productions?  Is the Chirpster perhaps allowed to voice his opinions without fear of reprisal?  Is their input valued?  By now both of those young gentlemen are well aware that I may be silenced permanently with one or two well-placed remote whacks to my fat head, just as their colleage had demonstrated so neatly upon his own loyal dog... The animal suffered a cruel and agonising couple of months as he was steadily crippled and neglected by his owners, prior to being taken out the night before I was due to take him to the vet..
Am I to meet a similar fate, or do those two pillars of the Law continue to find my struggles sufficiently amusing as to insist that I'm kept running on the spot like a giant raddled cewpie-doll, who bounces back each time it's thumped to the ground?  Oh dear, that sounds suspiciously like a whine, so I'll move on...

*My, my, my.... I see this morning that the pink Error Saving bar at the top of the blogger page has been resurrected, and it bobs up repeatedly as my Shift Monitor shows off their dodgy skills...*
Yes, the Bulwer Safety Facebook page has been of some interest to me, if only because they provide a text-book copy of what our own Sector Policing Forum has endured from the mischief-makers..
Would the staunch Agent Burger prefer it if the Community sat back and did nothing at all but watch as their area falls into complete decay?
While I can fully appreciate her jaded but beautifully expressed sentiments, I'm baffled as to the purpose of that message... Hopefully it made a great deal more sense to many of the Intellectuals out there...

Was I surprised to read that Missus R was experiencing problems with her cellphone recently?  By now her Area Controller will own that device, and every call and sms will be intercepted and recorded. No, not because that well-intentioned lady is some sort of subversive, but because it's just the way things work when it comes to Sutcliffe's Surveillance Project...
I found yesterday that more than a few of that community have already had their immune systems compromised due to the increased amounts of unregulated wireless flooding the area, and that just as it was with my Vice Chair, it's the Throat Choker frequency that's doing the most damage...

Will Missus R be allowed to recover, or is she set to endure a miserable festive season with her spasmodic and violent dry-hacking ?  Will Neville or Carey go the same way, or are they for some reason exempt from the additional bursts of that particularly debilitating frequency being pumped into their homes?
Clearly there's a great deal of urgent whispering going on behind the scenes at the moment... Will it affect my regular visits to that Facebook page in any way, or will some of the sharper members sit up and recognize my attempts to help them?
You may remember the deliberate smear-campaign that was engineered to alienate my honourable VC from our Muslim community last year, and how badly that had failed?  I, on the other hand, have no credibility whatsover, let alone a brain, and if an attempt was made to somehow discredit me, it would be easily achieved..

Are any of those Bulwer FB members encountering odd joint pains? Tinnitus, perhaps?  Crazily fluctuating body temperatures?  Sudden violent headaches?  All symptoms that can safely be ascribed to the enormous jump in wireless levels in their neighbourhood, as the powerlines are accessed and homes are invaded by the invisible Project Monitors..
It wouldn't matter a jot were I to become persona non grata at some of the pages I enjoy visiting, as you all know where to find me if you're curious...
I'm hell-bent (ain't that the truth) on showing you the other side of the coin that passes for Sutcliffe's Smart City surveillance Project... What it's like to find yourself on the receiving end of this near-alien technology, and of the Thugs who control it...
You're a relatively new recruit, and you take offence at the mere suggestion you're a criminal?  Answer me this.  Did you not have to learn to hack into your neighbour's system as a pre-requisite to joining the ranks of the Project's quantum laser/wife computerised program?  You did indeed, and that in itself is a criminal act, no matter how you were told otherwise...
From there on it's downhill all the way, as you're encouraged to chip away at all your previously held moral beliefs and integrity...

LATER at 7.25am

Cheer up.  The sun's trying to break through the clouds above the valley, and it's bound to be an interesting day wherever you are..
Could anyone be more curious than I am, about the fellow who lives at No. 738 Jan Smuts Highway? Sean Findlay moved into Royce's house some years back, and it's still a mystery what he does up there.. I recall him telling me once on the phone that he owns a Security Company, but I'm willing to bet he's deeply involved in the surveillance Project as well..
We're having a little CPF social get-together next Friday the 13th, and if someone would like to nudge our Sean and tell him, he'd be more than welcome to pop in and say hi...

It was at one such function that the good-looking Rezah had come over to me and proceeded to tell me that he'd worked for Sentech and was over-qualified in his field as a Radio Frequency Engineer...Who knows but that young Sean could do the same, and regale me with tales of similar prowess?
I'm feeling nauseatingly cheeful just at this moment, and I'd hug you all, the Good, the Bad, and the Seriously Deranged, if only you had the stomach to stand still long enough..


Monday 9th December 2013 at 9.03am.