Monday, November 18, 2013

Things left unsaid..?
(begun Tuesday 19th November at 3.25am..)

Care to bet that Sutcliffe had checked out the author of the original so-called defamatory letter thoroughly, including their bank balance?  That once he'd established the writer was already scraping by financially, he'd chosen to go after the Editor of the Life & Style publication personally, instead?
I've no idea what was said in that missive to cause the belligerent ex-City Manager to go on the defensive, but judging by the insignificant insert in one of last week's newspapers, he may well be wishing he'd left it alone..
Was I disappointed to find that Mr. Charles had backed down and had proffered the required apology?  Hell no.  In my view it's just another nail in the already seriously tarnished Town Clerk's coffin.. Now if some kind soul would care to track down that original letter published in Life & Style, and put it where I can't help but see it, I'd be most obliged...

Why do I constantly resurrect that slimy little creep to these pages, when he's pretty much out of the picture these days?  Out of the picture se GAT, although maybe you've forgotten the leading role he played in bringing this city and it's suburbs to it's knees, while I most certainly haven't...
His legacy lives on through his so-called quantum laser/wifi surveillance system, and the fibre network he crows about occasionally...
Do Ms. Subban and Julie-May have days when they wish they'd never had anything to do with him?  Is our Jaquie still on sick leave, as she continues to dodge the allegations of fraud made against her?
Even Mike Sutcliffe would've had to tread warily when it came to the law suits he's so fond of employing.. For all his skills at degrading entire cities, he's now expendible, and if he steps out of line, he'll be more than just history.. Hoisted by your own petard there, Mikey?  Delicious....

So what happened yesterday morning?  I'd been allowed to post that picture of Sue the Book's kid early on, and I'd had none of the usual crap with the monitor not loading, so I'll have to surmise that my Controller was all for it?
When I'd said that the young lad was the most recent recruit to become fully integrated to the Yellow Army, I was referring to the in-your-face installation of THIS new light on a section of newly painted faschia board at No. 5, and certainly not to the amount of time he's had practising his laser skills in the homes nearby...
When did he first start sucking in his tummy as he dropped his boxers to take a shower?  When was he finally made aware that everything in that little cottage, both sights and sounds, are recorded for posterity?

As much as a year ago, when my allegations that No 5 had prior to that been employed like us, since 2005, to provide a Learning Centre for the rest of the Recruits in the area?  It was getting awkward, so why not turn the tables on the mouthy old cow and invite both the kid and my ex-Treasurer's eldest to join the Army, and put the kaibosh on the rumours? Neatly done.
Sour grapes?
I've already expressed several times on the mixed feelings I have regarding my own children's exclusion, quite possibly due to their mum's fat mouth, so ja, there'll be a bit of an unpleasant taste in my mouth for a while...
On the plus side, his enrolment will have made a world of difference to my friend, as the realisation that every unkind word and unnecessary snarl he makes, can now be shared by many, will have him treating her with a great deal more civility than she's used to.. (Ask me, I should know).

Did his basic training follow the same pattern used for the rest of them?  Once he'd passed the initial rite of illegally hacking into a neighbour's home (probably ours), did the flattery and promises of glory begin to come in thick and fast?  You have a flair for this, and could go on to be a really skilled Operator?  We'll see to it that you're given a decent job of sorts to keep the wolf from the door while you're training up?
The million-dollar question is, and always has been, just how much are these Recruits told, and how much is omitted from their Sales Pitch?
Has the lad been led to believe that Agent Balliram is in fact a good guy, after all?  Is he aware that even as he clicked on my Facebook page yesterday to check out his own portrait, the Chop at No. 6 would've been all over him?

Did the youngster feel a sudden ache in the shoulder that's been taking so much strain over the past five or six years?
See, our old friend Agent Balliram would've been more than just keen to capture the young man's reaction at that moment, and to use it to his own advantage... Has young Zane been coached to aim his laser at a point nearest our mouths once we begin to speak?  How many times has he missed in his enthusiasm, and gotten me or my old man straight in the eye?
When I suddenly clap my hand over my eye and curse out loud, is he hastily reassured by his Tutor that there's no lasting damage done, and that my cries of pain when the cancer on my back is targeted are nothing, and he should ignore them?

Have I not insisted from the getgo that in this Land of the Blind, Agent Balliram is the King?  That no matter what lies you're told, nothing has changed, and the ChickenKing at No. 6 still rules the roost?
See how easy it's been?
Put the youngster in a position where he simply has no forseeable future at all, and then go a-knocking at his door with a computer 'game' so advanced it would turn his life around before he could blink?
Chances are that by now he lives, eats and breathes this 'virtual' reality computer program, and that by posting his picture on my wall I've made it that much easier for him to shrug off his own missed shots..
That'll be about right, Agent Balliram?

And still the horror stories are coming in on Facebook, from Birdhurst Road in Cowies Hill..
What had I expected once Telkom's Missus had posted that one of her sons has recently moved to that area?  A sudden drop in crime, as he joined the fray over the airwaves out there?  A good guy, brought up with morals and a healthy respect for his fellow-man?  Will he pass on all that he sees in those homes as he heads out across the powerlines to invade unsuspecting resident's privacy, to his devoted papa? Or will he follow the unwritten rule that sharing with your old-school parents may upset their sensitive natures, and best to keep your experiences to yourself?

You can guarantee he's been persuaded that his participation in the Smart City Project can somehow make a difference for the better, and he'll easily ignore the health problems that may be triggered in the homeowners by his repeated visits over a target's powerlines...
As always, I can't help but be awed by the sheer scale of planning that's gone into this gigantic culling experiment, and how stunningly easy it's been for the Project Authors to achieve their goals by playing Good off against Bad...
My friend, across the road at cottage No. 5, and her young adult son, run a useful Get Home Safely After a Party service, and therefore will get to spend a certain amount of time together as they head off to collect their customers, in the dead of night...
Does he use that time to fill her in on his lessons and his achievements?  Does he describe to her how I curse out loud as I'm nailed directly on my self-generated cancer, or am I jumping the gun and he's being coached in some other poor Sucker's home?

Have they reached the section on Dog Control yet, or have those particular lessons been reserved for later down the line, as he's known to be an animal lover and may baulk at hitting fat Sophie until she has some sort of petite mal?  A variation of the same frequency that has had such a devastating effect on my own uncle...
A wireless frequency that is being successfully used to dumb down even the most ferocious of guard-dogs, that thieves may be safely directed onto properties to help themselves and to terrify the homeowners...
Were the over-the-top theatrics carried out the week before, designed to lead you to believe there are no recording devices hidden in the streetlight cowlings after all?
Two armed robberies in the space of a few days, in one of the most heavily monitored suburbs in the whole of eThekwini? Even if Durban's Superintendent of electricity refers to the technology coyly as a highly sophisticated computerised anti-cable theft system.?
Kom nou, julle mense...
All the Area Controller has to do is to type in the relevant pole code and those devices will activate and assist our Mischief-maker at the controls to achieve his goals, be it to direct a hijacking or a home invasion...

Glen Nayager and his then IT Cracker, Agent Balliram had demonstrated this some years back when Sue and her son had been knocked out soundly and kept asleep while thieves cut the chain on their gate and removed their vehicle...
A feat that was to be repeated with the removal of the latest Recruit's motorcycle, some time later...
Will this engineered mischief cease now that the kid has officially joined the Yellow Army ranks?  It will not, as shown by the armed invasion of my ex-Treasurer's home a few Mondays back...
Old habits die hard, Agent Balliram?  You've been free to cause mayhem and misery at those addresses for well over five years, and simply because someone has deemed it prudent to allow them to finally join, doesn't mean you won't target them in the future...

Be warned, Zane... As much as I wish that my own children could be invited on board, if only for a modicum of safety, this entire Project is based on lies and secrecy, and sadly, you'll come to find that there is absolutely no-one you can trust... Take care out there kiddo, and try to remember to be kind, however much your irritation tends to get the better of you...
And you out there?  You may rest assured that similar scenarios are being played out across the country, as families are being 'persuaded' by fair means or foul to hop on board their local version of the quantum laser/wifi surveillance project...


Tuesday 19th November 2013 at 8.30am..