Thursday, November 21, 2013

It is written...
(begun Thursday 21st November at 7am..)

Would it be arrogant of me to wonder whether the script-writers up at the Station had added that preamble to the Wednesday Meeting deliberately?  Knowing that I'd fall on it?  Am I THAT predictable?
Our new Head of VISPOL is apparently clinging doggedly to his own phone, and is loath to exchange it for the previous Head's cellphone...
Someone getting jumpy?  Let the fellow keep his blerry phone FFS... How long could it possibly take our Expert in the Field to call his contacts at whichever one of the three major service providers, and get given control of the newbie's phone? Alternatively, go the regular route and nuke that device remotely until it starts playing up.. Once it goes into the Agents for repair, it'll never be the same again, and will feed everything through to Balliram and his colleagues... That's pretty much how it works, right Jannie?

I'd made the effort (and let me assure you it IS an effort) to attend last night's Motherbody Meeting up at Sydenham SAPS, and I hadn't regretted it... It's always interesting to see which mask our Lazzie chooses to don for these gatherings, and last night's had been the Everyone's Friend disguise... Though I've learned little enough over the past going-on 68 years, most of it has been the hard way, and through endless repetition.. Hell, I don't give a toss if you gottit the first time around, I'm going to repeat myself ad infinitum, until your ears bleed, whether you like it or not...

Back in the day, well before the Druglord had seen fit to have his once loyal soldier Glen Nayager terminated, and to replace him with the Comms. Officer, our Laz had been only too willing to aid the late Station Commander with his little games..
Yeah, I can hear the collective groan go up as I drag out the old Siripath Field chestnut for the umpteenth time, but who knows, there may be someone out there who's relatively new to these pages, and who has no idea whatsoever that our Capt. Laz is rather more than he appears to be...
Was it the Comms Officer himself who'd gotten onto his phone to the Sniper that Saturday morning, and had then moved those orange cones around until the rifleman had said he had a clear shot at us?  Or did he, even back in 2008, employ my Controller's mantra of getting a monkey to do even the simplest of tasks, in order to swear his hands were clean, afterwards?

It could've been either of us, but in the end it had been M. who'd taken the bullet through the flesh covering her stomach, and the message had been satisfactorily delivered... I remember it like yesterday... Just where Laz had been standing, carefully on the far side of those bright beacons, and how once we'd gotten M into a chair, I'd started panning my camera around the edges of the field beyond... How the Comms Officer had immediately said he'd hoped the pictures I was taking wouldn't involve the Press, and ruin the CPF's FunDay..
He'd gotten on his phone within minutes, and had said he was calling an ambo to come collect us, but that would've been a whopper of the first order..
Once he'd seen it appeared to be just the flesh wound they'd desired, it would've been his Boss he was calling, to crow of their success...

In the end it had been the young Ms. Maharaj from the Reservoir Hills CPF who'd taken charge, and loaded us into her car for the ride to Parklands..
Had it been a coincidence that as we'd pulled away from the field, Nayager was just arriving? I think not, hey Laz?  I'd almost believed you'd been included in the deal to allow Nayager's one-time IT buddy Balliram to jump the fence to join the so-called Good Team up at the Ridge Road Wireless station, once Nayager had been taken out of the picture.. At least until you'd made it quite plain that you were still watching what I got up to in the privacy of my own home... Oink...

Friday 22nd November at 3.10am

There's a dog just started barking up there on the street.  No. 5?  Apart from the occasional give-away squeak of an enhancer, it's dead quiet out there, and even Telkom's wirelessed Warbler has fallen silent for the moment... Mischief afoot perhaps, or just a stray cat crossing the road?
Have you managed to isolate the Watcher device at your own front gates yet?  That shrill squeak that sounds like some sort of insect, that kicks in more often than not when you're coming or going from your property after dark?
A sound that will trigger a signal to a nearby Shift Monitor who'll immediately be able to both watch and hear your movements?
Sue the Book has one such bounce-off point hidden near her front gates, but that's not the one that was activated the other day when I'd bobbed up top unexpectedly during daylight hours, and whichever of my Monitors had been on duty at the time, had activated a squeaker at No. 11.  A recent addition, added since all the increased activity on that supposedly empty property? (Apart from a 24-hour guard system).. Interesting...

Our DA Shadow Minister of Police will have a similar alarm system near her front entrance, which will allow her Watchers to enhance and record her movements.. Is she aware of the identities of all of her Monitors?  Has she been assured that they're there to see she comes to no harm, and she's comfortable with that?
If so, it's a rather different kettle of fish to our miserable situation, where the system is more often than not used to assist your cable thieves or armed intruders to achieve their aims...
Missus KB warrants genuine protection, whereas we here in Harris Crescent were always doomed to provide entertainment for the Troops, recruits or not? Why, I do declare that smacks of discrimination...
Is Dianne's own IT-savvy son a fully-fledged recruit to the Rainbow Warriors Army, and does he seriously believe his mater's Watchers will see that she comes to no mischief, as she's a highly visible role player in this cunningly manipulated and inhumane game the Project Authors are playing?

IMHO, I find the efforts made to topple the corrupt up at Sydenham SAPS both sad and amusing, and every attempt that's been made has ended in dismal failure... (see Exhibit A: the excellent Colonel Leon Matthyssen).
That station is still home to several officers who were around during Nayager's reign.. Officers who now live on a knife-edge, as they know way too much for their own good.. A miserable and highly stressful existence, but one they're forced to endure if they wish to continue putting food on their family's table..
By now they'll be aware of just how closely they're monitored, and that it would be a death sentence to turn to the supposedly Good for help...

Over-dramatising the situation, am I? After all this time you should surely have figured out that my ongoing allegations are if anything, understated, and that for every day that goes by where you think you've successfully infiltrated those Rotten Apples, you yourself are becoming more tainted...
Let's ask the Chirpster how it's going up at his base in Westville shall we?   Whether his aches and pains have improved greatly since he changed his home address, or whether they've worsened...
Are there the telltale scars carved across the street surface near his home?  Scars that would've been made at any point over the last six years?
Is there a streetlight nearby that tends to be activated during daylight hours, and is there often a great deal of water running off somewhere on that road?
I have a big mouth? Why yes, I believe that to be spot-on... Will Stephen's official FB page pick up again, once he's settled properly into his new abode, or is it due to stagger on with just the occasional post?
I confess I'd hoped that it's format would change to mostly photos taken as he goes about his duties in the open air, but in retrospect he'd probably have to spend way too much time cropping out the telltale signs of Sutcliffe's Smart City surveillance technology that now saturates the Westville area as well...

I guess I've come to settle painfully into taking it for the Team...In my case the Team would be all those other unsuspecting Suckers out there, who for one reason or another have been excluded from knowledge of this astonishingly sophisticated and invasive technology... Residents who like us, were unwittingly wired to the Grid, to provide Learning Centres, who's homes may be illegally accessed by a local Area Controller/Tutor and his avid laser-wielding pupils...
It'll make little difference to your health, whether your Area Controller is affiliated to the Staunchly Good or the Incorrigibly Bad, for you will be treated to additional pulsed microwaves and fluctuating levels of power as a result, whether you like it or not... (you might want to google the former to find out how this could affect your own health).

I didn't get to see that weird rolling cloud that I'm guessing preceeded the storm that hit eThekwini on Wednesday afternoon.  At what point had it begun to dissipate and lose it's formation?  Well before it reached Frankie's massive wifi base situated in the Memorial tower block at UKZN?  Another creative party trick, brought to us by the local chapter of HAARP, who are probably based down at Louis Botha?
Man, you've pointed and laughed at pretty much every allegation I've ever made, and you're welcome to snort with disbelief at my assertion that HAARP are now heavily involved in assisting to bring this country to it's knees..

Any sign of the laser-friendly physcia grisea on the trunks of trees in your street?  Are you aware of a recent invasion of a variety of lichens and fungi to your property, that you've never seen before in all the years you've lived there?  Great big brown puff-balls, and odd-looking toadstools popping up all over the place? Is there a previously unrecognized (in your area at least) variety of chickweed suddenly threatening to choke your beautiful lawn?  Does your neighbour encourage bug-weed plants to grow to great heights, as a breeze ruffles it's silvery under-leaves?  Does the regular pong of raw sewage effluent offend you often, and yet you can't find the source?
And most important of all... Will you or your family be deemed suitable recruitment material, or will you end up forming an unwitting link in this ghastly chain, to be used and abused by your neighbours and their offspring?

It's guaranteed that Jay (Ronnie) Singh would've been among the earliest recruits that Sutcliffe had invited aboard the Smart City gravy train, and that Mistuh Singh now has access to enough of his colleague's personal and private dealings to keep him safely ahead of the law... With the head-start those creeps were given by our ex-City Manager, you and whose son/daughter/auntie/uncle are ever going to stop them in their tracks?  Not in my lifetime, folks..


Friday 22nd November 2013 at 7.42am..