Thursday, November 07, 2013

By the short-hairs..
(begun Thursday 7th November at 3.35am..)

I'm stuck.  I've never had a problem giving offence to those I feel deserve it, but she most certainly doesn't.. She'd called me yesterday afternoon to say she didn't want too many people finding out about their armed invasion on Monday night, and I'd not hesitated before saying it was too late, and that I'd written of it in yesterday's blog update...
Why on earth would you not want all and sundry to hear of your ordeal and be warned by it, and what had caused her to suddenly call me two days later to ask me to keep it quiet?  Did the suggestion come from her friend the Monkeyman perhaps?

I've known her since her three were toddlers, if only because we share Sue the Book as a mutual friend... In later years I'd pull in to theirs and whitter on about the surveillance project and the unregulated wireless that was battering the residents on our stretch, but neither of them had taken me seriously at the time..  I'd seen the writing on the wall pretty much as soon as the Muni had offered her her old job back, and she'd happily accepted, not seeing how neatly she'd been thrown and hog-tied...
So, tellus o Tracker of my heart...?  When had it been that I'd asked the GameWrecker to drive me across Jan Smuts to Hatton Avenue, to check for the inevitable scars carved across that little road?  You have the records, so was it last year, or the year before that, that we'd cruised along, and I'd taken some pics of the enormous give-away wall lights decorating so many of those properties?

Had I thought I'd somehow be able to pick out the Chinese connection from among all those homes at the time? What a wally....  I've asked her straight out on several occasions since then, whether they're on board the Smart City Project, and she's always said no.  True, and yet not true?  Once again, if only by omission?  They would've come and swallowed up her eldest not long after mum had gone back onto the eThekwini payroll, and by now I wouldn't be surprised if they hadn't gobbled up a second child as well...
Who's next for enlistment?  Sue the Book's kid, or has that boat sailed already?
That'll be the Trojan Horse sales pitch then?
The one that tells you that the only way this country can be saved is by creating an army of good honest people, who will work from within using the quantum laser/wifi technology to eradicate the rot?
The spiel that kicks off by teaching it's cadets to hack illegally into their neighbour's homes and to violate their privacy?  An unavoidable but vital initiation rite to the ranks of the Yellow Army? Bah!!!

A neat little bit of jiggery-pokery that has you or your kids breaking the law at the outset, however willingly or unwillingly...  I've scribbled here for years that I myself see no alternative for the youth of this country, than to sign up to the ranks, if and when they're invited, and of my regret that my own offspring are unlikely to be afforded a similar opportunity, and instead will likely be used as Test Bunnies to entertain the more barbaric of the troops..
More hypocrisy on my part?
Despite that I see clearly what's waiting at the end of this carefully created tunnel, I would have my own flesh and blood recruited, to mingle with the criminally sadistic and uncaring soldiers, who so far appear to form the laughably termed 'backbone' of this grand scheme?  If it could save them from being targeted by the likes of the Sicko next door, then most definitely that's a yes...

I'd watched the Rabbit and the Disk Jockey sparring verbally with the Chemist over the fireworks debacle at, and I tell myself maybe all is not lost after all, as I simply cannot picture those two good guys rampaging across the airwaves in the wee hours, deliberately targeting animals that are left exposed to the great outdoors, as does my Master and more than a few of his graduates...
Is your pet-loving persona restricted to just your own animals?  Do you genuinely care for your own dogs, but you wouldn't hesitate to nuke your neighbour's yapping curs remotely, if you had the means?  See what I'm getting at?  The fact that you keep a dog or two, and maybe even a cat, will in no way exclude you from being encouraged to try your hand at controlling and manipulating other animals remotely, and once you've sunk to those levels, there's no going back...

Your wonderful children would NEVER resort to such cruel behaviour?  How can you say that, when already they've been privy to some pretty appalling sights out on their forays across the airwaves?  Sights that they would never share with you openly, for fear (as their Controller will artfully put it) of upsetting you... The Project Authors are not some benign and kindly band of benefactors that have only your welfare at heart, FFS...
Tis after all they, who first began nurturing and fostering the corruption that threatens to now swallow up the country.. Tis they who came up with the idea of setting Good against Bad using this advanced technology, and the organised crime and mischief-maker teams were their creation as well...

The only way to get the population to accept the total obliteration of their privacy was to create a climate of fear, and that is precisely what is being done.. The release from properties, and sometimes abduction, of dogs right across the country, was a stroke of genius designed to affect a section of the public that up till now hadn't really been approachable... If the authorities were to tell you they could put monitoring devices in the streetlights surrounding your home, thereby ensuring that you and your four-legged pets were 'guarded' 24/7, would you accept?  I've no doubt they'd omit to tell you that that same technology will be used to access the walls of your home, and to record every activity that takes place both within and without...
The idea intrigues you, and besides, it's highly unlikely they'd invade your personal space, as you've nothing to hide?  You seem to have missed the point.

Whether you've been invited to join the Smart City Project or not, you WILL form a link in the chain that runs across your suburb, like it or not... Your home's power supplies WILL be accessed and controlled by a nearby Area Controller, and whether you're a bona fide recruit or an unsuspecting stooge, your private life will be monitored and recorded..Your domestic activities, the banal conversations you have with your SO, your toilet and bathing routines, and your bedtime practises, are ALL of interest to the Project Authors, no matter how difficult this is to grasp...
It's grown light out and I must head off for a bit..
Will our Trackers treat me kindly today, or will the sadistic Agent Balliram be allowed carte blanche to torment me further?  A psychotic Puppet, every bit as controlled and manipulated as this Eejit, only in his case, by flattery, praise, and encouragement... How many times has he hovered his hand over the Delete key in a white-hot rage, before that little voice had reminded him that drawn-out and systematic torture is what he prefers?

LATER at 5.40am

So, your well-brought up kids have to break the law before they can become a part of this growing army?  Ag, it's nothing, just a means of accessing your neighbour's home to sit quietly and go through their private stuff, that's all..? More bullshit..
How many people do I bump into on Facebook who claim to be enduring all sorts of mischief on their computers, phones and laptops, and how many destructive tricks of the Cracker's trade has Balliram passed on to his proxy graduates over the years?   I've no doubt that at least three of his nearby graduates can shut down my PC remotely, if not more, and they certainly thunder about with gay abandon when I'm online..
The remote assault to my camera's batteries is no longer restricted to Balliram's own grubby hands either, and I'd question why people who purport to be on the Good team, would resort to employing that pathetic exercise, for no apparent reason other than to show off?
The goal is, and always has been, to enlist the Good and to gradually brainwash them into becoming as callously insensitive as their rotten counterparts, and by jove, it appears to be working to plan...
How do I judge people?  Purely by their tolerance and kindness towards man and beast, and in my case, those that can bring themselves to look beyond my monstrous flaws to the honest simpleton beneath..

My Master wishes for me to demonstrate how easily I'm manipulated, and as always, I'm happy to oblige.. Anything for a giggle, hey Snowman? *waves to Investigator 247...
I'd gone up yesterday afternoon to see the old man off to the shops, and he'd beaten me to it.. He'd opened the gate and had bent down to pick up a tiny bit of silver foil lying smack in the centre of the drive, outside the gates, where I wouldn't/couldn't miss it.. My habit of collecting the many markers strewn about has been duly noted, and this particular one had been put where it couldn't be missed... The GW turned it over in his hand and remarked that he'd been curious simply because someone had gone to the bother of cutting out just the one tablet from a card, and that in itself was unusual.. Really?

He totally missed the relevance of the brand name stamped on that sliver of foil, and I'd pointed out to him with snort that it was Rohypnol... Now WhoTF would go to the trouble of snipping out that tiny clearly-marked medication cover? Only the now part-time Entertainment Manager for the corrupt Smart City Project team, is who...
Always introduce a bit of levity straight after engineering something as deadly as an armed home invasion, Agent Balliram?  It'll disarm your troops and stop them from wondering whether you were indeed involved in Monday's dangerous fiascos?  If you say so...

Will any of my nearby friend's offspring cause me to curse out loud in pain as they're ushered invisibly into our home to practise their laser skills?  An exercise that would delight my Area Controller for sure.. Chances are they're still too raw to face the sights in ours, and that for the moment at least they practise in some other witless sucker's home over in Hatton Avenue.  Some other old-fashioned and opinionated couple just begging to be invaded by the initiates of the Yellow Army ranks, and the hugely fluctuating levels of EMR that goes with their arrival...
Stay safe and


Friday 8th November 2013 at 8.37am