Sunday, November 03, 2013

Best served cold..?
(begun Sunday 3rd November at 3.15am...)

The red-hot poker is applied between my shoulder-blades just five minutes after I've sat down here at the desk, and I suggest quietly that I'll shut the side window and switch off the wall plug point, and the pain lessens immediately..
My Shift Monitor had woken me with that ugly ache to the hip joint area, but for the moment at least, they've forgotten to follow through with the lower back ache now that I'm up, and their focus is on the abomination on my back...
That oversight will be rectified soon enough, as Telkom's Wirelessed Warbler carols out from the wireless boxes up and down the dark valley...
So - Which persona would you like me to adopt this morning?  Ranting accuser? Peace-craving activist? Full-on Whinger, or just the basic unpleasant, but dead-honest grumbler?  I'm that shallow I find I have no problem wearing whatever garb you dress me in, although it's seldom your sweet old granny...

Yesterday had turned out to be a frigging carbon copy of the previous Saturday's mischief, and I've the logs to prove it.. Eye-wateringly stunning weather had me outdoors early, pulling out great clumps of the variation of chickweed that now threatens to swamp my entire front garden... The wind had arrived soon afterwards, and with it, the levels of wireless had rocketed to the point where, just like last week, they'd gone after the lymph glands in my neck... This time however, I hadn't bothered going through the futile motions of sending a distress text to our Superintendent of Electricity for Durban, as he's clearly too far gone to give a damn...
At this point I hear myself, and I have to snort at the picture you must have of me.. A 68 year old smoker who steadfastly refuses to accept the ailments that inevitably go with old age?

I've always held that I lean more to my dad's genes than my mum's, and despite that the fags took him out at around 63 years old, and that he'd taken some damage to his back during the war, I certainly don't recall him shuffling about in any sort of pain... No - Apart from my occasional fruity cough and the hideous gifts I earned myself from Senor Sol, I've been fortunate to have very few if any health problems that weren't generated by the Sadistic Controller next door.. Fact.
You're still undecided?  You still think there's a possibility that under that sane-sounding and predictably boring exterior there lurks a raving lunatic?  Not a chance...  If ever there was a man-in-the-street profile, it's me, although my ongoing attempts to describe the inhumane abuse we're enduring at the hands of Mo Shaik and Telkom's designated employees may often have you thinking I've lost the plot forever... Moving on..

LATER at 4am

It must have been well over a month ago that I'd sent the young Princeling Narandas a Friend Request, but he'd remained stubbornly silent... Only once the fiasco of his dogs 'escaping', and he'd bobbed up on the Pet Rescue Pinetown FB page that I frequent daily, did he suddenly decide to acknowledge my request, and we'd engaged briefly in his chat box... I'd explained to him that when I diss someone I prefer to do it openly, and he'd immediately pasted in my blog addie and had said his family are amused by my scribbles... They are?
Really?  I'd asked him how his two purportedly much-loved dogs had escaped, and he'd obligingly laid it out for me for all the world as if he were in the dock, and a less convincing tale you'd be hard-put to find...

How long ago was it that Rajiv had been given an astonishing amount of space in a local newspaper to reveal a bitter row between him and his mum's business partner, over those same two dogs?  2 months? 3 maybe?
I can't recall which paper it had been, but I do remember thinking that young Rajiv must have some serious clout with that Editor, to be afforded so much space in which to state his side of the story...
See, my contention is that this arrogant young, as yet unproven murderer, is very much a part of the Smart City Data Collector's ranks up in Westville, and that as such, he's able to keep a hop, skip, and jump ahead of the justice he surely deserves...

How'd Roseanne's business partner react when he got the news that those dogs had been lost, while Rajiv was up in Joey's at the latest murder hearing?  Took it badly did he?  Was he devastated when one hadn't survived the traffic?  Ahh, revenge is most definitely a dish best served cold... Did the heir to the Narandas throne ever get to play back any of those recordings, to savour his enemy's dismay at the news?  Roseanne's business partner had had those two animals in his care, and he hadn't wanted to give them up for good reason... Our Rajiv is as much a dog-lover as my own Area Controller, Agent Collin P. Balliram...  A fellow who'd gone so far as to spend an apparent R800 to purchase two tiny balls of fur purely to be used as a means of tormenting us further...
In Rajiv's case he seems to have decided that the acquisition of those two animals could dumb down Joe Public's assessment of him as a steroid-fuelled, spoiled, and murderously arrogant young Knob of the first order...Why, if you love your dogs you must be a good person, surely? BULLSHIT.  Those unfortunate animals were obtained purely as tools designed to improve the young bastard's tarnished image...

I know that, and Roseanne's business partner knew it as well, and had tried to save those animals to no avail... Ostentatiously walking his dogs in public places may have fooled a few, but in truth they were simply pawns to be used when he needed them...
Did the young Heir go so far as to engineer the animal's 'escape' from the property, while he was away in Joburg at the murder hearing?  Knowing that he could get some much needed press coverage showing him as a caring animal lover?  As my own Controller set the bar when it comes to the treatment of animals, I'd have to say that's a yes, and that Rajiv's dogs escaping from the property was a carefully executed and deliberate operation designed to gain him sympathy.. *vomits profusely..

When he'd sought to further compound the false picture he'd painted by offering a sympathetic comment to a pet owner on the Pinetown Rescue wall, I'd asked him openly what he'd done with the corpse of the dog that had been run over and killed.. No reply....
I'd lay you odds he had his gardener blackbag it and dump it somewhere, although by now I wouldn't be surprised to find pictures of a neat little cross-bearing cairn on the killers own wall....
How are the Singh family doing Rajiv?  Still grieving over the loss of their son, but beginning to finally realise that justice is a joke?  Stall, stall, and stall again, and eventually they'll simply give up?
Where do those bereaved parents live, and who is the Controller for that section?  A friend of yours, who regularly plays back recordings stolen from the sanctity of their home using the Smart City surveillance technology?

You live in the same street as this over-privileged bantam rooster?  How's about you get off your butt and do a door-to-door survey of how many diabetics and cancer-sufferers are situated nearby?  How many of Rajivs neighbours are suffering from early-onset arthritis, and have become virtual cripples over the past five years? How many pets have been found dead, or have gone missing in that stretch alone?
His turn will come?  You're watching him closely, and will nail him at the first opportunity?  *studies the Chirpster... While I'm delighted that you've apparently realised the mischief caused by the mast, to your own good health, and have at last taken steps to avoid at least some of the fallout, you'll pardon me if I don't hold my breath when it comes to justice being served on the likes of these treasured and cossetted criminals..

I'd be astonished to find that you yourself haven't come to regard stupidity as a crime more heinous that the bloodiest murder, and that as far as you're concerned, I deserve everything I get...
You're on the Good Team?  You and which other SAPS communications officers? Lazzie perchance?  If I would just STFU your lot will around to rescuing us?  It ain't gonna happen young man..
Hell, I'd be the first to agree that I'm a simpleton par excellence, but when that devastating lymph gland frequency kicked off yesterday for the second Saturday in a row, it's glaringly obvious that I'm universally despised by both purported Good and Seriously Rotten...
A shattering revelation?  You're kidding me, right?

The move away from your office may be simply subterfuge, but it's a start. Now there's just the matter of how vulnerable you are to the wireless running in all of those official vehicles, and to what's being pumped into your own home..
You've moved? Anyone at your house during the day?  Anyone who will let you know when Raw Power place a ladder up against your nearest streetlight during your absence?  Is there a trench dug from your streetlight to your own waterlines, at your specific behest?  Will your new neighbours have to get used to the pong of raw sewage emanating from your property every now and then?
Rest assured Stephen, that however much you'd like to think otherwise, you have NO secrets whatsoever, only your own unspoken thoughts, and that the same applies to all those who venture out into the spotlight, however briefly...

Whether you willingly have Sutcliffe's fibre running from the light pole into your home or not, you yourself will be monitored, and every last cough or fart made in the privacy of your home will be captured and recorded for posterity..
Now, if you'd like to stand and turn slowly in a full circle to bow to your unseen visitors, you'd be getting it right... Stay safe dude..


Sunday 3rd November 2013 at 12.44pm.