Thursday, October 17, 2013

Tender mercy?
(begun Thursday 17th October at 3.10am)

Julle jok vir my, ne? My imagination se VOET!  I could check my logs but I'm pretty sure things had started to go downhill well before what I'm sure was an engineered and dangerous surge to the lines the Monday before last... I've been woken a couple of times during the night since, with Someone systematically knifing away at my wrists, and that huge pinch to my sides kicks in almost as soon as I've climbed into bed each night..  Surreptitious adjustments made to the feed to ours, when that Muni crew came out to repair poles 4-12 on Saturday?  Your guess, but I don't remember Freddie's streetlight poking it's bright and shining light out from behind godschild's garage before, and it now talks directly to the spots on the corner of our verandah eaves.. (ag kak, it's probably always been like that, and maybe it's just my mind playing tricks after all).

I'd needed to pee at 2.45am, and the second I'd sat up in bed, the Telkom Wireless Warbler had carolled out loudly down by the landline cable that runs along our boundary wall.. Some sort of auto-response that kicks in when there's movement at my window?  Maybe, but I tend to think it's manually operated by whoever is on that monitoring shift at the time..
You struggle to believe anyone could be awake and spying on us at that ungodly hour? Keep up guys, as that's when the Master Class are out there bouncing from pole to pole, and into nearby homes to check out and record your snoring habits for their Masters...
If like me, you're an irritant, chances are you'll wake up the next morning with a tight chest and a nasty spasmodic cough, or you'll find your knee has begun acting up inexplicably...
Is your normally cheerful dog strangely subdued this morning?  Not wagging it's tail with delight, and off it's food?  For all you know it was a part of last night's training schedule, and took a remote beating from a couple of students practising their skills at the art of employing the computerised quantum laser program... Whatever.  I'm well aware of my precarious situation, although I don't dwell on it. One of those seriously nasty whacks upside my head and I could find myself waking to the fuzzy world of a complete vegetable.. Perfectly safe, Stefanus?  Bah, humbug!

Cairo or Dubai?  If the latter, it certainly would appear that they're already wired to their version of the Grid, although I very much doubt it's reached the saturation levels that cover us here in eThekwini...
Yeah, I should've shared that pic to my wall the minute I'd stumbled onto it, but I'll try again when I can...
Are there spheres to be caught on camera at all the more popular tourist spots up that way? I'd bet thats a yes...Edit: Found and posted to my wall

Where was our Agent Balliram this last Monday evening?  Busy out of the area perhaps?  It's just occurred to me that our CPF Meeting had been remarkable for one thing only, and that had been the total lack of assaults I'd endured throughout the time I'd sat there..
Sure, I'd had the urge to cough once or twice, but that frequency is comparitively mild compared to the jabs I normally take, and I remember looking up to check whether the neon tube was doing it's usual give-away trembling, and it was indeed, although someone with a far gentler touch was at the helm...
So where was he? Our Expert in the Field and Death-Dealer supreme?  Fulfilling a contract elsewhere, over some other establishment's powerlines?
The following morning I'd had a text from my VC to say that Warrant Officer Saggie Moodley had suffered chest pains the night before, and had passed away in hospital at Mt. Edgecombe.
Did he have a history of heart disease?  Had he been complaining to his wife only recently that his heart was misbehaving, or were the sudden pains in his chest on Monday an entirely new sensation to him?
Balliram?  Care to give us some answers?

Did he take a terminal dose of a particular frequency while he was on shift up at Dodge City, or was he home in Phoenix at the time, and were his house lines activated and accessed by a nearby Area Controller? You'll have to forgive my suspicious mind here, but Glen Nayager's early and so timeous demise definitely set a precedent that can be re-enacted at most stations around the country, should an Officer be seen to step out of line.. While I'm at it, what the heck happened to that fit looking pilot last week at the airshow, that had him nose-dive into the ground?  Was his flight panel remotely scrambled deliberately at the precise point of no return, or was it a genuine pilot error?  Impossible to say, and there's another good man down and silenced forever... A man who, for all you know, had been offended by the premise of the inhumane wireless technology, and may have been saying as much to his colleagues...

Did Agent Balliram wait until W/O Moodley was officially declared dead on Monday night, before coming home to continue his mischief over our powerlines?  I'd had a panicked text from Sue the Book on Tuesday morning to say her car's battery had suddenly died overnight, and she'd had to arrange a lift to work at the last minute... A feat easily achieved remotely by Crackerjack or any one of his associates nearby, as that vehicle stays out in the open.
The Knob has been kind enough to demonstrate his prowess in that department repeatedly over the years, and I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised if he'd coached one of his Graduates through that particular exercise, using the now re-furbished streetlights...
Wild guesses?  Crazy speculation?  You THINK?  Hell, you may find a whole lot of stupid on these pages, but one thing you can count on and that's honesty.. A commodity you're going to find scarcer than hen's teeth in the coming months and years...

LATER at 4.30am

The rain's still falling steadily out there in the dark, and I can hear it rushing off the Bunker roof next door.. It's making a mockery out of all my efforts yesterday, to contain at least some of the fungi and lichen that now saturates our yard... I'd made up a mixture of salt, white vinegar, and liquid soap, and had even added a hefty dash of Jeyes before I went about spraying the walkways and rock walls with the stuff..
Thwarted by the rain diluting all my handiwork?  Not at all, as I'm nothing if not a dyed-in-the-wool plodder...
There's no ways I can ever hope to eradicate the stuff at this late stage, and whatever accelerant is in the rain that's falling, will have it back up and flourishing right away, but I'll keep trying nonetheless... No doubt it amuses my Watchers no end to see me beavering away on such a futile endeavour, when one night's rain can put me back to square one... You think I'm joking?

The seeds of THIS new ground-cover/weed, that I suspect my horticulturist surreptitiously introduced to our garden, will be sprouting forth in even greater numbers as I scribble here..
A ground-cover/weed that retains the moisture long after everything else has dried out, and twinkles like a diamond-filled blanket to steer the ultra-short lasers on their desired routes...
I figure I'll forgo using Jeyes next time I spray, as it's fearsome stench could override the pleasant smell of the disinfectant used by both my immediate neighbours, in an attempt to disguise the fact that their sewage lines are crammed with fibre optic cabling...
I'm going to hop back on board Cloud 9 for a bit, and rest my burning eyes...

LATER at 5.55am

Though I'll be back to my incessant grumbling and cursing soon enough, for the moment at least I'm cackling merrily... I'd been allowed to close my teary eyes for a while, although I'd been well aware of my Monitor's presence as Millie had sparked and flickered between my shoulder blades.. The Duty Officer had eventually  hit me with the variation of the Fiddler's frequency that has me gasping like a landed trout for just a second, and smiling happily afterwards.. This current version had an unpleasant aftertaste however, although I'm way too stupid to dwell on the implications right now...
Had my Monitor regretted that moment's kindness almost immediately?
It has been my right wrist this time, that had suddenly had their focus, and my forearm and the sheet covering it, gave off that weird vibrating sensation that I've tried to describe before.. The pins and needles had hit that hand a second later, but they'd stopped short of setting it on fire.. For the moment at least, I'm disgustingly cheerful, and it's time to go and perform the morning bathtime matinee... Take care and


Friday 18th October 2013 at 8.38am.