Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Playing with fire..?
(begun Wednesday 9th October at 3.52am..)

I've been mocked with the Miss Marple thing before, and it's justified.. The mocking, not my hysterical attempts at detection... I simply don't see the glaringly obvious until it's two inches from my nose.. An example?  I haven't noted anywhere, that despite our power being back on when I got up yesterday morning, that restoration hadn't included the streetlights themselves..
Hau!  Only once I'd gone up to open the gates for the GW yesterday evening did that become glaringly apparent...
It didn't occur to me to consider that the damage carried out over the powerlines on Monday afternoon was anything other than a massive error or a spiteful payback gesture... Oh, and I also discovered that the new spotlight my old man had added to the existing one up under the garage eaves, hadn't survived that remarkable surge either.  Just the new one is out mind you, while the other is still working..

It had been about 11.45am yesterday when the persistent shriek of spinning tyres finally got me to my feet and off down the passage to see what was potting, and with hindsight, I figure that was my Master's intention all along.. *winks..  The pretty blue Beemer was sitting at the foot of his drive, and was no doubt the means that Agent Balliram had employed to catch my attention... Pulled in at the top was THIS larnie white panel van with a ladder on it's roof, and there was my Controller holding forth theatrically to the two occupants.. Recognize either of them? (you'll have to wait).  Two older, fair-skinned gentlemen, whom I'd have to guess have reached the top of their field of expertise, whatever that may be...
My Master appeared to be in full-on whopper mode, and was gesticulating flamboyantly as he spoke, and I can only conclude that my assertion that the operators behind this technology for the most part escape the consequences of their errors, was incorrect, and that in this instance he'd have you believe that he'd taken some damage on Monday, as well...?

Was his over-the-top animation purely for my benefit, or was he indeed lying his teeth off as he'd tried to convince those fellows that he'd had nothing to do with that damaging surge? Course one has to factor in the possibility that the entire nasty scenario had been planned in order that further adjustments could be made to the devices without causing suspicion...  Something that's usually achieved by a bit of carefully engineered cable 'theft', that has the techs out legitimately, and the alterations can be achieved under cover of the cabling being replaced...
Did he pull it off?  Did he manage to convince those two chaps that far from undulging in his usual reckless behaviour, the entire situation had occurred through something beyond his control?  The van had disppeared shortly after I'd taken my photo, but you can lay odds it'll be back again soon enough...

Most likely on Thursday when I'm out of the area, as I suspect the repairs/adjustments may include at least one of those three aircon units that sit on his wall mere yards from our home...  The most obvious change since that bang had occurred nearby at 3.30pm on Monday afternoon, has been the lack of the tooth-grinding discomfort directed at my right ovary area... I see I've not logged so much as a twinge in that specific area since I rose yesterday to find our power had been restored, and I've certainly not encountered it so far this morning, despite all the other assaults..
After all this time I figure I know the 'rules' of this game, and the fact that I'd stood at my window and openly taken a picture of that meeting on his driveway would in the past, have guaranteed there'd be some serious fallout coming my way, sooner rather than later..

If indeed his enthusiastic spite on Monday has led to his own carefully embellished aircon unit being the source of that initial bang, as he'd attempted to bounce into his own system from a different location, it'll be repaired soon enough, and the shit will hit the fan here at No. 8..  Is there a possibility that we'll lose more electrical appliances during the repair operations that will no doubt be carried out on Thursday, without my beady gaze nearby?
I've already warned Sue the Book to watch out for the van's return, and to unplug whatever assets she has left, while they're parked next door, just in case...
This is precisely the sort of costly cock-up that's taking place all around eThekwini, and must be costing the Insurance Companies a fortune.. The ambiguous 'Due to an electrical fault' is fast becoming as frequently used as good old basic theft, is it not?
Unqualified civilians controlling power supplies to homes and businesses across the country?  A frightening thought?  Man up, and accept that it's a reality, and that tomorrow it may well be your recruited son or daughter who inadvertently sets alight your neighbour's home, in pursuit of the Cause...

I'm getting more Wrongs than Rights these days.  Turns out I was wrong when I'd blogged that my uncle would likely never drive again... Partly because of the cost of replacing his totalled vehicle, and partly because I assumed he'd be too banged up physically to wish to climb back on that particular horse ever again..
Incorrect on both counts, as it turns out... Physically he seems as good as he was prior to that engineered mischief, and a replacement vehicle is in the pipeline.. His neuro-surgeon had been adamant that the Transient Global Amnesia episodes hardly ever occur more than once, and I'm going to stick to my guns and say they only ever happen when the old man is treated deliberately to a puff of  a specific and obscure radio frequency...
Should there be a repeat of his recent accident that took place on the M19, you may rest assured that Agent Balliram and his cohorts will have had a hand in it as well... My uncle if after all, as fit as you or I, unless he's forced to encounter that brain-freezing airwave, and you'd do well to remember that...

The GameWrecker had tossed the Daily News across to me last night, and had said 'They've printed the article, whether you like it or not' and so they had... Was I upset?  No. In fact I'd been mightily impressed by it, and the fact that at last our little suburb is getting the recognition that's been oddly missing so far..
The authorities, including the CIA, appear to tippy-toe around Sydenham and Sherwood as though they're walking on eggs, when it's obvious that both Bin Louden and Lewthwaite have spent time in this area in the past...
When you consider that as far back as 2005, Barnabas and his Puppets, Nayager and Balliram, were already stretching their tentacles into homes across the Zone, having been given control of Sutcliffe's invasive quantum Smart City technology, I defy you to argue that they were unaware of the visits made by these two terrorists...
The more I think about it, the more I figure that it was this knowledge that ultimately led to Glen Nayager's permanent termination... Why wasn't Agent Balliram finished off as well?  Probably seen to be too useful to get rid of, and quite possibly much easier to keep in line.. Earl?  Does the Cowardly one next door know that one false move will have him biting the dust in this regard?  Sure he does.. I must go...

LATER at 7.35am

I should mind my own business, and forgive and forget?  Are you for real?   Are you a latecomer to these pages, or you simply don't understand my incoherent babbling?  What was I hoping for when I Friended you?  Support and understanding at our untenable predicament?  Answer me this... Have you not yourself already sacrificed at least one of your children to the Data Collector's Army?  If so, you must have some idea of how this technology operates, and of the devastatingly painful results it can have on an innocent target, as their home is flooded both day and night with unregulated amounts of EMR...
Our 'business' has been out there for the world to see since 2005, so how could I mind it, even if I wanted to?

Forgive and forget?  As it appears I'm unable to sustain anything remotely resembling hatred towards my Tormentors, that's easy, and I only wish that forgetting was as simple .. Even as I sit here now, scribbling at the desk in the early morning sunshine, the Backfire frequency has crept up to unpleasant levels, and I've just taken a series of spiteful jabs to my side nearest his aircon unit next door... So no, as much as I'd like to be able to forget, it's an option that's not being offered to me, and likely never will be...
Gullible old trout that I am, I'm probably more easily manipulated than all the rest of you put together, and that's saying something...
If the truth offends you, it's a simple matter to untick that Friend box and ignore my warnings while you're still able to make your own choices...

I'd finally found Vincent's tribal name yesterday, and Facebook had taken me straight to his page where I'd gone through his Friend list to see whether we shared any mutual acquaintences... We didn't, but there'd been one young thrill-seeker who'd stood out from the rest for obvious reasons, and I'd send him a Friend request as well, although by late afternoon he'd not responded... Indeed, his own Friend list had proven to be far more interesting, and I wait to see whether he accepts or ignores me, and I'll let you know one way or the other...
The BackFire frequency is now sitting at it's top end, and whatever damage Balliram may have caused to his own system, if any, certainly hasn't slowed him down one iota..


Wednesday 9th October 2013 at 9.01am.