Thursday, October 10, 2013

A fall from grace...
(begun Friday 11th October at 4am..)

*This time it took all of three attempts before I was graciously allowed to sign into blogger this morning... Interesting?*

What is it that's hidden right there by the Hofmyer bridge, that allows my Trackers to leap into the car and slam me like that?  I'd cursed them out loud as I'd headed up towards Pick 'n Pay, although there aren't any of those wirelessed traffic monitoring poles to be seen nearby...
I suppose it's possible they're using the Copshop mast, as there've been a huge number of trees removed between the turnoff from Jan Smuts and the Telkom Depot right next to the Police Station...?

I'll gloss over the several unpleasant assaults I'd taken at the Mall itself, and ask that you picture me standing at the top of our 52 stairs, well over an hour later, weighed down by shopping bags... I'd taken three distinct and deliberate hits to the top of my right leg, just as I'd begun descending those steps... They'd been waiting for me, and I'd barely opened our gates before a flock of hadedas had risen noisily nearby to announce the sudden change in the airwaves...
Which Cleverclogs on monitoring duty at around 9.30am had thought it would be sport to see the old cow go arse over tip, shopping and all?  Freddie? Prameet? Anyone we know?  Needless to say I'd recovered my balance and had made it downstairs unscathed.. That time.. *finger...

I'd had yesterday earmarked as the day my Area Controller Balliram would have someone in to repair whatever (if any) damage he'd taken during that prolonged and vicious surge he'd created on Monday... Turns out I'd been wrong again... I'd looked up at their driveway on Wednesday just after 10am, to find a white truck had pulled in.  The logo on it's door announced it was from Mike's Kitchens in Tongaat, and much noisy work had ensued throughout the day..
The GameWrecker had snorted at my suggestion they were there to repair the damage done on Monday, and had said he'd seen the workers sawing wood for shelves etc... That's as may be, but somewhere along the line (!) they'd most definitely been fiddling with Balliram's power supplies as well...
How do I know that?

Simple, my dear Watson... At 4.15pm his house alarm had kicked off raucously, and it was still going at 4.30pm without so much as a pause...Oops!   By 5.35pm I'd been curled up in my TV chair in the lounge with the BackFire frequency running at unpleasant levels, when they'd included having a go at the lymph glands in my neck as well.. Something that inevitably has all the fillings nearest that point shrieking in dismay..
The conclusion I've had to draw is that Monday's astonishing and prolonged surge wasn't pre-planned in order to make adjustments to the system, but was merely an act of malice that had gone badly wrong...
That ja, more often than not at 3.30pm of a Monday I'm in front of the box, watching the Carte Blanche re-run, and that Someone had thought it would be fun to knock my screen off, just before my own fugly mug was due to appear..
Someone so enthusiastically spiteful, that in the heat of the moment, they'd released rather more power than was wise, resulting in the sparks, smoke, and flames that had ensued, at least in Sue's little home and, according to godschild, a milder version in theirs...

Our Bill will likely understand my concern when I'd read his thread last night, telling of a fire in the unit next to his, and my immediate thought had been that the PTB had in fact been trying to access his home, and had gotten it badly wrong... Funny thing that, for just as I'd gone to Inbox Mr. Rogers, the lamp next to the PC had suddenly dimmed dramatically, before resuming it's normal brightness a second later... All the more reason why Bill should make a habit of checking his plug heads regularly, to see whether they're at times abnormally hot... Whether any of his house lights have taken to flickering or dimming inexplicably, and whether his geyser has changed it's regular noise...
Is there already a fibre network running to all the streetlights up in Gauteng, as there is here in eThekwini?  For all I know, Mr. Rogers already has his FTTH, and not just to the pole on his verge, but whatever the circumstances, one has to bear in mind that the majority of Area Controllers across the country, are by no means properly qualified to control your power supplies, and accidents will continue to occur in every suburb as a result...

I've not seen a repeat of that dazzling orange light in the sky that appeared twice out of nowhere last Saturday night at 9.35pm... Was I right?  Was it some sort of drone, and did someone simply deactivate that bright light remotely, once I'd expressed my astonishment out loud, causing it to simply vanish from my sight?  Why bring it back again soon afterwards, unless someone specifically wished me to see it?  Whatever. I confess I was suitably enchanted, whatever it was up to...

I told you in my previous update of how I'd managed to Friend my young horticulturist Vincent, on Facebook, and how I'd searched to see whether we shared any mutual friends?
It would appear that young Garth is cautious when it comes to the matter of ticking boxes, and he has yet to acknowledge my request... As it happens, it would appear that one of his Friends in turn, is watching me more closely than I'd imagined..
My brick had taken a call just as I was heaving myself out of my car at the Village Market in Westville yesterday, and the screen had said it was from the ANC Treasurer.. Hau!
I've not seen him post on the Sydenham Community Closed Group since his minor fall from grace over there, and I'd imagined he'd been deployed elsewhere for the time being..
You may recall he'd denied openly on a thread that he had no knowledge of the Smart City Project, and didn't know what I'd been on about... The same thread I fancy, that the staunch ACDP member had used to claim I was no more than an irritating conspiracy theorist, if I'm not mistaken.. Eleanor?
As the Telkom Microwave Boffin's strongest supporter, you can hardly be unaware of Sutcliffe's quantum Smart City surveillance Project, now can you?

As it happens, it wasn't the young Treasurer on the phone, but his dear mama, whom I've not seen in a long time, and I figure he'd handed her his phone and said to call me, and to make up some excuse for the call, which she'd dutifully done...
Was he sending me some sort of oblique message?  Has he forgotten so soon that I am an Idiot, and that these ambiguities are beyond my comprehension?  His mama (my erstwhile heroine M), had sounded to be on her last legs, although I'd been delighted to hear her voice after all this time.. Did I not warn her here that her immune system would take an enormously increased battering once they'd finished wiring up the additions to the UKZN Medical School, down by King Edward hospital?
That spending eight hours a day in an area flooded with Roux and Petruccione's 'perfectly safe' quantum laser/wireless technology, and then going home to the over-the-top amounts of unregulated wireless running in Capell and Renaud Roads, may yet be the death of her?

Dominic?  Is her neat little home monitored to the hilt?  Is young Dutch already starting to show the results of all the additional attention, with hip displaysia (sp) or cancer?  Her affiliation to the Cause makes absolutely no difference, does it..? The young Ruling Party Treasurer believes he can make a difference, and actually bought into the Trojan Horse Sales Pitch?  Clean out the rot and corruption by working from within the ranks?
Such an amiable and well-brought up fellow would've been a prize you couldn't resist, hey Earl, and you don't give a toss about the ruination of his mother's health ...As long as the best of the community are persuaded and encouraged to indulge in nefarious activities, you own them all...?

I must go.. I seem to think I had a more restless night than most, and find this morning that I've a dull and unpleasant ache in my lower back.. No doubt just what my Controller ordered? Cest la vie...

LATER at 6.45am

You're new to these pages, and privately regard yourself as somewhat of an intellectual?  Then it's likely just one of my updates will be more than sufficient to have you go seek your entertainment elsewhere, as playing catch-up and making sense of my diatribes isn't really an option so late in this foul game..
Suffice to say that the near-alien and wondrously advanced technologies that are currently being focused so heavily on this once beautiful country, do not after all, have the population's interests at heart, no matter what fantabulous whispers and lies you've been fed..

Simpy endure, and survive the dark before the light if you can, and all will be well in the end?  Boy, are you in for a rude awakening..


Friday 11th October 2013 at 7.47am.