Saturday, October 05, 2013

Bragging rights?
(begun Friday 4th October at 10.35am...)

*It's now Sunday at 7.01am, and coming in to update today, it was only on the third try that I was  able to access my blogger account, and it's ponderously slow, rather like me... *

Is it a sign that I've become tiresome as opposed to amusing, that our larnie telly has now taken to freezing at least once a day, and has to be re-set?  Each time the GameWrecker replaces the toilet cistern with a new washer, it's surged a few days later, and the flooding resumes..  The ongoing flat tyres and batteries, and the fresh glass shards I've just found while raking on the verge, lead me to believe that in the nine years of abuse we've endured, we're not going anywhere, and nothing's changed...
Waking up to a wall of the Backfire frequency in the dead of night and finding my dressing soaked the following morning, is surely more attention than I warrant at this point?  You disagree, and still insist that it's no more than I deserve?

And yet young Dominic over in Capell Road would have you believe he (and by proxy, his colleagues) takes a non-judgemental attitude to his charges?  Nothing could be further from the truth, as cruelties are dished out over the powerlines that cover the Zone, on a regular basis..  Take today for instance.. There's a stiff SouthWester blowing, and the levels of the various frequencies I've encountered so far both indoors and out, have been more than unpleasant.. Will Agent Balliram whine that they must be increased to counter the wind?  To what purpose?  To record me plodding about my home, doing the same things I do every day?  Sies vir julle almal...

I was sweeping the stairs on the first terrace at 9.45am, when a sleek and streamlined silver plane had come out of the NorthWest and headed in the direction of Tollgate.. HAARP's baby, perhaps?  Bought by Monsanto to work alongside the wifi and quantum laser surveillance technology ?  A technology designed to cripple the country one way or another, into accepting the removal of your right to privacy and good health, and to embrace this controlling Big Brother system?
Did that little plane nip out to adjust the weather patterns for the weekend perhaps?  In truth, the sun has all but gone already, as fat clouds scurry up from the south, born on the gusty wind...

Sunday 6th October at 3.55am

Vincent finally turned up yesterday to help clear the yard.. Turns out he hadn't been ignoring my previous texts, but had 'lost' the phone with the number I've been using.. *winks.. He'd clearly seen or heard of the remarks I'd made in my previous blog update, and it had been decided he'd show up, no doubt bearing his regular stash of laser-loving compounds and seeds...
Although it must irk him mightily to follow my orders, he does it amiably enough, though I glimpsed him several times just sitting chatting on his phone.. His Handler, maybe?  Trying to come up with something that would make his trip to ours worthwhile?

His streak of independence had come to the fore after mid-morning, when he'd said he needed the ladder to go over the boundary wall and clear up the area where I feed the monkeys.. It needs re-doing already?  It was nearly lunchtime when I'd climbed the ladder to find him slashing away right down the bank, almost where the Park's tractor trundles by once or twice a year, and I'd called out to him to ask if he'd climb back over and rake the leaves at the bottom of our garden, which he duly did...  He'd been sitting on the verandah having his meal when I'd asked him if he'd like me to Share some of the portraits I have of him, to his Facebook wall..  You could see the tumblers turning over in his head, and eventually he'd said he could get them himself by using my number.. What number? I'd asked, bemused... Do you mean you'll hack into my FB and get them yourself? Yep, he'd nodded and smiled... His refreshing honesty had me chuckling, and I left him to finish his lunch..

Some time after he and the GameWrecker had left, I'd booted up and had begun searching through my Picture folders to find those that I'd promised Vincent... A daunting task that I'd finally abandoned, when I'd realised that most of those pictures are still on the remaining 36 CD's I've not transferred to this computer..
I'd been back on the internet at about 8.45pm last night, going through the addictive Facebook comments, when the computer had crashed to the these-days unfamiliar blue screen of death, and I'd had to restart..
With hindsight, I expect it was my Landscape Artist on a mission to collect his portraits, that had me shut down like that, but the nonsense didn't recur...  Is he restricted to my Facebook files, or does my Controller have him ferreting about in My Pictures and Documents as well?  *interested...

I'd laughed when I'd said to the GW earlier that perhaps it was time to use my FB security settings after all, although that wouldn't present any problem at all to the Recruits to the Data Collector's Army... Changing my password for an equally 'strong' one, would take my Controller all of one second to see and to note, when you accept that they're sitting in my system everytime I log on...
As long as we update our anti-virus and run scans regularly, it's pointless trying to keep the scavengers out..We are after all, a learning base for these cadets to this Yellow Army, to invade, in order to pass their initiation rites, are we not?
Once they've overcome their initial nerves/distaste (not something Vincent would've had a problem with, anyway) and acquired the rudimentary skills that enable them to hack into computers across the Zone, they're ready to be introduced to the computerised laser program, and taught how to target the Suckers to collect the relevant data for storage...
Only open my fat mouth and utter a word, and I'll feel an increase in the Backfire levels, or be jabbed fiercely in some part of my anatomy, and you can guarantee that if at that exact moment, I had someone take a photo of me, using a digital camera set on flash, chances are they'd pick up a sphere or two right next to me... It may well be that I'm successful in capturing the spheres simply due to the sheer amount of activity in our home, but I do urge you to try it for yourselves..

Jannie van Zyl, the Telkom Strategist who, along with the Shaikboys, sold the entire Zone community down-river, would've met with Knott-Craig early on, while he was still CEO of iBurst... When Ian Halliday took over in 2009, it would've been in the full knowledge that it was open season on his customers, and that IT Ignorants like us would be fair game to the Controllers of the Smart City technology...
What exactly was the Sales Pitch they tossed your way?  Ms. Kohler-Barnard?  Something along the lines of 'There's a top-secret push underway to undermine the ANC, and to eradicate the rot from within?'  Mygod, but it would take more than that spurious ambiguity to keep my fat lip zipped, but it would appear to have been more than enough to convince many of the people that I regard as my intellectual Superiors, to remain mum...

It wouldn't surprise me in the least to find that Zuma's own Spin-Doctor considers himself to be a part of the Trojan-horse operation to knock the Ruling Party from it's perch.. Hey, Mac?  Have you joined the ranks of the many Double Agents yet?  Have you been ordered to go about your business of Damage Control cheerfully, and to silently see yourself as some sort of necessary Martyr to the Cause?   Just as the Shaikboys no doubt participated in an about-face, and let it be known they suddenly wished to bat for the Good Team, and were collectively appalled by the depths of greed and depravity in the Ruling Party's ranks?
Converts like our Barnabas and Balliram, who've been permitted to cross the floor, and whose expertise and contacts would've been embraced whole-heartedly by the so called White Hats, despite their criminal activities..
You tell yourselves that you can still tell the difference between good and bad, and I will argue that's no longer possible.. Trust is a thing of the past, since the advent of this PRISM-like technology that's now saturating eThekwini, and you'd do well to remember that...

It was 9.35pm last night when I'd turned over in bed and glanced up out of the window.. There'd been a bright orange light hanging high above St. Theresa's Senior boys hostel in the east...  I can't say I recall ever seeing that sort of sodium-based colour in the sky before, and I'd laughed out loud with delight, and had hot-footed it out onto the verandah, only to find it had vanished in the cloudless sky..
I'd looked up again at 9.50pm to see it had reappeared, only this time it was over the orphanage itself, and I'd dashed through to wake the old man on the sofa, to come see it..
He'd tottered up and followed me, but he was too late to watch it gradually dim down and disappear into nothing.. Magic, I tell you..
I'd muttered aloud delightedly to the unwanted Agents in my bedroom, and had asked whether the light wasn't perhaps a drone sent to cheer me up?  Needless to say, I didn't see it again, despite the furtive glances I gave the window before I was kindly allowed to fall asleep...Spoiling me, you are...
A plane proper?  Nope.  I've been caught by that one before, and now know that if you wait long enough you will see an aeroplane move.. This one didn't, and there hadn't been a cloud visible in the sky, so I guess drone may not be so far off the mark after all...

It's now 5.30am, and daylight reveals a solid bank of grey cloud moving in from the south on a stiff wind.. Enough moisture in the air to activate and accelerate the growth of all the various fungi and lichens dotted about our yard?  Probably...
The GameWrecker is to fetch my kid from Sleepy Hollow sometime today, and the opportunities for him to encounter engineered mischief are boundless...
Will I sit and gnaw my nails till they've arrived home safely?  Hardly.   As there's diddly-squat I can do to ensure their safety, there's absolutely no point in stressing, now is there...
There are people out there who are suffering the agonies of the damned, as a direct result of the unregulated wireless frequencies flooding their neighbourhood.. Let's hope that the frequency du jour in their area is one that doesn't exacerbate their pain on this windy day......

I'd been sitting in front of the telly (which had done it's now regular freeze at some point), in the late afternoon/early evening, when I'd taken several clumsy jabs to the side of my neck.. Unusual... I'd barely settled down on Cloud 9 at 9.15pm, when there was a cattle prod being directed at my shoulder joint... Am I to connect these two new focuses of your attacks?
Are they designed to steer my readers thoughts into believing something is taking place, that in fact, isn't?  *teeth...
Back off, swine, and leave me be.... She'll gobble me up in her own good time, and without all the assistance you give her...


Sunday 6th October 2013 at 7.54am..  Edit: The GW has just muttered that the TV won't switch on... More mischief?