Thursday, October 03, 2013

A ticking time-bomb...
(begun Friday 4th October at 4.38am..)

*It's doubtful I could look any fuglier than I do, on this beautiful sunny morning.. Almost as though I've been engaged in an hours-long battle, of which I have no recollection....*

You were doing the public a favour? Detonating that bomb in a controlled environment to avoid a possible major catastrophe?  Stephen?
Whether he lived or died wasn't the point, as long as he was taken off the road for good?  Mission accomplished, although amazingly, he'd survived, despite that it had been a side impact, so the airbag hadn't deployed...
Although he has no recollection of the exact spot he'd blacked out on the M19, he seems to think he was passing UDW at the time.. An institution that's running a mini version of Petruccione's wireless base station at UKZN, if I'm not mistaken?

Did the set-up go so far as to include the person who initially invited him to that reunion luncheon, or was the information simply gleaned from the regular interception of his calls?  Have there been many other MVA's at that spot on the M19, as you practised the art of bouncing a signal down into a specific vehicle, causing the driver to lose control?  Knowing your modus as I do, I'd have to take a flyer and say that's a yes...
Maybe not the exact place that J had suddenly blacked out and had swung the car into the bank like that, but near enough..?
And ja, it's a miracle he survived, and he definitely won't be getting behind a wheel ever again, so it's all good?
It doesn't matter that it was your Cowies Hill Controllers that caused that glitch in his brain in the first place, as they repeatedly fumbled to access J's unit in Ambleside Lane, as you've successfully taken care of loose ends, and seen to it that he's permanently off the road... Bravo!!! *vomits...

When J had had his most recent petite mal episode, he'd taken himself off to a different neuro-surgeon who'd run a similar battery of tests to the first doctor... This chap however, had come up with a diagnosis, where the first had simply given him a clean bill of health and sent him on his way, a ticking time-bomb...
Yep.  This new and learned physician (someone who coincidentally also comes highly recommended by our Chief Clark himself), had finally diagnosed J as suffering from something called Transient Global Amnesia...
I confess that when J had trotted this out during our chat on Wednesday, I'd given an involuntary snort of amusement at it's sheer ambiguity...
No, no, protested my uncle... It's real, and you can google it.. Apparently the specialist was honest enough to admit that although he'd treated one or two patients with the same problem in the past, their petite mals had in each case been a one-off, and hadn't happened again..

He'd admitted he was baffled as to why the old man was enduring blackouts at least on a monthly basis, and he too, had no idea what triggered them...  Had he suggested my uncle forgo any driving in the future?  I've no idea, but I doubt it...
Too rich for your blood?  Too fantastical even for my wild imagination? You think?
Fraid not folks... Despite that it was the assholes controlling the Smart City technology in Ambleside Lane who had caused the initial glitch to J's brain, their Handlers smarmily chose to create a controlled explosion to rectify the problem once and for all...
Was there a large audience present to witness how skillfully the signal was bounced down to my uncle's onboard computer, flooding his car with the exact frequency that triggers his blackouts?  Or was the affair  restricted to the likes of Agent Balliram and one other, that the guilt be kept to a minimum?  Did Julian's cellphone ring seconds before he blacked out, and did he answer the call? Whatever...

The old boy is back at work and as jolly as ever, despite that he'll have to rely on lifts from now on.. All in all, it was a good day's work, and although you've changed his life forever, it was necessary, and no real harm done?  *spews...
As it is, you can now terminate him whenever you choose, simply by employing that frequency to the most suitable point nearest the old fella, and increasing the levels to the stage where he simply won't wake up.. Marvellous!  
Another member of the public deemed too old and too honest to be filled in on the finer details of the quantum laser surveillance technology.. Another like my Honourable Vice Chair, who may have questioned the premise of neighbour spying upon neighbour, under the control of some random unscreened and unqualified nearby resident...

Moving on... When I'd come across young Dominic's remark on Ms. A's thread at the Sydenham Community Facebook closed group, I'd been sufficiently startled into replying..
The thread on the recent house-breakin in Knight's Road refers... When I'd logged in yesterday, it was to find the young man had replied to my comment in the oddest manner, and I was for once left speechless...
Only later in the evening did his remarks suddenly make sense...
Dominic is, unless I'm very much mistaken, the Area Controller/Tutor, for Renaud and Capell Roads, and his duties may well include Barns and Everton as well... Clint? Am I correct?

The youngsters whose noisy alcohol and drug-fuelled fights on Barns Road Field have a few of our older CPF members complaining that a stronger SAPS presence is required, will in many cases be students or potential recruits to the Data Collector's Army, and Dominic tells us that they treat him with respect...
As well they might, hey kiddo?  Once you've initiated them by teaching them to hack into their neighbour's homes, or into the unfortunate nearby Sucker who has been set up like us, to provide a Learning Centre, the kid is OWNED...
Once they've joined the nearby LAN and met all the other cadets, and have found themselves sitting in Mr. B's home watching and hearing the old fart pontificate to his long-suffering wife, totally oblivious to the presence of these unwanted guests, they're completely hooked by the magic, are they not Dominic?

Respect, you say?  I would suggest that the more options you show them, that are available to the computerised laser program users, the more that respect is tinged with fear, and the less likely they are to wish to annoy you in any way? *uses the handy brown paper bag...
Will I sign in today to find that a debate on your comment has begun, or will the lack of comments on your remark remain?  Are they all only too aware of the position you hold in that section of Sydenham, and would rather gouge out their own eyeballs before drawing attention to themselves, in spite of their previously vociferous calls to end underage drinking and drugging among the youth of the area?  Not your place to judge those youngster's choices?  At least not until you've recruited every last one to the Project, when the Mistuh Cool facade is no longer required?

In fact, every minute you spend invading your neighbour's privacy so blatantly, you are doing just that.. Judging those unsuspecting suckers who fall under the circuits you control, and more often than not, administering a little extra of the specific frequencies that can cause a visible reaction to those who irritate you more than most... You've never?  Ai Dom, you want to check whether your bank balance can cover the nose-job you need..
How'd they go about snaring you?  A decent law-abiding citizen, how'd they go about ripening you for the plucking?
It usually involves personal finance, in my opinion, so - sudden retrenchment perhaps?  Or did your job become unpleasant?  Did our Expert in the Field, Agent Balliram single you out early on as a potential Controller, which would explain all the time you used to spend on our PC?

Were you flattered and stroked into setting aside any values you had, and led to believe that you could make a huge difference to the lives of your community? Of course you were...
Do I smell traces of the Omnipotence Disease taking over your persona, as the power you now wield over so many lives has you imagining yourself as some sort of deity?  No worries dewd, as that appears to be an occupational hazard that hits nearly all Controllers in the end.. Enough.. I figure my day's PR exercise is done, and that those who don't already know the lofty position you now hold, will indeed treat you with more caution and respect in the future... No need to thank me, just watch your back, and hope your Handlers don't turn on you for a lark, as they sometimes do...  If it's not too late already, you should avoid becoming too complacent and trusting, for no-one involved in this inhumane operation can be regarded as a friend, least of all your own Tutor, Agent Balliram...

LATER at 6.50am..

Whether by their own cognisance or on the orders of their Boss, it was at dusk yesterday that it became apparent that godschild had chopped down the heavily-fruiting mulberry tree that he'd allowed to flourish up in the street side of his property... Had those branches genuinely begun to interfere with the LOS to our kitchen-steps light?  Unlikely, although he'd gone so far as to remove the cover from his powerful wall light as well, and although my camera battles to capture such magnificence, I'll post a picture of the results when I can, HERE..
A message perhaps?  To say that my futile and endless wire-brushing efforts are not appreciated, as I struggle to remove much of the cloned physcia grisea and the sooty black substance that saturates our yard?  Will Vincent be permitted to return to work at ours, this coming Saturday?  He didn't bother replying to the text I sent him last week, and I have yet to receive a reply to the one I sent him yesterday.. Interesting..

As I'd swung through the broken traffic lights at the 45th intersection, into Jan Smuts yesterday, heading up to Westville at around 8am, I'd taken an almighty whack to my side, and for the next couple of k's I'd given serious thought to unpopping the driver's door cover to see whether there's something secreted in there, that could've aided that savage remote attack...
Until I'd had the locksmith install a bolt on either side of our garage door, my car had been open season for much of Balliram's mischief... We shall see...


Friday 4th October 2013 at 8.03am.