Monday, August 12, 2013

Chin up....
(begun Monday 12th August at 4.40am..)

The storm's way out to sea, and I'd have slept through it, but for the dogs. They've since settled in the lounge, and all that's left is the occasional flickering behind the clouds over the ocean... A flickering that's matched by THIS smallish light out of sight on Agent Balliram's valley-facing house wall... It appears that all of his other big signal enhancers have now been dumbed down to run at that eerie-looking half-mast strength, apart from this latest, that's doing a jig out front...
A subtle variation on a bunch of wireless frequencies your average ham wouldn't recognize if he fell over them?
I almost expected to see one of the two big lamps on the nunnery flashing merrily back at him across the dark valley, but I guess the Gatekeepers and Carers over there don't have the skills to create that odd effect.. Not yet, anyways..

I'd taken the binoculars up with me just after 8pm last night, to sit on the top steps and see if I could catch any of the promised meteor showers.. It was not be alas, as there'd been a stiff Northeaster blowing, and there was more cloud than clear skies.. Nonetheless, I'd sat there for a while enjoying the view, when a strangled noise had come from the area of my Excellent Neighbour's back door, overlooking ours, and I swear and declare it could've been some sort of remote device, the equivalent to my Controller's chirruping mechanism, although I can't say I was aware of any sudden discomfort, as is so often the case when the Sadist flourishes his remote...Ag, maybe it was just Rocks doing one of his weird howling noises...

I was still sitting there quietly, when out the corner of my eye a shadow had passed our front gates, and I'd stood up carefully, but kept my head down out of sight to watch a passer-by heading up the Crescent on our side of the road.. He'd ducked swiftly into our wall when he'd reached our streetlight, and I'd thought for a second he was taking a leak, but no, he'd gone back onto the street and had carried on up...
Dressed like your down and out Bushdweller in blue top and filthy trousers, with a beanie on his head, he'd appeared to be carrying a roll of white toilet paper under his arm... If I were to go out and check our verge first thing, would I find he'd torn off a bit and left it by the light pole as some sort of marker?
I've said it before often enough, that scarcely a night goes by without something being deposited on our driveway or verge, and if you think it's coincidence, think again.

The GameWrecker had managed to replace the microwave's blown fuse, but the new one he'd bought had died the instant he'd plugged it in.. I'd dearly like to have suggested we simply do without at that point, but instead I'd just given him my bank card and said to replace the appliance..
That's the spirit, hey Mikey? Take your pick and cause mass destruction, as was done recently in Lauth Road, Pinetown, and then blame it on some vague copper 'theft' at a substation, or get one of the suitably placed Area Controllers to home in to a specific jackpoint on a target's circuit, and spike the device of choice to death?
Smart City?  Well ja, if the objective is to bring the inhabitants to their knees, then I guess it's now a VERY smart city..*vomits...

Her first 'kill' so to speak, but not her last, perchance?  A grand the poorer, and not a penny coming into our home, one wonders if it gave them any pause for thought at all... Not likely...
You had a pleasant long weekend?  Good for you..  Pretty much as expected, I'd been hounded mercilessly from Friday through until about 1pm yesterday, when without warning, I'd been left to lick my wounds right up until 7pm last night, when the torture had been resumed...
All manner of assaults, including jabs to the head, neck, and earache, pinches to my sides, and of course the weekend favourites, the Backfire frequency, and the assaults to my right ovary area and the top of my leg...

Did I say phantom period pains?  How many of you read that and had chuckled to hear me admit they're not real pain?  Bollocks to that.. Those 'phantom' pains were the same as the ones that had caused my wrist and hand to swell up like a balloon HERE.  The same pains that had both my elbows and forearm swelling up even before that, leaving my GP baffled as to the cause of the infection, each time...
You might care to bear in mind that these 'phantom' pains can cause very real damage to the areas targeted, despite Agent Balliram's sniggering denials...  Just why I'd been given a 6-hour respite yesterday afternoon is anyone's guess, but quite possibly the Sadist had a guest and they'd gone out, leaving me in the charge of a slightly less ferocious Monitor?
Our two little dogs haven't avoided the stepped-up cruelties either, and have been leaping up at all hours, flapping their ears frantically as they attempt to escape the frequencies that cause them such pain and discomfort...

The attacks that will be being carried out on the canine population here in Sydenham alone, are unimaginable..
How would you know what your outdoor dogs are put through during the day, once you've headed off to the office from 8am till 5pm? Will you come home one day to find your beloved animal has tried to tunnel it's way under your house to escape the wireless frequency attacks, as appeared to be the case with one of my Vice Chair's animals?  Has your fine 6-year old German Shepherd been showing signs of early hip dysplasia, or problems with it's ears and jaw?  Your vet found nothing to cause the ear problem, and shrugs off the early hip problems as due to bad breeding? Watch your dogs FFS, as they could be providing you with a warning you wouldn't otherwise notice until it's too late..

LATER at 6.40am

I'd gone back to bed at 5.55am and had been left in peace until about 6.25am, when I'd sat up and smiled cheerfully.  Had Someone taken immediate umbrage at that point, or had it been taken already at my earlier scribbles on the suffering of the dogs in the neighbourhood?  Take your pick.  I was tidying away the newspapers in the lounge just minutes later, when Sophie emerged from her blanket on the chair and went into full-on petite mal mode...Something that's pretty hectic to watch, and godknows what she was going through at that point, but it wasn't nice...
Nobody'd dare assault your precious animals in that fashion, right, o Poisonous Rabbit?  You're certain of that?  When you head off out of the area for an appointment, who's to say your animals aren't targeted for a bit of fun by a nearby Controller and his chommies?

I'd have to guess that Someone both heard and saw my happy demeanour as I rose for the day, and for that reason alone my little dog had to pay, a short while later...  One of your finest Agents in the Field Mr. van Zyl?  Then godhelp the rest of the country, if he's the standard your Superiors aspire to..
The irony of it is, that tis due to the sadistic Operative's abuse that I've come to appreciate just how fortunate I am, and to take delight in the smallest of pleasures..
To be allowed to enjoy yesterday's Downton Abbey omnibus on the box, sans any assaults at all, was one such moment, and another, the apparent weightlessness of my large ungainly limbs, as I'd tried to sneak forty winks earlier this morning..  Magic, I tell you...

Our wirelessed bell at the top of the stairs had played it's full four-note tune suddenly at 2pm yesterday, setting the dogs into a froth of excitement.. Naturally, there'd been no-one there when I'd checked, and that spiked bell has only been sounding two of it's four notes for weeks, so you'll appreciate why I was momentarily delighted with that bit of sorcery...
I've not gotten further than reading the front page of yesterday's Tribune, where I find an article which refers to 'the explosion in the incidence of type 2 diabetes'.. Scuse me?  For how long have I been squawking on about diabetes and it's relationship to Sutcliffe's Smart City technology?  About 37 people a day die in this country due to heart failure?  A figure that's no doubt set to triple quite soon, as Petruccione's dense clouds of unregulated wireless frequencies continue to flood the air across the province...

LATER at 8.30am

So ja, I've been up to fetch the Times, and had let myself out of the gates to check the verge... Sure enough, there are two crumpled balls of white toilet paper strategically lying just below our streetlight pole.  THAT'S your Marker Man?  He certainly hadn't blown his nose or wiped his face at the time, and had hardly broken stride last night as he'd stepped briskly onto our verge to place the laser route markers... Opportunity for all, Balliram?  How do you pay the fellow?  Is it years or months that you've had him tucked down there in the bush to mark the verges nearby overnight?  His eyes had flicked briefly and guiltily in my direction, as he'd shuffled up the road again this morning, and he'd not stopped to ask for a handout.. Someone higher up is feeding the dude?  You bet..

There'd not been so much as a twinge to my embattled ovary or top of my leg this morning, right up until I'd walked into the bathroom around 8am to run the water, and *blam!* it was back, and now nearly an hour later, it feels like a really bad bruise and has me close to limping... Otherwise?  It's a particularly beautiful day out there, and I mean to make the most of it..


Monday 12th August 2013 at 9.40am.