Friday, July 05, 2013

Another myth debunked.

Another myth debunked...
(begun Thursday 4th July at 4.35am..)

*I don't expect for one minute that you will understand, let alone believe, all of my wild-sounding speculations and guesses.  All I ask is that you give them your consideration and allow for the possibility that much of it is true, despite the ongoing efforts at damage control..*

There's been no sign of the white Mercedes on the driveway next door this week, and Missus Balliram appears to have swopped her car for her mom's silver grey Merc, while the electric-blue Beemer continues to nip in and out at all hours of the day and night...
Their house alarm has been put back into use as an alibi as well, and at 3.50am this morning as I was sitting here at the desk, it went off, followed by the chirrup of a remote.
I'd thought to catch up on a few newspapers earlier, and had switched the desk lamp on instead of using my LED light. Oops!  Beeg mistake, as the Backfire frequency hit me like a ton of bricks, and hasn't budged since...

There's a letter in this week's Highway Mail from a chap complaining that for the third time since April 14th, cable thieves have struck their local sub-station... Alas, he doesn't give his street name or the area, but you can guarantee those thieves are operating at the behest of the Muni's Electricity Security Division, as they fumble about wiring up the area with Sutcliffe's surveillance technology...
Do you still regard it as an absolutely fabulous idea?  Despite that several of your family members are taking strain from the unregulated wireless frequencies flooding the Zone?  You're still comfortable with the now familiar 'It's going to take time before it's operating fully?'   How much time, FFS?  Do you remember what it was that hooked you in the first place?  You all agreed to give up your privacy in return for a safe future for you and your family, and yet after eight years nothing has changed for the better at all?
Sure, you don't have to worry about your kids these holidays, as they spend every waking minute in front of their laptops or PC's, being directed into Missus B or Mr. C's house, to perfect their skills at using the laser program... Though it's not likely they'll tell you the details of what they saw and heard on their tutored forays, you've learned not to ask too many questions, as long as they're safely off the streets?

Were all those reported cases of the sudden cholera-like tummy bug a few weeks back, not after all as a result of contamination of the fibre-crammed waterlines, and have I blamed MacLeod unfairly?  Were they instead due to the unleashing of what I've referred to as the Abdominal frequency?   Did our Expert in the Field at No. 6 say that his testing was complete, and they could try it out in other areas?
Could it have resulted in a mass outbreak of the trots across the City and beyond?  Hell yes.   To be sure, each individual will react to it differently, some far worse than others, but I'd suggest it's been a fairly simple thing to achieve, using just the right frequency..
Who would want to do such a foul thing?  Why, the Planners behind the very scheme you signed up for so enthusiastically, as they tighten their grip of control over the country's citizens...

The CIA plan on controlling the USA population via their electrical assets?  You saw that report?  Rubbish!  Control over the public's collective lower intestines would be nearer the mark.  It's YOU they're after, and not your fridge or your microwave oven... Hopefully you'll come to accept this, and if you're a Recruit and you begin experiencing weird and unpleasant side-effects, you'll recognize them for what they are and speak to someone in authority.. You've seen how simple it is for a crew to be sent in to 'steal' your cable, and for adjustments to be made to the control pole in order to take the heat off you....
Of course, any changes made could impact badly on the occupants of your nearby Hacker's Hubs, but as those residents are considered less than worthless anyway, no worries....

Will you heed Telkom's Missus' wise words, when she says that she doesn't DO conspiracy theories, and merely ignores them?  Perfectly understandable when you consider that her husband's long-time employers form the very backbone of this technological marvel of surveillance...

LATER at 5.30am

Desperate measures?  Five minutes ago Balliram's alarm went off again, and a sudden scuffling could be heard just outside our side windows, as someone banged about furiously with a spade, and you could hear the metal on concrete... Next minute there was water gushing noisily into their little courtyard area by the windy dryer HERE... 
Just a few days ago I'd watched his latest employee up a ladder, busy with something at the pipes next to their toilet window... Loosening them perhaps?  Preparing them for this morning's choreographed 'theft'?  Tsk, tsk... Pressure build-up in the surrounding waterlines was such, that they've had to resort to these drastic steps?
Are you listening out there?

It's now 5.35am, and he's turned the water off at last, though it'll probably be turned back on later today, while we're out.  Unless of course my Excellent Neighbour can be persuaded to run off the copious amounts needed to relieve the pressure... Water is precious, Neil?  Hah!   Why did the alarm only go off a second before I heard that spade hitting the concrete?  What about THESE cctv cameras put up to cover his entire front valley-facing deck?  No-one used the electric gates to go in or out during that fiasco, as I'd shone the porta-light on that area...
I can hear the waters back on and running again steadily, although he's dumbed down the flow considerably.. In a perfect world I'd have phoned Missus B straight away to see if she was okay, but in this instance it would be ludicrous...

Will the Sadist be preoccupied with the water lines today, and not have the time to unleash his students trackers on us, while we're out in the Polo?  We'll have to wait and see.. It looked as if No. 11's newly erected retainer wall was completed yesterday, and I've no doubt those waterlines will have to be readjusted onto the computerised program that Balliram controls... Another good reason for the 'copper theft' this morning?

LATER at 5.55am

I'm chuckling away at the realisation of how neatly the criminal next door has covered all the bases... How could thieves have possibly known there was any copper down there, hidden from sight as it is?  His house alarm went off at 10.15am, and then again at 10.35am, yesterday morning, and you can bet your bottom dollar that both Arch Prevaricators will insist it must have been the copper thieves doing a recce... Pfft..
How fortunate then, that my Controller will have all that cctv footage of both yesterday's and this morning's visits by uninvited guests...
See THIS little camera trained on the precise area in that tiny space?  Bingo!

Friday 5th July at 4am...

There's lightning begun to flash against the cloud cover down by Isipingo...
No. 17 had been waiting for me yesterday, and we'd set off for Westville as usual just after 8am...
As a full-blown diabetic you'll understand why her health is of great interest to me, and it turned out she'd been having tummy troubles all week.. By the time she'd said that she and her mum were waking up each morning experiencing extreme nausea, I'd had enough, and had thrown my usual caution to the wind...
'So you're not a part of Sutcliffe's quantum laser experiment after all? I'd asked her...
You're not carrying on some sort of legacy your brother left behind, and obligingly activating specific lights on your property each night, to order? Nope.
See now, if I'd asked her that question a couple of years ago, and she'd replied in the negative, chances are I would've doubted her word, and assumed that she was simply following orders to keep their participation a secret...

Not any more.  Another huge self-generated myth debunked, and one that I've totally believed for all the years since they moved in to No. 17, and she subsequently lost both her brother and her father....
I'd constantly brushed aside the fact that for Chosen, they appeared to be taking as much strain from the wireless radiation as we Labrats were... What a plonker I've been for sure, when it now seems that the family have been subjected to the same horrors as Sue the Book, Bas and his family, and ourselves, all along...
Are they now flooding No. 17 with the Nausea frequency, or is that simply their reaction to the Abdominal frequency that's been unleashed on us for the past few months?
You can't deny that our Area Controller (that would be Collin P Balliram), has a history of going after anyone who so much as gives me one kind word, and here we have No. 17, who now chooses to go shopping with me each Thursday, and is paying for it in spades...

How high must those levels of emissions be, to have that effect on her and her mum?  Mr. Spence? *studies the Superintendent of Electricity for Durban with interest....
You've washed your hands of us? You sleep better by totally ignoring our plight?  Whatever alterations were done to No. 12's streetlight after last week's carefully engineered cable 'theft', appears to have exacerbated our reactions by a mile, which I'm certain was the whole idea...
Has the crooked ex-City Manager joined the chorus for my head on a plate, since I sent him my blog address and my Facebook name?  Would that explain the hugely increased war effort in our home?

I'd arrived back and dropped her off just before 10am to find THIS Sydenham SAPS bakkie parked off next to my Controller's gates.. Come to take a statement on his copper pipe theft?  AFAIK, your average Zone citizen is obliged to take themselves up to Dodge City to do just that, though it's no surprise to find that Balliram is an exception to the rule, and that the cops will come to him, even on something as trivial as copper pipe theft.. I'd looked over the wall before 8am and had seen no damage at all, except for a +-4foot section of rusty piping laid artfully under their windy dryer... How much will he claim from his insurance this time?
*squeak, squeak, squeak go the signal enhancers outside my window....


Friday 5th July 2013 at 10.36am.