Sunday, June 09, 2013

Interfered with...
(begun Sunday 9th June at 3.35am...)

Heavens to Betsy, but this morning's shift Monitor is as keen as mustard!  There'd been a veritable clutch of silver beams shooting across the bed as soon as I sat up, and twenty minutes later I've had that unpleasant cap dropped over my skull, and the Backfire frequency has arrived... There's a fairly big wind out there in the valley, and that may be why he/she tried it on with the faintest of squeaky NATS as well... I'd snorted out loud, and it fell silent quickly enough...
Since then he's enabled something else that I can't quite pinpoint.. An aircon unit?  My eardrums are practically vibrating, and the 'tinnitis' threatens to drown out my thoughts..

At least I can still laugh at myself, and my lame attempts to sound an alarm that no-one wants to hear... I'd actually used the word 'struggle' in a comment I'd made on the Sydenham Community News page yesterday. Haibo!  WTF do I know of any 'struggle', having spent the better part of my life encased in my own cocoon of self-absorption? (sp) Bah!   And if you ask me, the often self-righteous-sounding social conscience I've acquired over the last few years, was borne out of little else other than desperation... *squeak, squeak, squeak, as the thready enhancer kicks in again...*

I got that one wrong as well.. She has a water feature in her garden and therefore she must be on board the Project?  Apparently not, and she'd blithely asked for more info on the quantum laser surveillance system that I'd mentioned in an earlier comment... Did her interest cause Double-Agent Balliram to so much as break sweat? You're kidding me... He's always on the lookout for fresh prey, and will have been salivating at the idea of accessing her powerlines and causing her a mischief...
It's been a while since last he used one of his irritating enhancers out there, but I guess he's got no choice as the wind is actually bending the tops of the straggly gumtrees across the valley, and is no doubt causing interference between ours and the huge and blinding enhancer staring at me from the booster cage on the dormitories...

Did I cause a mild flurry on the ANC Treasurer's thread on FB yesterday?  Were there a few hasty behind-the-scenes discussions before Damage Control rolled out to smooth things over?  Is the pope a catholic? Would the Treasurer have me believe he's applying the same Trojan Horse tactics that were sold to Yogesh the Good?  That there are party members working from within to eradicate the Rot?  What's his brief?  To peg away at the Opposition and to undermine everything the Councillor does or says, has mischief-making written all over it.. When you and your 'connections' and him with his new-broom passion could be working together for the benefit of the community, it's a shame to see the truth of the matter...

Wouldn't it be great if one were able to see the names of everyone who read my comment mentioning SITA? Course many of those posters are old pro's on Facebook, and have learned not to click on the Like option and reveal themselves... I've only been on that Social network for like five minutes and already I see that restriction to a Like option as a serious flaw, and you'd think they could at least add Read It instead... *grumbles...

Was the Shadow Minister of Police affronted that I'd suggested she step up her mum's security?  Did anyone even bother to mention it to her?  Rabid paranoia on my part?
Wearing your heart on your sleeve openly isn't a good idea at all, as my VC's kid had found out the hard way... He'd posted pics of his beloved dogs on Twitter, and about two weeks later, one of them was dead for no apparent reason... These things just happen?  No, not to my Vice Chair and his family, they don't... There's a heavy price to pay for hanging onto the old-fashioned concepts of honesty and integrity, ain't that right, Balliram?

So ja, Ms. KB's so obvious pride and adoration for her mum could attract unwelcome attention from criminal quarters, and I kid you not... The likes of Balliram and his less-than-savoury colleagues will spend hours sifting through the information stolen from your home in order to find your Achilles Heel.. Be it a shady deal you were involved in five years ago, that you'd sooner forget about, or your devotion to a relative, it will be noted as a means of controlling you, should the need arise...
I guess Dianne has been deliberately blinded by the Trough Feeders greed, when she should begin looking at the horrific corruption taking place over the airwaves...
Not something she need worry her pretty head about, Warwick?  Not a part of her brief, and she should stay out of anything Intelligence related?

The engineered confusion in that Department right now has been stunningly executed, and I'd lay odds you can no longer tell the Good guys from the Bad, which is just how the Experiment Planners prefer it... Chaos and confusion created in order to further destabilise the already shaky country, is just what the doctor ordered...

LATER at 5.05am

My Controller has seen fit to resurrect the Burning Hand frequency... My logs show that at 2.10am yesterday morning I'd suddenly come awake to find my hand on fire, and Rocky next door, barking in a confused manner up and down the valley facing section of their yard... Were those youngsters, camping down in the bush with Sydenham SAP'S blessing, on the move at that ungodly hour, or was it my Master driving the animal nuts with his clever use of the wireless frequencies?
When I'd sat up in bed at 3.15am today, I'd been pain free, but after a second I'd flapped my hand at the GW (my kid's down for the weekend), when it once again threatened to burst into flame.. A bit of lag there, Balliram?  The Backfire frequency was enabled another minute later, as I sat dragging on my clothes and *blam!* we were good to go... *gags..

Judging by the repeated sound of his squeaky enhancer out there in the dark, the wind continues to blow the load-bearing lasers off course, as he guides them to the bright green mossy application surrounding our spotlight under the eaves, within mere feet of where I'm sitting.. That's pretty much how it works right? The lasers carry the wireless frequency of choice to the chosen electrical fitting, and bob's your uncle, it floods into your home...
For a while there I'd thought the Rocket Scientist, Karl Muller, would be able to figure out the technical side of this astonishing push to rule the world.. That he'd put all my garbled blabbering together with my photos and have a Eureka moment...   A moment that would enable him to go global and denounce the Experiment Planners for the cold-hearted, calculating killers they are...
What was I thinking, FFS?  I can only guess that once he'd seen the enormity of the Project, that he realised he couldn't single handedly save the world, and has settled for doing the best he can on a smaller scale?   As always, pure supposition, but he certainly appears to have woken up to the fact that I'm more of a hindrance than a help...

Hmm...  I've recently realised that the dark little smudge that appeared in the sky in a whole slew of photos I'd taken some months back, has since disappeared... Pretty interesting, don't you think?  I recall going through my latest pics a few days ago, and actively searching for it against the blue sky..
There are several logical explanations for it's arrival and disappearance?  No there aren't... Go search through all my Facebook albums and find that smudge in the sky for yourselves and then try and explain to me how it could have vanished in recent pictures...
There's magic in the air out there folks, and whether that odd mark was generated by the likes of the Sadist next door, or whether he himself is being watched, you'll appreciate my continued fascination for this world-blanketing technological scam...
I'm feeling disgustingly cheerful for one who's up to her ears in the dwang.. The edge of complete lunacy?

LATER at 6.35am

I'd crawled back on board Cloud 9 at 5.45am, in an attempt to catch a few more zzz's before light.. Did I throw myself back off the bed in self-righteous indignation when my shift Manager arrived soon afterwards bearing his latest trickery? Turns out I'm still more animal than vegetable, though it's getting harder to tell the difference... That self-gratifying cunning had me lying there making the most of this new turn of events, and I'm not ashamed to admit it... I've an idea my Producer is hoping for a sequel to the bathroom footage stolen many months back, and used to such great effect on the Network...
You're testing my will against yours, Creep?  As stupidly obliging as the use of that frequency makes me, I only have to pull up a mental picture of Mr. Blobby the Shipping Agent, and his pal over at Dodge City, and you've another FAIL on your score card....

You want hypocrite?  I'll give you that and more.. Can a 67-year old crone claim she's being 'interfered with', or does that only apply to the young and innocent?  As I'm the furthest from either young or innocent imaginable, I doubt I'll be adding this latest entertainment to the very real war-crimes committed unchecked by Collin P. Balliram..  Injecting some much needed humour in an attempt to water down the real horrors being enacted under the auspices of the Experiment?  Affirmative..


Sunday 9th June, 2013 at 9.19am