Tuesday, May 28, 2013

(begun Tuesday 28th May at 4.15am...)

Any of you remember a few years back, to when the Experiment's Arch-Stooge Michael Sutcliffe announced sanctimoniously that the Muni were going to lower the water pressure across eThekwini in an effort to prevent wastage?
I recall my subsequent dismay when very often the water from the bath tap would slow to a near trickle.. Course, that was then and this is now, and with the computerised control of our water lines in place, specific pipes are being isolated and surged to cause further financial misery to the already embattled ratepayers...

The Eavesdroppers would've heard me tell the kind chap last night that the tap on our water meter, (that he'd so cheerfully fixed for us recently), was leaking again, and they would've heard his response that the line is being surged... Was I surprised in turn to learn that he's having his own problems with his electricity account being loaded, and that his meter has acquired a fault?  That's how it always worked, is it not, Balliram?  Those suckers that show kindness towards your guinea-pigs in any way, will pay for it, one way or another?
Had the Monitors promised her they'd keep the Look & Listen technology to a minimum for the duration of last night's CPF Meeting?  It certainly seemed that way, and apart from one initial bout of the Knives to the Back frequency at the start, and a sudden heatwave near the end, I was left alone to enjoy that often noisy gathering...

I'm still struggling to get my head around how No. 10's sewage made it's way some five feet sideways, onto our property, including their disintegrated toilet paper, and a colony of flies have already set up home in the sodden little hole in the wall we refer to as our tool shed...  Even I'd been gob-smacked by the sheer amount of the bright green substance that young Vincent had applied so heavily to the stone wall surrounding the tool-shed HERE on one of his recent visits to ours, though of course with hindsight it now makes sense...

It's now 4.55am, and the culmination of the previous two day's incredible heat have resulted in a steady rainfall... Not after all, the carefully engineered gale force wind designed to uproot the water-logged roots of the palm tree, though that can be guaranteed to arrive as well, in the not too distant future...
At some point during the afternoon yesterday, I'd heard a great deal of water gushing out nearby, and I'd hustled out the front to find two young gentlemen standing next to godschild's toolshed... I'd cleared my throat loudly but they self-consciously continued to gaze down at the cascade of water they'd created to gush out of my Excellent Neighbour's water lines onto the yard below...

At no point was there the sound of any digging being done against our boundary wall where the massive sewage runoff is taking place, so I guess I can safely assume their presence was for decorative purposes only?  I'd gone out again after dark and had stood up next to the wall to see if I could hear the sound of water running onto ours, but a NAT had kicked in as I crossed it's path, and my Monitor saw me straight away..  As I stood there, there came the sound of more water being released in a rush from their main water pipe into the yard below, and I guess something's been left open to reassure me that the problem is being attended to... That would of course be another FAIL...

Is this simply another promotional exercise, designed to demonstrate how the technology may be used to manipulate control of the computerised water-lines, or is is just another manifestation of Secret Agent Balliram's uncontrollable spite?  A bit of both, perhaps?
The fact that the steady stream of sewage effluent that's been directed onto our property since at least last Thursday, may present a health hazard, hadn't occurred to me until my Vice Chair had pointed it out last night...
Will you fall prey to this latest means of control?  May I suggest that you take the precaution of photographing the figures shown on both your electricity and water meters on a regular basis?  While it won't stop the Corrupt from surging your water lines or remotely hacking into your electricity meter to rack up a horrendous bill, those pictures would at least provide some sort of proof as to what is being done to the services you pay for so heavily.... Save the pictures of those numbers to a folder on your computer and they may just come in handy in the future..

Now that I've established the exact point where the water is running onto ours, I'll be keeping an eye on it, I promise you, rain or no rain....
Will my Good Neighbour's Household Insurance cover the cost of rebuilding their towering retaining wall, should it collapse and tumble down into their yard below?  Will it cover the cost of replacing the pre-cast wall on top of that retainer, and quite possibly their newly erected toolshed as well, or are our walls set to go down first?
Again - You may keep your Guptagate and your laughable Secrecy Bill distractions, when the man in the street is under siege by the very technology being touted as their saviour...

I probably misinterpreted Chief Clark's chirp yesterday, and I came away with the feeling that he was advocating that if one couldn't change the status quo, one should remain silent and accept things for the way they are... Godwilling that's not what he meant at all, for I would ask him to place himself in my shoes and see how long he'd remain silent in the face of this engineered and ongoing savagery...
The faint thready squeak of one of my Controller's enhancers sounds repeatedly outside the window, and I wave it away irritably...
It agitates me to think our Stephen might consider that Sydenham Station is in control of the Good guys at last.. Could he be that gullible?  Surely not...

I was absolutely charmed to see the Captain at our Meeting last night, and it must have showed... How much of her kindness was for the Monitors/colleagues benefit, and how much was genuine, didn't bother me in the slightest, and once again I hoped I'd felt a very real hint of pity for my inescapable predicament... She knows as well as I do that my efforts are futile, and I guess she's learned to take each day as it comes and to make the most of it...
Our Shadow Minister of Police was back this week in the Tribune to say that the last little blue and white Airwing chopper has been grounded at Louis Botha, and that would neatly cover the arrival of the new and as yet unidentified whirly-bird in the skies above the Zone...
Once I've established it's colours I'll let you know, and you can start looking out for it circling your suburb... As Kohler Barnard pointed out, the SAPS fixed wings are still airborne for the moment, though I continue to wonder at the destination of THIS plane as it continues to head off daily to parts unknown...  It doesn't seem to matter how high they climb to avoid detection or the radio waves covering the area, as the unmistakable sound of that engine inevitably alerts me to it's passing... Enough..

LATER at 6.10am

The rain continues to bucket down, and just how much more water those beautifully built walls can withstand is anyone's guess... My Vice Chair is taking strain, and it shows... Despite that his work keeps him up late, he tells me he continues to be woken in the early hours each morning, and is for some reason unable to go back to sleep.  I'd surmise that Sleep Deprivation is one of the simpler mischiefs achieved by Sentech's bouquet of hidden frequencies, and that employed for long enough it could lead to very real health problems.. Lazzie?  You've done the research and applaud this latest ploy?  Sure you do...
His latest animal to succumb to a remote wireless battering hasn't recovered, and it looks as though the animal will have to be put down.. One down, two to go, Balliram?
The sky grows light and I'm off for a bit..

LATER at 6.42am

I'd woken around 3am, busting for a pee.. The minute I'd moved I discovered I'd been the subject of last night's Advanced Class attentions, as my neck and shoulders groaned under some sort of whiplash effect... Ten minutes later and the discomfort had disappeared totally... More of the magic of modern science at work, to be sure...
Yesterday had been the fourth day in a row that Balliram had the giant overheads stay active during the day, though I noticed at some point in the early afternoon that the lamps had finally been doused... Mission accomplished, Master?   Or will they be left on again today, while Eskom continue to exhort us to cut back on our own power usage?

I omitted to mention that my first sight of the SAPS Captain last night had stopped me dead in my tracks.  I've not so much as glimpsed her for months, and it turns out she's been bitten by the Shrinkage Bug as well, though in her case it suits her mightily, while Balliram's astonishing weight-loss has turned him into something so gaggable that my head continues to refuse to accept it... There's nothing suspicious at all about the truly remarkable results I'm seeing in so many of the ranks?  It's simply being done in answer to the need for a leaner, meaner constabulary?
Has Balliram given up his addiction to the coffin nails and the occasional joint as well?  If so, it would explain some of the more brutal physical assuaults I've experienced over the last six months, as he battles to come to terms with his loss, and takes it out on the nearest sucker available...

Only the skraal will survive?  WHAT?  More false indoctrinations promising the recruits to the Yellow Army safety from the fallout if they starve themselves lean?  A message that will be kept from the masses, whatever it is, and adds to my theory that in this one-sided culling operation there are already the Haves and the Have nots...


Tuesday 28th May 2013 at 10.11am.