Monday, May 20, 2013

(begun Sunday 19th May at 5.10am...)

*Edit added at 8.29am, Monday 20th May:  I should probably have binned this update before sharing, but you're getting it anyways.   Anything remarkable about this bright new day?  There is indeed.  The complete lack of engineered malice and pain I've grown accustomed to in my early morning forays, has an odd air of guilt surrounding it, though you'll have to wait for tomorrow's contribution to find out why... *

They were waiting for me by the time I'd sat down here at the desk ten minutes ago... Something that was confirmed when a golden laser beam just slid along my lower eyelid in the dark...
I'd clicked on my Facebook About Me details yesterday, only to discover that I was from Romford in the UK, and that I'd been schooled at Kloof High, KZN... My edit button for those two areas was greyed out, so in the end I just padlocked them and hoped for the best...
In the short while I've been on that social network, I've declined to fill in those details, so it was quite a surprise to find it had been done for me... Some sort of Monkey bot that Facebook has trawling through and filling in the irritating gaps, or what? *winks...

Could Noseweek Friend Jane Lovejoy (the one with the toad as her personal avatar) and go through all my photo albums, and see for themselves that maybe I'm not just an old Nutter after all, or have my pictures been corrupted as well?  Should I bequeath the remaining 29 CD's of photos as yet not transferred to my computer, to Martin Welz, for his retirement?  For the day he finally sets down his sword and has the time to wade through a history of how this part of the world blindly handed over their right to privacy and good health forever?  Would I be arrogant to think that some of his trusted sources have already whispered to him of my crazy allegations, and that I'm to be ignored as nothing more than a mischief-maker?

The Advanced Class of Crime Intelligence gatherers had been waiting for me last night when I'd finally climbed under the covers at 8.27pm... I was hit by a flurry of the Knives to the Back frequency, and my 'tinnitus' had increased to a high-pitched shriek...
At 10.30pm I'd surfaced to an agonising 'cramp' behind my knee, and what sounded like my own wireless song right in the room... Cola took off from the bed flapping his ears, and headed off down to the lounge for sanctuary... The pain in my leg had miraculously vanished without my having to leap out of bed and dance a painful jig, so it wasn't after all, your standard cramp....

At 2.30am I'd been up for another pee, and that golden laser had slid across my lids even as I sat down on the loo..   At 4.30am I'd gone through to check that the dog was covered, and heard our little chest freezer labouring noisily... I'd headed back to bed and had some seriously bizarre dreams.. Was it then that I'd heard what I'd first taken to be the ceiling fan working noisily, and I'd peered up to find it wasn't switched on?  That the noise had increased until I'd muttered aloud to Balliram, at which point it had ceased?
With his exceptional ferreting talents and his complete lack of compassion for man or beast, you'd think that Special Operative Balliram would relocate to an upmarket area to enjoy his ill-gotten gains.. I like to think he simply can't bring himself to break the close bond we share, and that's the reason the family are forced to remain crammed into the Chickencoop next door... Do the offers flood in daily, or is this one area where I have indeed overestimated his worth?  If he were to relocate outside of the Zone, away from the Druglord's protection, would he suddenly find himself a minnow in a very large pond?

How many of the regular posters on the FB Sydenham Community (Closed Group) are aware of, or participate in, the so-called Crime Intelligence Collectives that now saturate the Zone?  It certainly appears they haven't been given the full story, and have no idea of their peril... How swift we are to sling derogatory words at the Ruling Party and claim they're too stupid/lazy/greedy to run the country... If this is so, who is behind the Surveillance technology Experiment?  If in fact you've been informed that it's the Good Guys team, why is crime on the increase?  Did it never cross your minds that the surveillance devices on the streetlights and telephone poles are being used by Organised Mischief Makers to keep you cowed and terrified into submission long enough for the entire country to be wired to this astonishing technology?

Maybe tomorrow I'll finally find the right words to wake you from your coma?  The GameWrecker's right, and all along it's been my inability to string a coherent sentence together, that's led to my failure to reach you...

LATER at 7am

How long has it been since last young halicon sat with his green light glowing in my gmail?  Will he bob up again at the mere mention of his name?  Did he hang about just long enough to decide that I'd finally gotten the message, and that I should cease attempting to communicate with Karl Muller?  Did the Rocket Scientist reach his own conclusion that my often voiced admiration and my communiques did his own credibility a mischief, or was he helped in that regard?
Has the one-time political science student discussed the laughably titled Crime Intelligence Gathering collectives with her good friend the Educator, or does she claim ignorance of their existence?

If debbie herself believes that there is any good at all involved in Roux and Petruccione's laser/wireless surveillance technology, then I'm seriously screwed... It's always possible that she caught on to the implications of population control early on, and that leaving me high and dry was necessary to keep the good chap safe from harm... Either way, Douglas need have no fear that I shall attempt to pick up those pieces, and I guess I'm just sad they'll not get to see my photos on Facebook, and learn to spot the signs of their own privacy being removed...

The horrendous levels of the Backfire frequency have abated somewhat.. In anticipation of the Morning Bathtime Matinee?  A sick pastime that the Pervert continues to indulge in, despite all his 'alibis' and denials...

Monday 20th May at 4.55am

How many of her enquiries have been met with the reply that the matter is Top Secret, but she can rest assured that the Good Guys are winning the battle of the airwaves?  Coming from several of her own Party members whom she trusts implicitly, would she leave it there?  IMHO she's the Shadow Minister of Police and nothing should be withheld from her.  Certainly not the fact that there are so-called Intelligence Officers stationed at many of the bigger copshops who are liaising with the Surveillance technology controllers in each suburb...
Would Missus Kohler Barnard think this was a GOOD thing?  Here in the Zone it's been Barnabas' Rotten Apples that have managed the Organised crime in the area, and nothing's changed there.. You'd be a plank to think that things changed for the better with Nayager's termination, and that's a fact..

You thought the guy was a good cop, Manuel? Seriously?  I had him pegged wrong all those years?  Bullshit..  Once he and his IT Monkey Collin Balliram were given access and control of the powerlines in the area, it was only a matter of time before the Omnipotence disease kicked in and he considered himself some sort of deity...
Did the boys down at Louis Botha offer to show KB their books?  If they had, would she have found that their budget was on it's last legs?  Would it have been hinted that once again greedy Ruling Party officials had been siphoning off those funds into their own pockets?  I'd bet that if she stuck to her guns she'd find that's not been the case at all, and that the money set aside to operate that entire Airwing fleet was in fact funding just three or four aircraft out of the whole lot...

That it's been keeping THIS fixed-wing SAPS plane heading off each day for destinations unknown, and THIS chopper with it's onboard computer often flying through the night to link up each new installation for the Surveillance project... Those hours alone will cost a bucketload of cash, and it's been going on for at least eight years, so unless some friendly oil-rich sheik is generously covering those flights, I'd suggest that the entire Kwa Zulu Airwing budget is being poured into just those few aircraft... It's for a good cause, Dianne?  Are you serious?  It's not Zuma and his cronies you want to worry about, it's those you trust in your own Party that are keeping the truth from you, and I doubt even Zille is privy to the finer details of this technology.. Only that she's been assured it will bring about the Ruling Party's downfall.. By the time that comes about there'll most certainly be a new force to reckon with, only it won't be one whose arrival is announced in the Press... It'll be a shadowy conglomerate of telecom's giants who answer to a power unknown...  A power that's planning a universal take-over in the not too distant future...

Will it truly be for the good of the world's population?  Judging from the means they've promoted to bring this country to heel, you'll forgive me if I have my doubts... After all, it was the Experiment Planners who'd chosen murder, mayhem, and terror as being the way to cow the country into submission, and what better way to achieve this than to use the very surveillance technology now being touted as the country's saviour?
I doubt I'll be around to witness the ultimate fruits of all these endeavours, but if you're lucky, you might... If the very people you trust don't suddenly decide you're poking your nose into issues that shouldn't concern you, and they have your own home's power system accessed and flooded with the deadly quantities of this astonishing wireless weaponry...

To those of you who continue to chirrup that one should surround oneself with only light and positive thoughts, and avoid the negative at all costs, I'd aver that's the coward's way out, and you're merely closing your eyes to the obvious... If everyone were to follow your mantra, how much sooner would we all be converted to a mass of obedient sheep?
I'm not here with my endless tales of doom and gloom because I choose to be.. I'm here as living proof that you have willingly given up your right to privacy and good health, and that you appear to be advocating that the rest of us sit back and follow suit...Sies...

Will this be another diatribe I toss in the trash without sharing, as I've taken to doing more frequently?  When it's plain to see my efforts to warn you are frankly nothing short of ludicrous?  If the bare-faced nerve of the full-page ads run in the Sunday papers describing how you can cut back on your power usage don't offend you, or the constant reminders from officials that water is precious don't have you grinding your teeth in rage, then Im guessing you're already on board this corrupt scheme to take over the world?
After all, it's the fibre optics now running through the waterlines for the surveillance project that's causing the bulk of the water losses, and the need for the Muni to run enormous additional amounts of power to strategic streetlights and overheads to thieve your privacy that's the reason behind the powercuts and any depletion of supplies... You support this massive corruption because..?


Monday 20th May 2013 at 9.25am..