Friday, May 03, 2013

Musical cars....
(begun Wednesday 1st May at 5am..)

It was about time I had a bit of luck.. Someone kicked Balliram's raucous house-alarm into life five minutes ago.. The Abdominal Frequency had rocketed ten minutes earlier, so this time I'd stood up from the desk and  checked out their driveway from my side window in time to see her Merc's tail-light's were still on, and the driver alight and scuttle down the stairs to the house...   Another house-guest, or the Durban Registered Landy owner?   A much scrawner, more agile version of the 6-foot psycho Balliram, this fellow was clearly unused to dealing with all the technology rigged up at No. 6..*chokes...  Jessica's boyfriend perhaps? The GW had mentioned a while back that the young man drives an eerily similar looking Beemer to Balliram's, though in this instance he was definitely using her Mercedes... How useful is all this in muddying the waters?  The so-fortunate sighting of the wispier proxy puts rather a different slant on things, does it not?

It would go a long way to explaining the dithering about that occurred yesterday at approximately 12.45pm, when I'd booted up the PC and a minute later had heard a text fly in to my brick.. It was an extremely late reply to a query I'd sent my kid earlier.. As I'm fully aware of the part played by our own cellphones in the house monitoring, I'd read her text and switched off my phone, at which precise point the telly screen had frozen and had to be restarted from scratch.  *eyeroll....  Had I woken the proxy squatting in der Bunker when I'd kicked the computer into life, and still groggy with sleep, he'd hit the wrong combination of keys, and knocked out our TV in error?

It would appear that while Balliram is off each day sharing his spying expertise down at the newly-renovated Papwa Sewgolum greens, he covers his tracks by having a handy proxy right in der Bunker, to keep an eye on me...
My Controller's own Damage Control manager will of course have created a plausible excuse for this latest house guest's squattage by the time you get to read this...  Am I offended that a young newbie, totally unqualified in Electrical Engineering, is now controlling our powerlines during Balliram's absence?  Not really. They have to learn their craft somewhere, and the youngster is not yet anywhere near as brutal as his Tutor/Mentor...  I'm darned if that hasn't been a fine start to my day, and it's clear that our Frankie designed his laser computer program to be as simple for a monkey to operate as a human being, and to hell with the consequences that their fumblings might cause to their unwitting targets, right Allen?

Still sleeping like a babe, Mikey?  Still savouring the rewards of your collaboration with the Underworld?  Still puffed up with pride at the monstrous groundwork you achieved during your reign?  A truly vomitous specimen indeed, but as long as you yourself can dodge the worst of the wireless weaponry, you may still get to enjoy your ill-gotten gains...
Her, up there by the mast, tells me she endured shocking migraines over the weekend, and when I'd spoken to my Vice Chair yesterday morning he'd said he's being woken to a headache in the mornings.  From 6pm until 7pm on Monday night, I'd been subjected to a knife to the temple, just above my right ear... Is there a connection here?  Were the three of us singled out for some special attentions perchance?

Do you begin to grasp the need for the over-the-shoulder Lurkers to read my scribbles well before I type them up online?  It's simply that these criminals may have their glib denials in place well in advance of my latest accusations being published... These professional prevaricators aren't about to allow themselves to be taken by surprise and caught napping...

LATER at 6.40am

Was our Area Controller, Collin P. Balliram ever so much as mildly rebuked for sharing that so-intimate footage of an unforgettable bathroom Matinee, with random members of the Community, or do your Superiors encourage the practise, Mr. van Zyl?  In truth, both the Shipping Agent in Mayfield Place and our own college-educated Lazarus may have come to regret the cause of their bleeding retinae... *fingers crossed...
Is there thieved satellite footage of your mother/wife/daughter doing the rounds out there?  Has the pretty 14-year old apple of your eye had her naked image gone viral among the more criminal of the Area Controllers employed by the Experiment Authors?  You're forced to accept the denials of those you've discovered to be habitual liars?  Shame...

Were you to think that the Pervert next door restricted himself to my ablutions alone, you'd need your head read and that's a fact... *first of the pink Error Saving bars has popped up*... Prameet, Freddie, Renette and her Spawn, and now it turns out, my most Excellent Neighbour, have all had eight years during which to learn to manage the laser computer program on their illegal visits to No. 4, 5, and 8... Visits that would have been carried out despite our audio and visual suffering caused by this wireless weaponry... Which of them came to actually enjoy our groans of pain nearly as much as their sadistic Tutor?  At least four of the five of you, to your shame... *gags... Assured that these assaults were doing us no lasting harm, despite glaring evidence to the contrary, it appears you never query your orders at all.. Again, I'm embarrassed for the lot of you...
No doubt gifted with functioning brains, you're content to allow yourselves to be manipulated to the nth degree, and it's taken a worthless low-life guinea pig to point out the obvious...

BTW, the hectic orange-coloured light that's been running from the back of the Sister's quarters is not after all, the enclosed verandah light, but one of THESE two rectangular boxes affixed above the nunnery's back door at the top of the stairs.  There's a huge amount of power being emitted from that odd-looking box, and you have to see it to believe it...
It was young Professor Els who'd told me how religious organisations were often coerced into allowing the telecom's giants to utilise their properties and to run their technology, and I guess it had been a simple matter for Michael Barnabas to persuade Father Denker to play along.. *fetches bucket...

Does the relentless application of the newish Abdominal frequency have an underlying purpose?  Are these johnny-come-lately assaults intended to achieve rather more than just my outraged curses?  Is it hoped that I'll become over-anxious about this latest frequency to the point where my stress awakens some form of additional cancer?  Why, I do believe you've gone quite red over there in your corner, Janneman.. No need to be coy dude, as I've seen you in action up in Craigavon, and I'm well aware of your preference for the no-holds-barred approach, and Ms. Dorny's charred conifers told a story all on their own, did they not?

Thursday 2nd May at 5am..

Which do you despise more?  The sickening self-loathing, or the seemingly assertive? Both, in equal measures?  So what are you doing here FFS?  Are all the males in the Balliram clan prone to physical violence, or is my Area Controller an aberration ?  It hadn't been long after I'd taken Nobby's tick-ridden corpse up to the vet for cremation that T had said to me 'We're not doggy people', and yet, in all the years I've known them, they've been through three dogs?
They feed me stuff to deliberately wind me up?  Said with typical scorn by the Poisonous Wabbit himself.. Had he ever actually grasped that these wind-ups would include going to such lengths as purchasing a pair of cute puppies from the SPCA, with the sole intent of employing them to make mischief?

Turns out that Captain Courageous' Brother-in-Law up in Garbutt Road has used the same modus operandi to offend his neighbours in turn, and more often than not I'd drive past No. 6 to find two or more dogs hanging around in the road outside their gates.. I was told the other day that one of them got run over and killed recently, and a neighbour had had to tell the owners before anything had been done about it... Did they take the body to the vet for cremation, or did they get a droog to black-bag it before it was dumped somewhere on the side of a road? Hey - different strokes for different folks and all that, but my issue was, and always has been, to question why a low-life character such as Balliram would ever be given such power and control over so many peoples lives, let alone animals...

When Jannie van Zyl was a kid, and his papa felt that his mum was talking out of turn, did he used to smack her around physically?  Another fellow with a taste for going after the female of the species and administering pain, to remind them of his status.... The wireless weaponry is a godsend for those who carry a yellow streak a mile wide, and they may now indulge their brutal perversions without fear of repurcussion... Despite this, you're still determined that these are isolated cases, and that the Experiment is set to save us all?  Pfft...
Jackie Selebi's relationship with Glen Agliotti?  Come now, what about Selebi's relationship with 'Earl' Michael Barnabas and Glen Nayager, down here in the Zone, and all the rest of the filth that Sutcliffe had Spence hand over control of the technology to?
It was funny hey Allen?  You were actually amused at the time.. I tell myself you probably didn't know exactly what you were doing back then, but you no longer have the luxury of using that as an excuse....
The eight years of pain and bloody suffering me an my nearby friends have endured looks set to continue indefinitely, which tells me there's no real commitment to changing things for the better at all...
My continued insistence that Balliram be locked away in Kokstad's max security facility is no doubt seen as hilarious...

So far, I figure my Facebook photos have been enough to confirm that all I've been saying is true, and I ask you, why would I lie when it comes to our rotten Area Controller?
I was right about the neighbourhood dogs being used for laser target practise, and specific frequencies being used to torture them, and the same brutal treatment is being meted out to community members across the Zone by this Thug and his student graduates...


Friday 3rd May 2013 at 9.51am..