Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Die trying...
(begun Tuesday 21st May at 6.55am..)

Are many of my more intimate ablutions on some sort of rss feed to the Telecoms Strategist's own smartphone?  I flatter myself?  Au contraire... I'd suggest that these foul-feathered birds stick closely together, and that more than a few of their filthy habits are shared avidly... What would cheer the little Telkom Agent more than to watch me tugging whiskers from my chin, or taking a dump, to remind himself of the near-absolute power they have over me?

Jannie van Zyl is about as respectable as my Area Controller, Collin P. Balliram, which is to say an unethical, amoralistic, low-life sadist, who is capable of hiding his psychopathic tendencies behind a mask as amiable as that of the Coward at No. 6.   Fooled you, has he?  Had you round to his mansion and fished about for ways he can help you in your personal or business life?  As a result, he's your Main Man, and can do no wrong?  You'd better be thinking along those lines or you could find yourself in serious trouble...
You think your whispers behind the scenes at the mybroadband forum are private?  Think again, suckers...
He's another like my own Unfortunate Controller, who takes offence at the drop of a hat, and who'll sit simmering quietly until the opportunity for payback arises, godhelpyou.... Foul-feathered birds whose own filthy habits have them flocking together behind the scenes to pat each other's backs...

Nothing personal Mr. van Zyl, but you can't deny you're considered one of the higher ranking Officers in this Army of cowardly IT soldiers, albeit merely a puppet like the rest of them?  You come always bearing gifts, do you not?  And woe betide anyone who dares refuse your bouquet of bribery and corruption...
Are you able to maintain the sneer on your newly-chiselled chops when you go back to that gross footage, and marvel at how yet another of your Protege's grand schemes had failed so badly?  Fuelled by the repeated mails I was getting to say that Wretched Toad's YouTube contribution was top of the pops for weeks in a row, I've no doubt it was hoped I'd simply curl up in a ball of shame and disappear forever?

I've never been under any illusions regarding either my looks or my habits, Mistuh van Zyl, and I do believe I turned that sordid plan around to provide some small advantage to myself, after all.. *finger to Mayfield Place and the Comms Officer at Sydenham SAPS...
To the majority of your crass, ill-educated sheep, that form the ranks in your Yellow Army, Balliram's efforts would have seemed nothing short of genius, but to those who may as yet have not been totally brainwashed, I hope it was a wake-up call showing clearly that they've aligned themselves to Scum...Chances are that those who chose to view that so-private stolen footage may well come to regret their decision before too long and I've no idea why that should be, only that I'm to pass it on...

Wednesday 22nd May at 5.40am

Morning.  Just a quickie as I'm late... First grumble of the day? I'm not that keen on the high-pitched electronic whine I'm picking up in the bedroom.. The one that's mysteriously muted when I mention it out loud?  The only walljack in there is switched off, and the plug pulled out, and the ceiling fan isn't on, so...?
Something new, or has it been going since the early invasions of privacy and my head just hadn't isolated and picked it up?  What part does it play in the crippling pinch to my lower side that I'd discovered when I sat up in bed earlier?   That pinch hadn't been there when the Throat Choker frequency nailed me suddenly at 3.05am, and that spasmodic involuntary bout of hacking had me nearly passing out?

What happens when a decent hardworking parent comes home from the sweat factory to tell his adult sons/daughters he's heard a rumour that some old woman is saying the Project technology is being used for far more than simply Crime Intelligence gathering, and he'd like to be shown how it all works?
Does SonnyJim get the Controller's permission and then hops into the nearest home while dad watches in astonishment as he sees his neighbour strolling through into his lounge, saying something over his shoulder?
Does the kid point out to his father that you have to aim the lasers directly at the fellow to enhance and capture his words, and those silver flashes/pink target seeker do their work?
The victim on the screen doesn't appear to be aware that he's got those tiny flashes of light all round him or of the particular wireless frequency they're carrying, but his words are relayed clearly back to the Watcher's screen... Check out how his movements and words are being automatically captured and saved before they're stored in the satellite data bank, and nobody gets hurt during the process...?

Parroted rubbish... Each time their home is accessed, those occupant's immune systems will take a hit, and some will of course be affected far worse than others... Those young and not so young 'soldiers' are in fact being encouraged to go as far as they can with the different frequencies, and if they can get their target to actually physically feel pain and discomfort and show it on the screen, there may well be some sort of bonus score involved...  A monitoring job that at times can be so boring that any change in routine is welcomed with delight by these Peeping Toms...
What bliss if the victim of their attentions immune system has now become so battered that she gives a satisfying roar or curse of pain at your administrations?
So much more rewarding than merely chasing the dumb-bunnies from room to room as they bicker and gossip?  Naturally the young recruits omit to mention the latter details to their concerned parent, and the fellow goes off satisfied that it's just a bloody rumour, and he doesn't believe for one minute that his beloved offspring could be shortening his neighbour's life span considerably...

LATER at 8.15am

A fairly neat bit of magic had been enacted for me earlier.. I was sitting in the bath around 7am enjoying the scalding water, when a sudden strong funnel of cool air swept past me... WTF?  The window was wide open and the net curtains weren't stirring, and I'd held my hot hand over the  bath outlet aperture to see whether that had been the source of the sudden strong draft.. Nada... It had run along the wall from the tap end of the bath to the washing machine at the back end of the tub... It's only the second time I've actually encountered that weirdness and I'm guessing it has to do with the booster hidden in the Samsung?
It had been a few months ago that I'd had a similar experience in the bath, and had been hit by a sudden gust of wind that came from nowhere, and I'd been that baffled at the time I doubt I'd shared it with you here...

Shall we move on to more water-related matters?
The fact that my Vice Chair informed me five minutes ago that he's been hit by two bills from the Water Department for the sum of R38000 and that his insurance will only cover about 8ks of that?  I've no doubt with the new computer controlled water lines it was a fairly simple matter for the Turd and his cronies to pick two areas on my VC's water lines to surge repeatedly until they began leaking... Areas that it was highly unlikely would be noticed by the Honourable Man until a suitably horrendous bill was presented to him?
Water is clearly set to play a huge role in the control of the population, and here we have a prime example of how it's being used to financially cripple someone seen as a very real threat to the Corrupt...

You care to make some enquiries, Mistuh MacLeod?  You want to follow up this latest criminal behaviour, or do you not dare put a foot wrong in the dance you do for your own Puppetmaster?  Your old man was IIRC, a good guy.. What the hell happened to you?
The GameWrecker had called 0801313013 last Thursday 16th May at 11am, and reported that the sewage manhole cover down by the Harris/Jan Smuts stop street was overflowing and running down that little servitude to No. 2. HERE.
He wasn't given a reference number but they said they'd have it attended to.. Would you be surprised to hear that 6 days later it was still running, and that when I'd gone up to fetch the Times early yesterday morning the flooding had actually increased?

A 6-day runoff that would've gone unnoticed by most.. I'd come back down and asked the GW for the details of when and how he'd reported the leak, and Nervous Neddy next door had clearly heard my request, for just one hour later a crew had arrived to attend to the problem.. *heaves...
Were our Neil to deny knowledge of the extreme corruption taking place with the water supplies, right back to and including the contamination of the Durban Harbour, I'd have to say he's more than earned his seat next to that other criminal of note, Michael Sutcliffe... Were he to deny that the computerised lines now afford a Controller the means to surge chosen lines and cause a deliberate break, as has been done now with my Vice Chair, in order to slap him with a gargantuan bill, he'd be lying...
Care to prove me wrong?   That you're an Honest Joe, and are appalled at the obviously criminal operations being carried out by your employees?
Personally Neil, I figure you don't give a toss for the man in the street, and that guys like the Honourable Man tend to make you break out in a sweat.. Let's see what happens, shall we?  *waits...

The vice-like pinch to the soft tissue around my hips was removed a couple of hours ago, and whoever sits reading at my shoulder has Millie grumbling steadily at the Backfire frequency... My little LED light had flickered and dimmed constantly in the early hours, despite it's new batteries and the results can be seen in an even more incoherent than usual babble of words...
Stick with me, children.. As a PRO for the Terrors that are to come, I guess I have as yet no equal...


Wednesday 22nd May 2013 at 2.17pm.