Monday, April 15, 2013

Nothing nice to say..?
(begun Sunday 14th April at 5.10am..)

I'd picked up the sound of a chopper around 7pm last night, and I'd gone out and watched as it circled over the Dome side of Mayville several times, before it crossed over the Freeway to circle over the Hugo, Everton, Randles area.. There's no ways I could tell from this distance whether it was our Airwing guys HERE, or the newer whirlybird that's recently taken to operating over those specific sections.. The newbies are kitted out in yellow and navy blue, which I guess could be considered the old SAPS colours, or even belonging to MTN, take your pick...   With hindsight, I guess it was the latter after all, as our Flyboyz have lights that are active on their underbelly, while these lights were on the side of the craft, and they certainly weren't after any criminals, as their headlight wasn't activated...

Another hugely expensive exercise, paid for by whom?  Whether our shadow Minister of Police showed any interest in my pathetic attempts to sound the alarm, or whether she was easily persuaded to ignore the Old Nutter, will be something only the Agents watching her every move will know...
Wouldn't it be a hoot if she were to stand up in Parliament and without any warning at all, to insist on being given the Airwing financial expenditure?  To say that it had come to her attention that an enormous amount of money is being spent on keeping THIS particular chopper aloft, and for her to enquire where THIS little fixed- wing SAPS plane goes to each day, and just who it's carrying on each trip?

Want to bet she'd be sidelined with unseemly haste?  That someone she trusts implicitly would likely hush her up and whisper that it's to the Opposition's advantage to remain silent on Airwing's activities, and not to worry her pretty head about such things?  Has Missus Kohler-Barnard already bought a version of the Trojan Horse Promised Miracle to Come?  Probably one that has the DA winning the battle of the airwaves and installed in Government?  
If the shadow Minister were to be made fully aware of just how this super-sophisticated Surveillance technology is being employed, would she be sickened to the core?  I'd like to think that's a yes... There's a great deal more to that lady than her gym and running tweets would have you believe, and I'd dearly love to take a dekko at her home to see just how heavily it's wired... Is she a willing link in the signal's chain? Has she happily added a massive amount of additional lights to the outside of her property, for her own 'security'?  Does she run the dangerously wireless-friendly CFL bulbs throughout her home, or did she figure out it might be heathier to use the old standard bulbs, indoors at least?

I figure that by now you've realised that your well-being is the of the very least concern to the Experiment Authors, and that their promotion of the energy-savers has very little to do with economical factors and everything to do with enhancing the Blessed signal.... Those unusual thumping headaches that kicked in each time I'd switched on the desk lamp next to the computer, were more than enough warning for me... Chances are you won't be that fortunate, and you'll keep using them until they quite possibly cause you a mischief... *shrugs...
It's getting light out and I must go.. Hmm... as I go to leave the desk, a trusty band of noisy hadedas in the valley let me know that whoever's on duty right now is watching me as closely as ever...

LATER at 6am

You'll have to forgive the ear-bashing, but if I don't put my thoughts down when they hit me, they're very often gone forever... There'd been no dreaded BackFire frequency at all this morning, and Millie the Gross had slept soundly from the time I rose at 4am, until I'd put my pen down ten minutes ago... I'd headed down to the lounge to draw the curtains back and immediately my ears had been crushed by the pressure in that room.. It was accompanied by a veritable wall of the BackFire frequency, that most certainly hadn't been there earlier.. Nasty...

I'd lain in bed and listened with half an ear last night, while a couple of bush-dwellers had self-consciously chatted loudly to each other somewhere out in the dark valley, and this morning the smell of their campfire fills the air.. More of your stooges, Balliram?  Sure they are, as no self-respecting bushdweller would make more noise than was necessary, and those two were making sure they'd be heard.. Engineered theatrics again? To what end?

Are your animal's eyes as bloodshot as Sophie's HERE?  Is that normal, or could it be Roux's thick blanket of gold-dust ultra-short laser beams that are causing that obvious irritation?

LATER at 10.15am

The stench of a very dead rat lingers... I'd been checking out the updated comments on the PI's Facebook page when I'd happily been pointed to Chief Clark's Chirp page, and I'd nipped on over there like a shot and had added it to my Likes.. (Although 'Interested' would've been a better option).. A second later, and both little dogs were hit by the Frenzy frequency and had dashed frothing, down to the valley boundary wall to repel the intruders they imagined they saw... Was Balliram unhappy that I'd 'Liked' Stephen's page, and if so, why?  His new best bud?  As if that little demonstration of dog control wasn't awesome enough, he'd gone straight on to hit Sophie with the Petite Mal frequency, and she'd promptly fallen back on her haunches out there on the verandah, weaving about drunkenly... It was over before I could fetch the camera, but you can guarantee he's not finished with my dogs by a long shot... *gags..

Is Sgnt. Clark a purported dog lover, and would he make an exception in this case, saying that he understands and sympathises with Balliram's rage, and that he also might be inclined to vent on my innocent animals to teach me a lesson?  Like I said, this is the first such 'episode' she's had since I blogged my Controller's increasing use of the Petite mal frequency some weeks back, which hopefully may have grossed out more than a few of the Recruits who've yet to become certified brainwashed zombies... *fingers crossed...
Does the Prick appear to have an immediate and valid rebuttal to every accusation I level against him?
With his ability to peer over my shoulder and read my scribbles well before they're published online, it's no doubt a simple matter for him to have all manner of alibis in place before you even get to read these words... *yawns..

A sudden, apparently out-of-the-blue falling-out between the PI and Westville SAPS?  Just when the community need their combined assistance the most?  Lord, but something smells familiar.. Greasepaint perhaps?  Don't you chaps ever get confused by all the masks you wear?  Balliram does, but then he's got a whole team to run behind him clearing up his mess...
Brad and Stephen are both well aware of the Surveillance technology rigged up on streetlights across eThekwini, though of course it's not worth their jobs, let alone their lives, to admit to this...
Let's say four homes in the same street in Westville were all broken into on the same day, within hours of each other.. Let's say that all those homes had what could be seen as state-of-the-art security.. Why then does Stephen simply say those measures let the home-owners down?  Wouldn't it be great if he could be truthful and admit that with the magic of wireless and control over individual power supplies, your security measures are easily rendered useless?  Of course he can do no such thing, and it's no wonder he burns such a short fuse, as he knows the Seriously Rotten controlling the technology, have a head start on the so-called Good Guys..

Rubbish, Stephen? Really?  Who has major control of the airwaves in your precinct, and have you checked all their credentials to see whether they're not Fence Jumpers like your associate Collin P. Balliram?  You leave that to your tech guys to deal with, and spend your days trying to convince your Community that you're the Good team, while many of your colleagues work just as hard at undermining your efforts?  Some of the masks you wear are not terribly attractive, though I can appreciate why you think you have need of them... Sometimes I wish, ag, never mind what I wish... Your white hats are looking somewhat the worse for wear, and sad to say with the company you keep, they're going to get grubbier each day... Will you surprise me, and prove me wrong?

Monday 15th April at 4.40am

Someone is overly keen to see my take on the theatrics introduced between the PI and the Westville Comms Officer?  If the goading prods and jabs as I lay on Cloud 9 before 4am, and the fire that's just ignited on my back are anything to go by, the Rubbish is breathing down my neck in his desire to read my scribbles... The temptation to scrap the whole sorry situation is great... To simply leave the two of them poking away at each other dramatically, on an empty stage, and sans this audience....

I'd been sitting here at the desk yesterday morning at 7.12am when a jet had gone by.. Too high to spot, it had been the roar of it's engines I'd heard... Not a steady continuous sound by any means, but one that came and went oddly as it headed by... Any of you diagnosed as hard of hearing?  Is that weird on/off effect par for the course, if your hearing has gone south?  Sort of like my ears are pulsing in and out, and similar to the BackFire frequency pain that hits me in the lounge.   A pulsating on and off jab that's somehow rhythmic? (sp)  Any ideas why that should be?  *fascinated...

I'd like to think some good has come out of all the flamboyant theatrics that kicked in within mere days of my signing in to the Private Investigator's FB page, and I find his spin-off Pet Detective page a godsend.. Will you go check it out and add your Likes?  The next time you come across a stray in your street, why not take a picture and post it on that site, and who knows but that it could be reunited with it's owners?  A small enough gesture to show that you've not yet sunk to the depths of so many of your recruited neighbours?

Whoever keeps me company at this hour has seen fit to employ the nerve-pinch to the lower back every now and then.. A sort of mini version of the stunner unleashed on me in the SAPS quadrangle last Thursday.. Having fun out there? I'm not quite as amusing as I used to be, and you're showing your displeasure any way you can..?   Peace..


Monday 15th April 2013 at 9.15am..