Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Stirrer...?
(begun Tuesday 12th March at 7.30am..)

*Am I playing right into their grubby little AmDram Society hands?  Do I simply lack the grey matter to see just how neatly I'm being manipulated along with the rest of you? Hey, only time will tell...*

I'd noticed that split-second of hesitation when he'd come into the office and seen me sitting in the corner as usual... If he didn't before, the BIL now knows exactly the role I play in this inhumane Experiment, and I'm betting there's been a family confab recently.... Would I be incorrect in assuming that at some point the Crumb and the Reservoir Hills BIL have reached a shaky compromise?  That they've agreed to disagree for the moment, and they will each refrain from casting slurs on either Sydenham Station, or the methods used by the CPF to combat crime?
Odd how I feel things have changed, and that there's some sort of relationship been struck up since the extreme irritation our Laz had displayed when the chap was first elected..?

Would you care to see the poster that the Sydenham SAPS Communications Officer allowed to be stuck on the station boundary wall, for at least long enough for me to capture THIS shot?  *whips it away smartly... No, if the occasion arises, and I feel the Head of the Reservoir Hills Sector Policing Forum has come under attack by Barnabas' puppets, then you shall most certainly get to see it...
Although way more ambitious than No. 16, he's a good man, despite that I wish he'd drop his political aspirations, if he still holds them?   Why?  If he were to be elected to office alas, chances are he would turn into one of the self-serving FatCats we've all come to loathe, no matter how noble his intentions...

It's bad enough that he will be very aware of which of his area's properties are rigged up as Hacker's Hubs, whose occupants will be tortured endlessly by some of the *coughs* less principled Recruits to the Laser game training... It's bad enough that he's learned to justify this criminal behaviour by denying to himself that it's happening, when he knows darned well it is...
Is he fully aware that as an important link in the power chain, his own home and privacy will be accessed frequently by the likes of the Cracker next door at No. 6, and he'd be none the wiser?
Sure, when it comes to blethering idiots, I'm a cut above the rest.. Does that make me a criminal, and deserving of having our privacy and health violated in this fashion?  According to many of you, it does..

That brief look he'd given me spoke volumes, and I'd hazard that Narcissus has been whining long and loud to anyone who cares to listen, that I am nothing more than a shit-stirrer and trouble maker...?

Wednesday 13th March at 4.23am..

The fierce jab to the side and the sudden arrival of the BackFire frequency tell me as usual that I have company here at the desk.. *yawns... The enhancer at the top of Balliram's driveway has been doused completely, as has my Good Neighbour's matching twin...
Are you aware of everything your young adult kids get up to, during the laser game training sessions, or do you simply take their word for it, that they would never deliberately harm their designated targets?
Is he the apple of your eye, and you simply refuse to believe he's capable of taking part in the ongoing thuggery I describe?

Way too many hours spent in the company of a psychopath was always bound to take it's toll.. See, your kid's Tutor reminds me of Ted Bundy.. A pleasant enough looking fellow with an amiable smile, who would insist he wouldn't deliberately hurt a fly... (google him)...  It's not now, and never has been, in my interests to point an accusing finger at Collin P. Balliram, so you should ask yourselves why I do it, unless I have bloody good reason,...
Why would I refer to him constantly as a murderous and vicious Pig unless I was absolutely certain he was all of that, and more?

When exactly was it that Prameet's monitoring responsibilities were suddenly escalated, and he was told that along with some of his fellow Recruits, he would very often be in charge of monitoring ours on his own?  Around the festive season, when his Tutor was forced to play happy families, and head off to a holiday destination against his will?
Was the Gymnut flattered by the trust put in him at the time? Guaranteed...
Sad to say that I doubt there's any family intervention or prayers that will return your beloved child to the fold, and out of the clutches of the criminals whose company he enjoys..

Balliram and Laz between them have set your kid up to be the fall-guy, and he didn't see it coming.. By the time you read this update (if you can be bothered), those two conniving bastards will have achieved their aim, and you will have come to regard me as no longer a harmless over-talkative old fool, but a downright mischief maker..Correct?   Nicely done there, College Boy!   *applauds...
In the unlikely event that the parents at No. 16 still don't see it 100% your way Laz,  you'll simply arrange for
another vehicle to be stolen from their drive, or something worse...?

Is the Observer at No. 16 aware that the physical assaults on my Vice Chair have been resumed?  That I did in fact warn him on Facebook that his chest or feet might begin playing up again, due to his continued honesty and outspokenness?   And so it was....
Why, when the fellow is the very embodiment of honesty and integrity, and works tirelessly for his Community, has he not been approached and invited to join the Surveillance project?
Any ideas, Cyril?  Pravina?  Ish, perhaps?
You're all too busy with your personal lives, and have to rely on what your recruited offspring tell you, and what they choose to omit from the family discussions?

A sorry state of affairs indeed, but one that suits the Druglord's puppets very well.. It's a given that I'm no longer a wrinkled Curiosity, but will have been upgraded to Stirrer Supreme...

LATER at 7.50am

I struggle mightily to marshall my scrambled thoughts, and fail abysmally as usual.. When I'd gone on about how many of you have sacrificed your offspring to the ranks of this cowardly army, that is precisely what I meant.  Some willingly, some in desperation, and some unwittingly...  Did you have an alternative in place when they came knocking on your door with the Trojan Horse sales pitch?  Not unless you have buckets of money and are able to fund your child's studies in electrical engineering, medicine, or some other worthy profession, and even then he/she may still fall prey to the Recruitment Officers and their deliciously couched enticements...

Those youngsters who have their eyes firmly fixed on a specific career, and will work hard to achieve their goals, simply won't have the time or inclination to spend hours poking about illegally in stranger's homes, supposedly recording private data for their Area Controllers and his Superiors in turn... Those who are rudderless and have only their computer skills to fall back on, are highly prized by the Experiment Planners, and will be gobbled up into the ranks of this Yellow Army before you can say voetsek...
Let's have a look at what your beloved child could have been up to yesterday..

At 1.15pm I'd been in my corner of the lounge when the BackFire frequency had arrived in force and was swopped soon afterwards for the Abdomen special... By 1.50pm I was encountering both frequencies simultaneously, before they disappeared and didn't return...
I'd had a disturbingly pain-free afternoon after that, and can only assume that there'd been some sort of emergency Meeting underway?  I'd remarked several times aloud that my Tormentors were treating me with kid gloves for a change, and that I appreciated it...
It goes without saying that happy situation had changed dramatically at ten minutes past 7pm last night, by which time I've no doubt any ruffled feathers had been smoothed, and reassurances made, before the torture was resumed..

I was subsequently hammered pretty much non-stop by a variety of frequency weapons, and the Christmas Beetles in my ears had reached a crescendo, up until I was finally allowed to make my escape and scarper off to bed....
Has he mentioned to you that Sue the Book at No. 5 has decided to undergo an operation to her back, in a last desperate effort to alleviate the increased agony she's suffered over the past few months?  The same period of time that I've been claiming the levels of EMF have rocketed inside our homes?  What chance do you think she has of the op being a success, considering her system must be irrepairably damaged during the eight years her home has been a Hacker's Hub for the laser game students?

Do you care?  Do you seriously give a toss whether she loses her job and is crippled for life? Renette? Prameet?  Of course you don't, as you're both considered Graduates in the art of Laser weaponry, and as such, what passes for your conscience has been compromised beyond repair...
Man, how I wish I had some news to cheer you up, when all I seem to do is trot out doom and gloom...
I suppose you could be happy that you're not on the receiving end of Bundy's wrath, and if you're careful, you'll avoid that happening in the future?
You could always look out of your window at the deceptively green valley and the clear blue sky above and simply be thankful for another beautiful day.. It works for me..


Wednesday 13th March 2013 at 9.22am.