Friday, March 15, 2013

Here today...
(begun Friday 15th March at 2.55am...)

*As you can see, I've once again been driven from the arms of Morpheus to chat to you here..  I tried to catch a nap after 11am, but the assaults were resumed just fifteen minutes later.. *

I'm no more than a useful if extremely irritating warning device, am I not Mr. van Zyl?  Here today, and if you choose, gone tomorrow?  The thick silence surrounding me here at the desk is broken only by the incessant high-pitched shriek in my ears... A sound I've learned for the most part to ignore, apart from the occasional dramatic change in frequency...

Did you ever get to hear whispers of the satellite footage stolen during a Bathroom Matinee at ours, that's doing the rounds out there?  *watches the new Cast member closely....Come now, a chap in your position is surely aware of everything that's to do with this fantastical surveillance technology? Ask and it will be shown to you, and if it isn't, then insist it is.. Study that footage and the next time you see me in person, shall we check whose eyes drop first in shame?  Seriously?
Once you've seen that evidence, it's hoped you will finally wake up to understand fully just what you've signed up for, and how all the moral values you'd tried to instill in your offspring (if you have any) have fallen by the wayside, under the carefuly tuition and guidance of the Pig, Collin P. Balliram...

Is there already footage of your wife or daughter available to your enemies? How the hell would you know?  You would believe your own flesh and blood when they whine that it's only ever been Sue the Book, B.Snr's family, and our home whose privacy is being violated in such a fashion?  I would suggest that you're much too intelligent to buy that crock, and unless you're a Certified Master of Denial, you will finally see through the subterfuge to the truth.... You've signed up for a Cause that has been marketed and promoted by a DRUGLORD, who in turn obtained his lofty position from several heavyweights whose own actions now hang under a cloud of suspicion.  The ShaikBoyz? Michael Sutcliffe? Need I say more?

You're offended and shocked by the idea that you could be working happily alongside a band of criminals?  You'll have a word with the Communications Officer up at Sydenham SAPS and ask his advice?  *falls over choking...Has he fed you the one about how he's one of the Good Guys in all this mess?  Hell, even you can see that's far from the truth, whether you're in denial or not...
How I wish I could help you to reclaim your precious offspring from the clutches of this monstrous scheme, but of course I can't... I'm the Village Idiot, doomed to yap on forever, for the amusement and entertainment of the Troops that make up this cowardly but deadly Yellow Army...

Do you consider your brother-in-law to be a good person?  I do, and yet he's sat silent these past eight years and watched as the occupants of No.s 4, 5 and 8 reeled under the onslaught of the radio waves and EMR pumped into their homes... He's heard how our health has suffered mightily in all manner of ways, and of the physical tortures we endure during the 'training' sessions, but as far as I know, he's not said a word... Indeed, if he had, it would've been met by a week's worth of having his alarm system spiked repeatedly, or a vehicle hi-jacked from his property, or intruders in his yard...  He will have learned eventually to keep his mouth shut, and not to question the training methods employed by his son's Tutor...
Would you be broken-hearted to know that the values you attempted to instill in your kids may have flown away forever, and that they now actually take pleasure in causing pain and suffering to both animals and humans?

I've just watched the Pig next door as he pulled the wife's Merc to the bottom of their drive and emerged at 3.45am, and you may rest assured that I wasn't the only one who suffered physical abuse at his filthy hands in the early hours of this morning...
Do his noisy ablutions wake her?  Has she learned to turn over and go back to sleep and to avoid thinking about the suffering he's inflicted on innocents during his hours away from home?  As much as I shriek futilely for his head on a plate, am I aware that by now there's a queue of like-minded savages stretching to the horizon, all waiting to take his place...

There's a better view from der Bunker, Chop?  Is that why you finally headed home? You can read my scribbled words with ease as you sprawl only a few yards away in your corner?   Both dogs had felt the change immediately upon the Sadist's return, and I've just taken a Knife to the back to confirm this...
But that's okay Ish.. Don't let our trials and tribulations bother you, as you vainly try to combat the carefully engineered crime in your area... Has it not occurred to you that you're fighting a losing battle?  Has it not occurred to you that the majority of crimes in Reservoir Hills are being controlled and manipulated by the use of the very same technology you've been led to believe will save the country?  Hush now, for what you mutter quietly to your wife may just be relayed back to Sydenham SAPS, or even to the Big-Eared Tutor, Balliram ...

You sleep with your cellphones beside you in order to be able to assist your community members should they need you?  A habit you should really reconsider, unless you're happy to share every sound made in your bedroom with the likes of the Eavesdroppers in the area...
While I can't advise you to seal those phones in an envelope of sisalation overnight, due to your position, I'd still suggest you left them in another room, set on Loud...  Am I frightening you?  Hey, it's too late for that now, and all I can recommend is that you start talking to your friends.. Try heading for the greens, away from lamposts and pylons, and leave your cellphones in your boot... Then go speak plainly and openly about what's happening to the country, and whether this monstrous technology is in fact designed to save or enslave you..

Bearing in mind that I've been forced to include you as a regular cast member, you should be aware that your home will be Live now, for a good deal of the time.. As you have far fewer pain sensors than the female of the species, the first hint of increased wireless activity in your domain may come from your wife, and she may complain of headaches or arthritic like pains occurring.. Be warned...
It's now 4.15am, and I'm going to go and attempt to lay back down on Cloud 9 for a while.. I'll let you know whether I'm allowed to rest or not...

LATER at 5.30am

Though I caught myself groaning out loud several times, and in spite of the Pathetic Cur's malicious jabbings, I did manage to rest for a while..
To the gentleman who has the advantage over me of knowing who I am, and yet still has the courage to acknowledge me as he goes by, up or down the Crescent, I've got to thank you for renewing that spark of hope as I sit here in this dark place...
One who hopefully recognizes the truth when he sees it, and is paying attention to my warnings...

While I'm on the subject, may I draw the attention of the Gift of the Givers to the apparent plight of the 70 odd children who remain housed at the Experiment Station that was St. Theresa's Convent?  May I point them to Page 9 of yesterday's Weekly Gazette and the Director's plea for assistance for those young guinea pigs?   It's pretty shocking to think that whoever manipulates the National Lotto fund, was only too keen to cover the costs of exposing those kids to the laser/wireless technology on a grand scale, but that once they'd paid to have the Convent/Orphanage/School rigged up to the Project Planner's satisfaction as a mini base station, they no longer assist those labrats financially, and the Home is now in need of your help.

As the Muslim Community have been misled as to the real purpose behind the installation of this deadly system as much as every other denomination here in the Zone, may I beg that you look kindly upon the Director's request, and at least ease some of their financial burden where you can...
I guess I can count on you to do the right thing, despite that some of you may be pressured to ignore their plight.  Sure, I'm a dumbass heathen, but I can still recognize good when I see it...

LATER at 6am

How'm I doing here, Janneman?  It's not like I'm called in for regular assessments and progress reports, so how'm I doing?   Do your Bosses still consider I'm achieving a fine job of scaring a select band of readers who dare visit these pages?  BTW, if you're new here, you might want to try googling Jannie van Zyl, iBurst, or vodacom, to see just who it is that I address so often... Don't be fooled by the fellow's diminutive height or lack of finesse, for to underestimate the Telecom's Strategist could have serious consequences for both you and your family.. Another who interestingly enough suddenly decided to get fit last year, along with the likes of the Crumb at Sydenham SAPS, and his criminal buddy, Collin P. Balliram...
Care to show us the rat whose stench fills my hairy nostrils, Jannie?  What's it to be?
Only the toned will survive?  Or have you all come to know that even those at the very top of this pile of rot are being recorded for posterity, and you don't want to let your flabby physique embarrass you?

I guess I nailed that one as well, and as usual I can anticipate my reward in the form of further monstrous physical abuse?   All those years of bottled up rage and irritation at the little woman's nagging and carping, can now happily be expended on deserving targets like myself, Mr. van Zyl?  *heaves....
To those of you who may be unfamiliar with the term Hacker's Hubs?  You've seen Jim Carey's Truman Show?  That is precisely the function we innocents now provide, as demonstration models designed to show you every facet of this astonishingly invasive technology, be it to assist organised crime, or to show off the individual frequency weaponry and the damage it causes...
Does your kid admit that this is the truth of the matter, or is he/she so lost to you they would lie to their own parent?  There are dark days ahead, as those that cling vainly to their moral integrity are 'taught' to change their ways or succumb to an over-dose of EMR...

On the plus side, it's another heart-stoppingly beautiful day out there, and I'd like to suggest that performing a random act of kindness could cheer you up no end.. Peace..


Friday 15th March 2013 at 3.11pm