Saturday, February 16, 2013

Out of the mouths....?
(begun Saturday 16th February at 6.30am...)

*Last edit, made at 11.20am Sunday..  Already as I sit here trying to clean up the errors and incomprehensible grammar, I've taken a deep ache to my left chest... Trying to scare us, Knob? You should know better than that by now... And the pink Error Saving bar you just activated? Insecurities, dear fellow..Not for one nano-second do I ever consider either you or one of your proxies aren't sitting on my tail, and I certainly don't need your pathetic reminders...*

*The PC screen was allowed to load on my second attempt, however Chrome then advised that my blogger page wasn't available, and Firefox said the Server couldn't be found... Pfft...Sir LameaLot scrabbles for a firmer foothold?  Windows Network Diagnostics said that it was the Local Area Connection 3 playing up, and in fairness, it tried to resolve the problem... One only hopes that Ian Halliday and Brian Poole enjoy the renewed publicity I give them, as a result of Crackerjack's antics...*

Something's changed again?  When I've walked into the bathroom this last week, it's been to an increased wave of whatever crap is the order of that particular day.. Whether it's the standard and much favoured BackFire frequency, or the newer pinch to the neck or side, I generally step in there to meet it head on... Can I guess?   Whatever booster was hidden inside the Samsung washing machine has at last come into it's own?  That to facilitate the assaults now coming from No. 11, our bathroom was considered to offer the most efficacious LOS to Agent Newton and her spawn?  *Aside: You'll have to pardon me for referring to your actions in my home as assaults, but thats exactly what they are... Oh sure, the visuals and acoustics are being thieved and sent dutifully back to the storage base as ordered, but the real fun is in knowing that each time you arrive, you cause me physical pain in some area of my body....

Have I got you pegged all wrong, and there's no malice whatsover involved during your personal shifts in ours?  You'll surely appreciate how I struggle with that one... When I look at my friend at No. 5 as she hobbles about in agonising pain, some days much worse than others, and I recall how vocal she is on the subject of your youngest?  When Sue groans out loud with added pain at your arrival, do you kindly drop those levels immediately, or do you revel in the payback for what you consider an unfair assessment of your offspring?  Come now, you can whisper the truth to me here, for I find it simple to don your tiny shoes and feel your outrage, albeit a sad and unpleasant experience...

How beautifully you've been played for a sucker by His Grossness next door... Led to believe that your son has a flair for employing the laser program, and allowing him to practise his fumbling skills on the remaining victims nearby, would've given the Sicko more pleasure than he's had in a long time... The increase in the levels of pain and the renewed crippling of both Sue and Missus Bernie at No. 17, was unavoidable, as you and your kid are now legitimately employed by the surveillance project, and he has to learn somewhere?  Can women Operatives avoid the inevitable Omnipotence Disease that comes to affect most of their male counterparts so badly?
Peggy?  *looks at IcyHot..  Do you take inordinate pleasure at causing pain to some of your more irritating targets, or do you dumb down the technology the minute you see or hear that it's hitting them hard?  *curious...

Vanessa?  Sure, you care less when you're invading a known Drug Dealer's home, whether your regular visits cause the prick pain or not... What about his old mum, bed-ridden in the next room?  An unfortunate and unavoidable statistic?  And your colleague, who's child has been encouraged to break the Law from an early age, and yet who continues to allow herself to become enraged when he comes under unflattering discussion?
The pitfalls these New Age Eavesdroppers must face each day, and still be expected to react responsibly... The Planners had known from the start that personal issues would play their part in the treatment of designated targets, and they've encourage it from the getgo...
You don't deal personally with Balliram, Renette?  You're with the White Hat team and he with the Black, and an intermediary is used to pass on his orders? Hah!...

I sense no White hats bobbing about over at No. 11, and would suggest you send them both to the cleaners before it's too late... Why would you willingly allow these bastards to turn your youngest into a Monster, every bit as murderous and pitiless as the Pig at No. 6?   It's out of your hands, and he has no future other than to join the Yellow Army?  Yeah, I know that, and I accept it, but dammit girl, you've got to keep him away from the likes of the Creep, or he'll get sucked into the wrong side quicker that you can say Wit Rivier...
Is Old Bill a good listener?  Can you run all your fears and anxieties past him, and does he understand, or does he shrug you off and tell you to deal with it?  You're more than welcome to pop over to mine (in person FFS) and shed all that shit you're carrying about, though of course you know that Balliram will steal every word you utter, and use it against you if the need arises....
How many of you simply didn't see it coming?  That by your participation in what was sold to you as a Noble Cause, you've given up your right to privacy forever?   You don't care? It'll all be worth it in the long run? Will you survive to last the 'long run?'   You seriously believe the White hats are going to emerge the winners of this Foul Game?  Enough...

LATER at 7.55am

Several people have said to me that it sounds as though I know a great deal about this advanced quantum laser/wireless surveillance technology, and yet I know nothing... Only what I feel or hear as the Operatives and their Learners access our home..  For instance - What's the reason behind the recent introduction of the Jabs to the Neck or my Side/Back?  Is it done purely to elicit an audible curse for your entertainment, or is there a darker motive behind those repeated assaults?
As much as I wonder what structural damage will eventually befall all the areas so carefully daubed with the pretty green GM'd moss, do I have to ask what destruction you hope to achieve by repeatedly attacking the soft tissue/organs in my abdomen?  A fair question, but one that's not likely to be answered...

It's now 8am, and the BackFire levels are already more than unpleasant.. Will you say you were doing me a favour by ostensibly giving the reins to No. 11, despite knowing the the extra distance between us would necessitate eye-watering increases in the wireless employed?  Despite, or because, Mistuh van Zyl? *aaand, at that point I was still editing this update before hitting Publish when I was given the Blue Screen of Death! Hau! Wassup?  Do you consider I'm getting too personal?  This from people who frequent the Bathtime Matinee on a daily basis?  This from some serious Saddos who find it amusing to pass on the most intimate of details stolen from our home?    

LATER at 11.12am

I've just taken the dogs up top to discover the probable cause of the hectic levels of BF operating in ours, and the frequent Knives to the Back, as I pass from room to room... The Expert in the Field has his biggun active just outside these windows despite that it's nearly noon, and is no doubt showing off for his chommie's benefit...
One of the larnie new outdoor lights installed between the two floors HERE at the Orphanage building over at the Convent, is flashing on and off again, but with at least a six-second interval between flashes... It's a mercury vapour green and certainly looks as though it's being manually manipulated, just as it was a couple of days ago...
I'd come back down stairs to be hit by a heavy puff of the Throat Choker frequency, and was temporarily convulsed by the dry barking ...  Evidence that the Sadist continues to introduce light-hearted entertainment to his classes, to hide his murderous intent... Ain't that about right, Chop?

As long as you can continue to convince those young suckers that there's fun to be had in torturing the vulnerable, the cancers and other illnesses will be ignored, and again, I sometimes wish I couldn't see the frigging bigger picture quite so clearly...

Sunday 17th February at 3.30am

Did Sutcliffe leave any of the old bronze monuments standing when he embarked on his Toss out the Old and Bring in the New destruction of the CBD?  We still occasionally drive down West Street to get to the beachfront, or along the Esplanade, but I can't say I've been paying much attention... Is that statue of Dick King still down there by John Ross House even? *curious... Would google include it in their new game?  Can you imagine a Gamer circling that monument repeatedly with his nose buried in his iPhone, as he struggles to complete the quest?  *falls over choking... Five minutes tops, and he'd be relieved of his most prized possession, and maybe even his life as well... Did I get it wrong or were a couple of local players mugged while they were playing, and yet they carried right on?  Were they carrying spare phones that the muggers missed?  How'd they do that?  I must go re-read rpm's thread again and see how it was they managed to hang onto their phones..

At some point in the early hours as I lay there being poked and jabbed in my abdomen, the old 'A man may be judged by how he treats his animals' saying popped into my head, and for some reason I can't shake it... I've flogged that dead horse more than once over the years here, so whyTF do I feel the need to bring it up again?  You've got five dogs and a cat, so automatically that makes you an animal lover?  Not.   Where's your cat right now, BTW?  Well-fed and curled up on your couch, or off out somewhere starving, as it can't get back past the five dogs you keep shut outside?  Tough titty, just get another one, right?  *spews...
Hey it's different strokes for different folks, right? If you've a dog or dogs, and they've never ever been allowed indoors, then you certainly don't fit my idea of an animal lover...
If your animals are expected to survive the increasingly hectic thunderstorms and the firework celebrations while shut outdoors, you shouldn't be allowed to own a dog.. Not even the sturdiest kennel can replace the sound of a kind word or a pat when those thundrous Indian Kings are being set off around the neighbourhood..

Was it the Graduate holed up at No. 11, or the Sadist slouched in der Bunker, who activated the faintest of squeaky NATS just minutes after I'd sat down here earlier at around 3.30am?   Your guess folks, but whoever it is, they're irritating our Millie no end, as they struggle to read what I'm writing here.. Create a sisalation writing box?  Now there's a thought...
When I'd tried around 2pm to boot up the PC, once again the monitor was blocked from loading, and I'd decided it was time to re-introduce Ian Halliday and Brian Poole to these pages...   There's absolutely no way we're the only Suckers that Mr. Halliday willingly allowed to be hijacked by pseudo-intelligence Operatives...  How much money do tradepage alone make, as a service provider, knowing that the service their customer pays for is re-routed to a third party's control?   Our connection has very little to do with our service Provider these days, and is granted grudgingly by whichever Operative is on duty at the time..  What's the monitor not loading got to do with Ian?  If Halliday and Jannie van Zyl didn't have a running deal between them, would things be any different?


Sunday 17th February 2013 at 8.58am.