Saturday, February 23, 2013

A blood-sport..?
(begun Sunday 24th February at 2.45am..)

It was probably around 2am when Someone decided it was time I woke up... It took a while, but by 2.10am they had my attention, as the Donkey Kick had spread from my navel to my ovary area, and a sudden spasmodic burst of hacking confirmed I had company... *yawns... No doubt some nudging-middle-age, feeling under-valued Knob nearby, showing off for his equally crass mates... Whatever.  I'm up, and it's worth it.. The thick silence is as yet unbroken by the squeaks and purrs of his enhancer devices, or at least, I can't pick them up....

I'd been trawling through the DSTV channels around 1pm yesterday, and had ended up watching Street Patrol on Channel 171..  The cops had taken a call from a distraught woman who said she'd been beaten up by her old man.. A great ox of a specimen he turned out, and he'd been pretty accurate with his belt, and both her knees were lacerated, and the back of her arm was already going black with bruising... Even as they were taking the bloke into custody, he'd fixed his beady eyes on the battered wife, with a big cheesy grin on his face, until one of the cops had told him to quit the threatening attitude... But of course you just knew he was going to get her again, sooner rather than later...  Those bloody cuts on her knees from the belt buckle, and that dark bruising, was clear evidence of that brutal assault... Not something that the victims of the wireless weaponry are able to produce, although the batterings are every bit as savage..

Just think.  You've got blokes everywhere, who've been sorely tempted to administer a klap or two to the nagging harpy, and who've had to hold back in frustration, for fear they'd be caught and labelled a wife-beater... With the introduction of Roux and Petruccione's arsenal of invisible weapons, these closet misogynists can now vent their frustrations on women without fear of being caught.. That's about right, is it not, Janneman?  You wouldn't know?  Bullshit...
If you're not privy to the footage of Ms. Dorny and her kid suffering under the barrage of crud you arrange to have unleashed in her home on a regular basis, then I'm Hitler's auntie...

Where exactly are the hours of footage taken of me, when Balliram went after my hand and wrist with such savage glee?  Hell, even I remember writhing about on Cloud 9, begging to be finished off when the agonising attacks were at their peak, so where are those records?   What excuses will you give?  The Network was down over that period?  The actual data saving technology was on the blink?  The feed to the satellite was faulty?   Those relentless assaults were ever bit as savagely brutal as that poor woman endured under her husband's belt, and yet all I have are some pictures of a swollen forearm and some sausage-like fingers... Sure, there was lasting damage, and I was to go on to discover the cartilage around my thumb had mysteriously disappeared, and I was diagnosed with early onset arthritis... Odd, when you think that I'm out there regularly pushing the lawn mower or slashing the bank?  Not quite your standard arthritis then?  Rather, an ailment that kicks in only when a specific frequency is employed in the area..?

There'll be plenty of footage of Sue the Book groaning out loud as our Area Controller or his Graduate poke savagely at her already weakened spine with their laser cattle prods, just as there is archived proof showing the results of each deliberate assault made on us by Balliram and his assorted Recruits, but as we have little or nothing to show for it, we're laughed off and ignored..
Did I say de-humanisation?  Bigtime, folks... Here's a for instance - Where exactly were you yesterday morning at 8.15am, when I endured the equivalent of having a knife stuck in each of my ears?  And again at 3.47pm yesterday afternoon, when the same thing happened?   There's no blood, and I wasn't hospitalised, so what's my beef?  Unbelievable....

LATER at 3.37am

The February issue of Popular Mechanics was waiting for me here on the desk this morning.. Have you seen it?  The cover headline 'Who's Spying on You?'   A genuine effort being made to educate the population on the increasingly steady loss of their privacy, or a neat exercise in Damage Control by the Experiment Authors?
At first glance I see no mention or reference made to Roux and Petruccione's astonishing laser/wireless surveillance technology, and I very much doubt when I come to read the article properly, that I'll find it tucked away on those pages...

I'd have to bet you'll be nicely distracted by all the other means used to thieve your personal data, and that you'd laugh off the idea that you could have a steady stream of unseen visitors watching and listening to everything in your home, while sending that information back to a satellite, via a fibre optic network... Enough with the crass 'they're welcome, I've nothing to hide' nonsense... It's like you genuinely don't gettit... You'd be happy to share pictures and sounds of your most intimately private moments with the world?  Certainly there are some of you out there who'd survive the realisation, and even get used to the idea of bathing and taking a dump with company... Would your performances in the bedroom stand up to mass scrutiny?

Why would the invisible Eavesdroppers/Voyeurs be remotely (!) interested in such banalities?  And again we come back to the push to de-humanise the world's population... You only have to look at my highly-prized and protected Criminal Area Controller to know that he's the blue-print most desired by the Experiment Authors, in order to achieve their aims...  So ja -  it's unlikely this latest Popular Mechanics will write of how Muni's across South Africa are *Pink Error Saving bar arrives for the first time* rigging up the deadly combo of technology designed by Roux and Petruccione, to your streetlight, in your town or City...  It's even less likely that the relatively simple means used to cripple charitable institutions financially, and then to offer them a bail-out in return for fitting enormous signal enhancers about their properties, will be put into print..

You can't anticipate seeing in black and white how the very dregs of society were the first to be handed control of this invasive technology, in order to promote organised crime and render the inhabitants of a specific area open to any means offered them, to protect their families...  That in order to achieve this, said inhabitants would be exposed to the bloodiest and most brutal of crimes right on their doorsteps, before they're approached to participate in the life-saving Trojan Horse Project...
Nowhere will you find written down the devastating effect this astounding technology is having on the communities, as they're battered by the wildly fluctuating levels of EMF, day and night....
When the Mastfighter reported that she'd taken the highest readings here in eThekwini, compared to anywhere else she'd travelled around the country, she wasn't kidding, and still you're in denial...

What's to be done, FFS?  Sit back and be decimated by the perpetrators of organised crime, who now have the means to pinpoint your arrivals and departures, and set you up to be hijacked or murdered on a whim?  Allow yourselves to be blackmailed into silence by the likes of our ex-city Manager, Michael Sutcliffe?
I'm all for keeping up with the times, despite my obvious disabilities.. Bring on the New Age and the wondrous technical advances being made, but I figure you'll understand when I say I haven't the time to hang about while you clean up your act...
Your vague promises that you'll get round to weeding out criminals such as Collin P. Balliram, carry no real committment, and like I said, psychopaths with a flair for the laser technology are cherished, no matter what secrets they give away..

Cola had suddenly become extremely anxious for no apparent reason at around 5.40pm yesterday afternoon...Once again sniffing the air before growling, as if there was an intruder just yards away.. This time I'd managed to take some pictures, once I'd persuaded the highly nervous animal out into the front garden to see for himself it was simply smoke and mirrors...
I also took a couple of photos of Sophie as she lay on the couch with her now prematurely grizzled head buried under the cushions, in an  effort to escape the worst of the frequencies flooding our home...
The GW himself had finally noticed their odd habit of asking urgently to go out, before rushing straight along the front path towards der Bunker...

I'd followed after them last night, and had stood quietly next to the wall with my porta light, only to hear a persistent tapping sound.. I'd spoken aloud and it had stopped immediately..  Sort of like a tap dripping fast? It resumed after a bit, though it had nothing to do with rain, as it was still dry outside... The sudden ostentatious shutting of their kitchen window came while I was shining the spotlight over the wall...
Is it that unidentified sound that draws my two little dogs over to that corner as if by a magnet? *studies the Pig... Your outright control and manipulation of those two innocent animals will be recorded, and your continuing cowardly behaviour noted for posterity... *applauds..


Sunday 24th February 2013 at 9.02am..