Monday, January 28, 2013

Losing his grip..?
(begun Monday 28th January at 3.40am..)

*The smooth Operative finally allowed the GW access to the Interwebz around 9am this morning.. Up till that point, although we were granted Ian Halliday's corrupt iBurst connection, that was it, and nothing would load... Petty, but clearly our Controller needed to remind himself who's in control here..*

Ja, Martin Welz would love this story, but it would shut down his baby for sure... If someone were to put it to him that he's sitting in the middle of one of the biggest Human Rights abuse operations the world has ever seen, but that if he were to go after it, he'd lose Noseweek, and probably everything else he holds dear, what would he do?
I tend to think he'd feel he was at least exposing some of the rot on a regular basis, and he'd decide to leave the biggie alone.. Who knows but that he's in regular touch with a couple of Yellow Army soldiers anyway? Course, it's unlikely he'd know their status, and would probably just regard some of his sources as really nifty hackers able to access the computers of the Corrupt and verify their crooked dealings...

Let's face it, have you not ever wondered how he comes up with those incriminating details, before he can confidently out the Crooks without fear of being sued?  So ja, I figure Noseweek already have a couple of hackers on their books who, unbeknownst to Welz, belong to the growing ranks of the Yellow Army...
So why bother tweeting the guy?  First off, it would be a darned miracle if my tweets actually made it to their destination, and secondly, why would he pay any attention to my ambiguous messages when he's probably inundated by juicy snippets tossed his way, daily?   There are no flies on Mr. Welz, and I guess if he were to actually track down the relevant Popular Mechanics July 2011, and read up on Stefanus Roux, and then connect him to Sutcliffe and Petruccione, he might just get a whiff of the story of a lifetime..One that makes the looming Secrecy Bill look like a pleasant fairytale...

Would I be shocked were I to find that Mr. Welz had already been approached and fed one of the variety of Sales Pitches that comes with the laser/wireless surveillance technology, and that he'd actually bought it?  I like to think I'm a cynic, but in this case ja, I'd take that kind of news fairly badly... I consider the Noseweek Editor as being like my VC - Impenetrable... Someone who'll see straight off if something doesn't smell quite right, and in the case of this astonishingly invasive quantum laser system, he'd get the far-reaching implications in a heartbeat....
Trouble is, that these days everything in my head comes with that damned 'but what if' rider...
But what if Welz was filled in as far back as the early 2000's, and he became sold on the idea of controlling the masses via the wireless technology?  What if he'd been told to continue exposing the Seriously Corrupt to provide a welcome distraction, and to fool Joe Public into thinking at least someone was doing something to clean up the filth?  Geez, that 'But what if' clause could well be the death of me yet.... Tsk..

A couple of times over the past tormented years I've considered trying to track down Harold Strachan to tell him what's going on, but that's no longer an option.. The fellow sits firmly in the Honourable Man section, and were I to involve him in any way, chances are that the goondaboys would access his powerlines, and that alone would finish off the journo.. Sad, but true...

LATER at 4.20am

You saw that I'd added Logie Naidoo and Holson Mbhele to my Housewives League list?  I discovered I had cellphone numbers for both of them, and as they're fully in the picture, I figure it's only right that they're told of the monstrous behaviour being carried out by the sadistic psycho chosen to operate the surveillance technology here in the Zone...
You remember Holson?  Did I not blog him back when the Kennedy Road thirteen were illegally incarcerated up at Sydenham SAPS, as they were pounded day and night by the laser technology, and Nayager eavesdropped on their every muttered word?

The damage to the outer wall of that holding cell is still visible today, and I guess if we'd used the same paint on our garage/storeroom walls, the effects of those barrages would be identical... Prove it? No can do.. *shrugs...   So ja, chances are, I may have blogged Mr. Mbhele back then, and hopefully I've got his title near enough... AFAIK he's the Director of Safety and Security down this way, though you're welcome to correct me if I'm wrong..
A genial and charming fellow, who would duck and run with a knowing grin when he spotted me, and of course it's only now that I realise why...  Apparently Dir. Mbhele was well aware that several homes in Harris Crescent had been rigged up to provide Learning Centres for the hordes of  Experiment recruits in the area.. Where the mostly rudderless youth could be ushered into our homes to perfect the art of hacking and eavesdropping on unwitting subjects...
His inability to keep a straight face at the sight of me, has me believing that the pleasant chap thought it was a fine amusement to have our right to privacy removed from under our noses, and back then it simply wouldn't have occurred to him that his own home and office would offer other Monitors in turn, the opportunity to look and listen into his private dealings.. Bummer hey?

Had Balliram's Gauteng Registered visitor arrived at around 1pm yesterday?  I only ask because at 1.10pm exactly, the shit hit the fan here in the back room, and I was treated to a repeated bout of the Knives to the Back frequency... I see from my logs that hadn't been his first assault of the day, and that I'd been sprawled in front of the telly at 10.55am when I'd taken a Knife to the Throat that was repeated at 11.15am, when I'd told him in no uncertain terms to bugger off...
Had they all subsequently had a leisurely lunch before the Pig took his guest into der Bunker to demonstrate his prowess, which had kicked off with such a painful flourish at 1.10pm precisely?   I'd said aloud that he was forcing me to use my Housewive's League option, but I was ignored...

You have to know how bad it was, that just five minutes later I'd had my brick out and had sent the following text:  'Who is on the Monitoring shift since 1.10pm? Balliram?  A student? Shocking. Jane' and I'd sent the first one to his own Missus.. Did Logie and Spence get those texts, and what about all the other recipients?  I totally forgot to include Holson that time, but it won't happen again...  Did the CleverDick manage to block them before they went out?  Hey, no problemo, as I'll always come fill you in here....

There's very little that's right going on in ours these days, but I figure I'm on the proper path by sharing the agonies inflicted on me with those who support and back the total removal of our right to privacy, don't you? *teeth... The Goonda had stopped his mischief almost immediately, but the damage was done.. I've little doubt that his GP Registered guest stayed on for the Bathroom Matinee, as Millie reliably reported the usual company in that little room, but remarkably, the Sadist had witheld the worst of his attentions so frequently employed when I'm at my most vulnerable...
Picture this if you've got the bottle... Once I'm in the bath, my Abomination is only inches away from the booster in the digital washing machine, and I'd lay odds that you have no idea of the levels of pain the Monster can achieve by employing that nifty little addition...
Only those who've graduated from the Master Class will know this for the truth, and they probably practise the same extremes on their victims as the Monster next door....

There'd been just one reply to my comment on the Durban Organised Crime Facebook support page, and no acknowledgement at all from the site's creator.. Would I be considered arrogant to wonder aloud whether Major Booysens knows of my arrival on that Facebook Group?  Whether my presence amuses or irritates him, if either?
Alas, there's no way that gentleman is unaware of our existence and our plight, as the result of our illegal recruitment to the Cause... (Martin Welz supports Booysens and his Unit.  Have they spoken personally? Have they discussed the deadly new wireless weaponry provided by Roux and Petruccione, that's currently being used to deplete that Unit of it's Officers?) Just as Johan Stolz had his moral integrity swept aside all those years ago, was Johan Booysens somehow persuaded to sit silent and allow this outrage to take place on an ongoing basis.. BeVonk?  Probably as straight as a die, and yet like so many others, he's been enticed to believe there are exceptions to the Rule, and that our home, Sue the Book's home, and Bs. Snrs haven, were just that...
Truly honest citizens would never allow such horrendous criminal abuse to take place, and yet there you are, perfectly content to stay silent, and to condone the continued employment of a dysfunctional and sadistic Cracker...

We're all still standing, so what's my beef?  While the results of the physical assaults made on us by the Criminal next door may not always be visible, I defy you to endure the levels of pain we go through, and survive as we have.. Man, you'd cave after just twenty four hours, and that's a fact...
OMG! Did anyone else notice? An entire update sans a single reference to my own unpleasant character or lack of brain matter?  Is there hope for me yet?


Monday 28th January 2013 at 10.59am.