Sunday, January 20, 2013

Hands tied...?
(begun Sunday 20th January at 4am...)

*It would appear as if Frankenstein is no longer partial to the monster he created?  That is, if the levels of the BackFire frequency that rocketed as I booted up now to update my blog, are anything to go by?*

How can Booysens not already know the identity of the Area Controllers for both Eva and Auerbach's properties?  He does, and they're both on the so-called 'Good' Team? *startled.. May I ask who it was that tutored those two Monitors in the art of employing the laser/wireless technology?  You can bet that individual has, like Balliram, the means to piggyback in without his now qualified students knowledge, and to administer a few 'extras' after hours, without anyone being any the wiser..
Just as the Pig has taken to working me over each night after lights out, whether on his own, or on the pretext of training up a Master Class in the art of nailing comatose victims... His sick enthusiasm for administering punishment burns as brightly as it ever did, and he'd waded on in with his cattle prod just minutes after I'd switched off my bedside light, last night..

I'd had to point out to him quietly, but audibly, that his behaviour generally results in me sending texts to my so-called Housewives League list, to which I've recently made a few additions... When I'm forced to go that route, I'm well aware of how simple it is for Balliram to block those texts, and therefore the recipients and contents of my texts will always be added to my next blog update...
Something that at least a couple of them would probably prefer didn't happen.. His own Missus is on my list, and though she's probably sorely tempted to go the 'I dont know what you're on about' route, it's awkward, as too many of you are aware that she's been heavily involved in our torment for years, and that to deny it, makes her a Liar...

So ja, whether the Scum sees to it that my texts don't reach their destination or not, that little list of names can be guaranteed a mention here...
Whoever was on official monitoring duty last night at 9.20pm, had thought my words over and had wisely allowed me to fall asleep, although I'd surfaced groggily several times later to find my lower back, hand, and neck were taking some fierce assaults...
If you thought for one minute that this travesty of a human being restricted acting out his sick fantasies to just Sue the Book and our home, you're nuts...  The Zone is his oyster, and I'd lay odds that he can now jump into homes as far afield as Reservoir Hills, and with the help of a couple of his local 'students' they can inflict untold damage upon the occupants...

How's your eldest's Mast Song these days, Renette?  Such a lovely lad he is, and he took some serious shit back in 2005/6 did he not?  I gather he's back in Durban now, and I can only wonder how his battered immune system is holding up, and whether he's in what you've been led to believe is a safe area.. Another lie, as the City and suburbs are now so saturated that there are no safe areas.... *As I scribbled that last paragraph, the frequency changed dramatically in my ears, and you can rest assured I've got someone leaning in close over my shoulder...Ahh.. and there goes my other warning system, as a couple of hadedas react noisily to a change in the airwaves...*
It's now 4.55am, and along with the birds and the altered frequency in my ears, Millie takes a couple of Knives to the Back, and we're good to go... I must head off to put the lights out, and pull back the lounge curtains..

LATER at 5.30am

My kid's expensive plumbing problems?  She explained to me with her father's sometimes irritating common-sense and logic that as they'd had guests staying over for a couple of weeks, it was hardly surprising the lines had backed up.  An explanation I'm not about to dispute at this point... The horrendous honey-sucker call-out fee?  Turns out they have to rely on private companies to bail them out of the dwang up that way, and not the Municipality, hence the ridiculous costs.... *shrugs...

Monday 21st January at 4.05am

Yesterday can only be described as vicious... What story did the Administrator of Pain feed you?  They'd gone off en famille for the day?  I'd be inclined to take anything the Liar says with a large pinch of salt, but if that's what he'd have you believe....?  He'd run the big enhancer nearest us, all day, and the BackFire frequency was off the wall, literally..  When the Knives to the Back frequency began at 2.40pm yesterday, I'd had enough, and had used my Housewives League option...
My text had read: Wireless levels running off the scale in here right now. Open house, or just 1 Monitor on duty.  Disgusting. J. at 2.45pm.  I'd sent it to my Excellent Neighbour, No. 16, No. 12, Ms. Burger, Allen Spence, Tamara, and for a little variety I'd added good old Logie Naidoo and Holson Mbele as well...

There'd been no immediate change at all, though at 2.55pm my face came close to bursting into flames.. Sadly, the only acknowledgement to those sms came from the unfortunate Missus Balliram, who continues to act as though she were in efnets #trivia channel...  At 2.57pm she'd asked me her standard 'What do you mean?' and I'd replied: I mean whoever is monitoring our home today is using unnecessary high levels :{
There are more than enough of you who will recognize immediately that Missus C's question was spurious and unnecessary, as she would've understood my initial text immediately...
The Bathtime Matinee itself was a shocker, but I'm proud to say that if you were in the audience it's unlikely you'd have known that, and that by the time I was back in the lounge just after 5pm, the appalling levels hadn't improved..

Does this news cause the equally perverted Telecom's Strategist to squirm with delight?  Is there a bonus for your depraved Protege in the offing, Jannie?  *vomits... 
By 5.30pm I was gatvol, and had sent out another text.  This one said 'Wireless levels unchanged.  Do you think Mj. Johan Booysens will help us?  Jane at 5.30pm'. and I'd left her off the list that time, as she'd done herself enough damage with the first one..*shrugs..
Though it's doubtful that all those messages reached their destinations, if any, I figure it's only right to remind people what's going on over here, and I'll continue to go that route when I'm forced to do so...

I'd gone out onto the verandah to sit and wait for the dogs to pee at around 8.35pm.  When I came back in I'd cooled down enough to feel the literal wall of heat surrounding my chair in the lounge.. A Ripley's moment for sure.. *gags...  I'd barely put my light out when both dogs raced off the bed and were let back outside to go mental down by the boundary wall.. Stepping up the pressure there, Pig?
I woke this morning sometime after 1am, to a renewed wave of the BackFire frequency, and I'd lain there for ages debating whether to send out more texts, when at 2am, just like that, it vanished.. No gradual lessening at all, and it simply switched off altogether...
He'd had a heart attack himself?  She'd walked in to der Bunker and caught him at it? What?  A befokte miracle for sure..?
Well, not quite..  Despite the attacks on Millie having ceased, I couldn't get comfortable, and I'd tossed and turned for what seemed ages.. Turns out he'd merely traded the BackFire frequency for the more insidious cartilage-cooking Damage to the Lower Spine frequency, though I eventually managed to nod off, despite that, and finally woke just before 4am...

It's pointless asking, but I'll do it anyway.  WTF brought that on?  Surely not the updated pics I'd posted on Facebook sometime during the morning?  You might care to try searching my blogs for the term 'level the playing field' to see how often I've mentioned it... The fact that I find it fairly nauseating to know that the Haves are afforded the option of at least taking some precautions against the blanket of technology that covers the Zone, while the majority are not given the same choices...
When it comes to the many ways of tracking a target, I feel it's only fair that everyone be aware of the methods used...
Even as I was posting the pictures of the Polo's tyres, I was aware that Damage Control will have a neat and plausible explanation for those blue markings, and that you'll be all too willing to accept it, so what's my Area Controller's current problem?  Discovering much later that I should've been adding a # to my tweets if there's any hope they'll appear in public?  The tweet I'd eventually managed to successfully send to the Cato Manor Unit for Johan Booysens attention?  That wouldn't have made any difference to the levels of brutality that had been operating in ours since early morning, and besides, it would no doubt have been made to vanish just as my comment on their Facebook support page had disappeared..

Major Booysens help us?  *falls over choking... See, if once-ordinary upright (I'm assuming) citizens like Johan Stolz and Allen Spence could find such humour in the knowledge that we were to be set up as Hacker's Hubs for the Yellow Army Cadets to practise their laser skills, why would I think for one minute that Johan Booysens would stick his neck out on our behalf?   I'd go so far as to say he's probably on first name terms with that other Special Unit officer, Majoor Groenewald, though whether Booysens had the time or inclination to watch the fruits of Groenie's labours on the satellite feed, is unknown...
Enough.  I'm becoming more incoherent with each scribbled word, so I'll love and leave you for the minute, having given you something else to chuckle snidely over...

LATER at 5.37am

Last night the enhancer in the shark/booster cage itself was activated to join it's always-on companion directly below, and they both continue to burn even at this hour...
How do I know that Eva and Auerbach were both taken out by the laser/wireless weaponry?  You'll recall how my VC was twice hospitalised, and that the battery of tests carried out on him had all come back clear, apart from his white blood cell count?  Would Eva and Auerbach's bloodwork reveal a similar discrepancy, or will that evidence have carefully been destroyed already?
None of the doctors that attended to my VC had been able to diagnose his problem, other than to say it was some sort of (I think in his case viral) infection, from which he was fortunate to recover.. Deja vu, Johan?  Do you see how trapped you are?  Are you comfortable with that?



Monday 21st January 2013 at 8.11am.