Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Exhibit A....
(begun Wednesday 30th January at 9.20am..)

I've never gone out of my way to check out Bekker's UFO shows on the DSTV, though I'm betting more than a few of you sneak a peek at them nowadays?  I stumbled across one yesterday on the History Channel, and learned that the Visitors had been seen over Paris in 1994.
Whether they're a part of the same lot that have recruited the Telecom's Giants, and who own the Weathermen at HAARP, I wouldn't know, but ja, it's pretty obvious that outside forces are running this Show.. *yawns...
Though I'm well aware that any reference to extra-terrestrial beings playing a part in this Experiment will have the Telecom's Strategist near to orgasming with delight, I'll go ahead and do it anyways...

You've seen for yourselves just how impressionable I am, and on the strength of a couple of TV shows, here I am throwing caution to the wind, and admitting that Jannie's Superior's own PuppetMasters are likely to be rather more advanced than the rest of us put together...
While that glowing blue-rimmed ball that I and so many others saw speeding along the Western Freeway at around 6am of a dark July morning in the nineties, (breathe)  may well have been created in some top-secret Japanese or Russian laboratory, I'd have to guess the specifications for it's design came from those possessing unheard-of advanced technology...
Did you really think those clever Weathermen at HAARP could have achieved their carefully engineered miracles and catastrophes without outside assistance?

You will have learned by now that it's prudent to support and echo van Zyl's renewed hoots of derision, for to do otherwise could lead to all manner of odd and unpleasant things occurring to your power supplies and assets, but I'm counting on the fact that some of you have managed to retain a bit of self tucked away amongst all the indoctrination you've been fed?  That were you to step quietly out of that circle of brainwashed Fanbois and think for yourselves, you'd see my words are as always, the Truth.
Be that as it may, my tale is more concerned with the sub-species these advanced Creatures have recruited to achieve their aims, than the aliens themselves...   Did I say sub-species?

By 10am yesterday the Sadist's Beemer had left his driveway, and the levels of the BackFire frequency he'd set were gross to say the least..  No amount of voluble curses made any difference at all...
I'd booted up the PC again at 2.20pm, and was reading the Mobile Operators Dismiss radiation Health Warning Report thread, when I took a sudden flurry of ferocious Knives to the Back.. Charming.. *snorts..
At 2.55pm the ubiquitous triple-whoop! rang out from der Bunker, and half an hour later it was the old Knives to the Back again.  I'd more than had enough by then, and had sent a text to Holson Mbhele saying:
Hi H. I've been meaning to write and tell you what it's like having Nayager's criminal buddy Balliram monitor our privacy.  Shall I cc it to Sheila? Jane. Sent at 3.30pm   I'd gotten an immediate reply saying simply "Yes" to which I'd texted "I will get round to it, thanks".
Now of course I have to put my money where my mouth is, and include the Director of Safety and Security in this bit of theatre, while trying to explain to him just why he's been added to my Housewive's League List.  I shall of course warn him at the outset that I share all correspondence with you here.. A point which may colour his decision whether or not to acknowledge any mail I may send him..  Laboured, but you get the drift?  Moving on...

Would you have preferred that I'd used the term de-sensitising, rather than de-humanising, in yesterday's update?  IMO they're much of a muchness, though the latter is the more honest....
Koos Bekker of the Naspers Brotherhood, and his enchanting DSTV offerings, are certainly having the desired effect on this easily beguiled eejit, and I find myself foregoing the simplest of menial tasks in favour of the bloody box... I like to start hunting at Channel 101 and scroll up to see what catches my attention, and boy, do I stumble across some eye-popping programs or what!   Any of you watched something called 1000 Ways to Die?  I lasted all of two minutes the other day, where the re-enactment of a guy being impaled by a sign he was carrying, was so realistic, I all but tossed my cookies, and had hastily changed channels...
Same thing mid-morning yesterday.. Sometime after 10am I was idly scrolling up when I hit the same program, and caught something about a woman, her cats, and milk, that I simply couldn't get my head around, only that it was set to be disgusting, and I'd left again at speed...

It's up to responsible parents to see those sort of shows can't be accessed by their children?  Hell, there are doubtless a lot of you out there who do just that, but the majority won't bother at all... It reminds me of the many sanctimonious letter-writers who insist that pet lovers sedate and bring their animals safely indoors during firework celebrations, all the while knowing damned well that the majority of animals won't be afforded that kindness....  So Koosie ja, I see what you're doing there, though I certainly don't hold it against you, as you're doing what you're told, whether you're aware of it, or not...

LATER at 10.15am

How many of the people who've been kind to me in the past, are paying dearly for it?  My New Year's call to B.Snr's family down in Marburg (sp) had me discovering that all three of the family were ill, and that there'd been cable workers nearby on several occasions in the weeks prior...
I'm unable to do more than send them texts at the moment, as our landline has developed such static interference this past week, it's unusable...*winks...
In his infinite wisdom, the GW diagnosed the problem as being caused by a sagging mulberry branch, and he's oblivious to the fact that it's been like that for several years and hasn't caused any mischief at all... I've checked the rest of the line and it's clear, so it's safe to assume that the mischief-maker Balliram has included our landline in his current party tricks..

Our old retired domestic wekker tottered in, shortly after 7am this morning, to collect her pension... We've not seen Flo since the 21st December, and I was literally shocked at her transformation... In just over one month, she's shrunk astonishingly, and no, it's not AIDS, and nothing to do with AIDS, although I'd lay odds that her immune system has taken a beating of another kind..
Your hip? I'd asked her... Nope..  It turns out (and you might want to pay close attention here, Major Booysens), her heart has been playing up, out of the blue, and at times it pounds as if it wishes to escape her chest.  She's been to some hospital and been given medication, but the way she looks, she probably won't last long..

Did our Eavesdropper report truthfully that at the end of that chat with Flo I'd taken a flyer and asked whether there was a streetlight outside her window, and she'd replied in the affirmative?  WhenTF did that all happen?  She lives in a self-built wattle and daub structure out in far-flung Amaoti by Inanda, and has done for all the years I've known her.. Did her upgraded area have anything to do with her relationship to me, or is that stretching credibility too far? Pig?  Any ideas?   Does the streetlight shine in your window? I'd asked, and yes, came the reply.  She's only about 6 or 7 years older than me, and unless a farking miracle occurs, she's set to be terminated by the same wireless frequency being used so effectively on Booysen's Unit...*heaves...

Going to treat yourself to an upgraded Beemer when that job's complete, Balliram?  Anyone care to tell me about this so-called Rapture, and ask me again if I'm READY?  Try it, and stand well back out of reach as I explode with seldom-felt rage.  How can you sit silent and watch this blatant savagery with your pathetic 'we have no proof' defense?
All that I tell you is true beyond reasonable doubt, and yet there you sit, rigid with fear, and lift not a finger to stop the abuse of the laser/wireless technology...
You can't afford to lose his 'expertise', Jannie?  And besides, there are hundreds waiting in the wings who are equally as vicious and sadistic?  Removing your prized Lackey would change nothing?

I sense a lack of committment there, Mr. van Zyl, as you continue to busy yourself up in Craigavon and much further afield.. You're simply having too much fun, would be my guess..


Wednesday 30th January 2013 at 11.58am.