Sunday, December 02, 2012

The price is right...
(begun Sunday 2nd December at 9.10am..)

A question..   Care to tellus on whose word the judgement was made to set up No.s 4, 5 and 8 Harris Crescent to be the houses of Torture in which students were to practise their skills in the art of this New Age weaponry?  You must know, surely?  Allen? *studies the Superintendent of electricity for Durban... There are three possible candidates in my book, and all three have a history of criminal activities....
Did the erstwhile Commander of Sydenham Station, and subsequently permanently-silenced Glen Nayager recommend those three addresses as being deserving targets for the onslaught that was to come? Nayager, who was employed specifically here in the Zone to ensure that the Station was run to the Druglord's orders alone?

Barnabas himself?  You took the recommendation of a known Druglord on a matter that was to affect three families lives on such a horrific scale?
Or was it Balliram himself who put forward our names as the most deserving and suitable candidates to be brutalised in such a fashion?  Come Mr. Spence, you can tellus here how a great intellectual such as yourself became embroiled with these low-lifes, and how much you actually came to enjoy the ensuing mayhem? Done any work for the Royal Security owner as well?   Do you jump when Roy or young Lance says jump?  Any special concessions awarded to Rajiv Narandas, the alleged murderer?  Do you find it thrilling to consort with these questionable members of society as long as the price is right?  Will you whine that you'd been told the tables were destined to be turned and the technology was to be hijacked by a different Team altogether?  Ah - In that case it makes your actions totally acceptable... NOT.

Were you informed that after a few years we'd be rescued, and that the appalling conditions created in our homes would cease?  See Mistuh Spence - I don't think you give a tinker's one way or the other, and unless you bought your Electrical Engineer's degree at the corner shop, you can't deny knowing exactly how the wireless frequencies and the games played with our power supplies were set to affect us physically... Sort of puts you squarely on a par with the very criminals whose company you frequent, does it not?  Would you bleat that you had no idea of the depths this Psychotic Turd next door would sink to, when you'd handed him control of our lines?  Not your problem?  Great, then you won't mind if I continue to point in your direction and cry Foul, if it's just so much water off a duck's back?

Whoohoo!  As I sit here at the desk, the Mast song in my ears reaches fever-pitch, and I figure it's going to be Open House again later on.... I guess you know that despite all the careful camouflage in the world, it's still a simple matter for Bullyboy *woop! woop! woop! rings out as I update this blog... to rampage through our home anytime he wishes, so do us a favour and don't pull a similar stunt to van Zyl's sickening ' I switched off the mast' ploy....

Monday 3rd December at 3.45am

You smell blood?  Darned right you do...It's a free-for-all out there right now, and the BackFire has gone through the roof since I staggered out of bed ten minutes ago... Could it be that we have a student and their Tutor pulled the early shift this morning, for it certainly feels as if there's more than one of them sitting at my shoulder?  *baffled... The Wag that calls the shots had decided the Throat Choker frequency was to be the favourite employed yesterday, and no doubt my lengthy bouts of convulsive coughing were found to be highly entertaining...  The GW had done his best to accompany me, but as a non-smoker he simply couldn't compete...
I'd been permitted to stop barking for the Bathroom Matinee held at 3.30pm, though the BackFire frequency had been employed at high enough levels to have me fetch the Olympus...  A half-hearted attempt was made to corrupt my efforts remotely, but without the Chop's direct assistance it was a FAIL and I'd caught THESE three consecutive pictures of spheres sitting about the bathroom walls...

You've gotta laugh really... There I was, hoping for mini miracles, and instead....
Nothing had prepared me for what happened at around 4.30pm as we sat watching TV in the lounge... The big black dog had apparently come round to my Good Neighbour's kitchen door, and had set up a pitiful crying and moaning, that I've not ever heard him do before...  Like he was seriously distressed, but.... 'What do you think's the matter with him?' asked my old man... 'Someone is deliberately teasing him so they can listen to our reactions' said I, and with that, the performance ended abruptly...  Can Rocks be made to carry on like that, merely by waving a titbit out of his reach? Wow, I must have slept through those training sessions, that's fosho....

I've got it wrong?  I'm blowing that small incident out of all proportion?  I think not, and the implications of that brief bit of unpleasantness served to leave me shaken to the core... *applauds loudly... Who was it at No. 10 after 4pm that came up with the idea of using the dog to liven up the Truman Show? You want to step forward for your Noddy Badge?  What could possibly have caused the dog to sound quite so distressed?  It was nothing?  He does that for no reason, and you find it amusing?  Hey, if he's ever done that before, it's definitely not been within my earshot, and thats a fact... Right now I'm battling to equate my Excellent Neighbours with the individual who came up with that particular bit of genius, and I'm failing... Moving on...

Did I tell you that when I'd pulled in to the Farmers Market in Westville last Thursday, there'd been a lone individual standing next to his bakkie, fiddling with the electric gate mechanism?  His whole demeanour had shrieked shifty, but I'd carried on by and parked as usual...  One of the local ladies that I casually chat to each Thursday had been waiting for me, and she'd come straight over to tell me of how she and her elderly husband had had intruders on their property a few days earlier, and how terrifying their ordeal had been...
Balliram?  You know the one.... Of course you do... That market area is now wired so heavily it's a joke, and I'll have been seen chatting to her regularly...
How does it work?  You use her vehicle registration to get her home address, and then simply make a call and set them up to be terrorised?  Sure you do, and there you'd thought I wasn't paying attention, pfft...
I'd finished my shopping and was getting back in the car when I suddenly heard a wireless song belt out nearby, though by the time I'd driven through the gates it had disappeared... The guy fiddling with the mechanism? Ensuring that our conversation was monitored and relayed back to you, as she'd described their ordeal?  *nods...   As much as I'd like to believe I'm giving you credit you don't deserve, do I know that's exactly how it happened, and I've no doubt you were applauded for your achievements at the time.. *vomits..

You're going to get him in the end?  It's just proving more difficult than you'd anticipated?  May I venture to say that's a crock, and that you've missed that boat by a mile?  I am undone, as they say... The very thought that my Excellent Neighbours would resort to using a dog as a prop to liven up an otherwise boring afternoon's entertainment in our house, has achieved more than all of Balliram's physical assaults put together... When I'd long ago suggested to godschild that this entire Project was being run by criminals, he'd replied 'That's not how it is'... Really?  I'd like to think that ten years ago there was still a chance you'd have seen this Grand Scheme for what it really is, but that's no longer the case...

That broken blue line of fire that runs endlessly down the overhead pole outside our CPF Meeting room?  Remember?  The Microwave Boffin had said my cameras couldn't cope with the amount of power coming off of that lamp, hence their screen's weird interpretation....
I'd subsequently discovered that when I hold my cameras up to our lounge wall lights or to the lamp on the desk next to the computer, a similar blue line appears on the monitor... Any ideas whether a standard 220v emission could cause that phenomenon, or whether those levels would have to be a great deal higher to produce that pretty effect? *winks...
I'd been doing a spot of orb-hunting indoors, and had walked from room to room snapping away randomly... Each time I held the camera up to the picture window behind my bed, that now familiar blue line appeared to run vertically down the window behind my pillow....

I'd trundled through to this room and sure enough, there's a blue line running down the centre of this picture window, directly in line to where I sit here at the desk...Hau!  You have it from the Telkom Mast Designer that this magic is caused by a great deal of power, but I'm stumped as to why it should appear in those two areas.  It's not like that?  *looks at godschild.... You can condone this inhumane abuse simply because I have a foul mouth..*falls on over... And Sue the Book at No. 5?  What excuse do you give yourself for her and No. 4's inclusion in the ongoing abuse?  *interested...

It's hysterical how this old rat persists in battering her head against a cage designed to hold her for life.. No worries fellas...  Yesterday's little five minute party-piece, combined with my Landscape Artist's performance the day before, have gone a long way to knocking the stuffing out of me forever... Let's hear it for the Wikked, shall we?  *cheers loudly....
It goes without saying that I'm fairly disgusted by my own predictability, but I guess that's what makes this Show such a magnet for the crooked?

Having equal success up your way, Mistuh van Zyl? How are the organised attacks on Ms. Dorny's homestead coming along?  You're still tracking Karl Muller's every move successfully? Man, this laser technology was a gift from the gods, and there's no way either of them could ever get their heads around the idea that they're on a live satellite feed 24/7.. Brilliant...
Keep your enemies close was never more relevant folks, though they're blissfully unaware of just how close... This travesty of a Messenger must go try mopping up some of the blood trail I leave behind me in my laughable attempts to sound the alarm...
Looking out of the window here at the valley beyond, it's no wonder I continue to cling to that tiny corner of hope tucked deep inside me... It's green and it's stunning... Have a great day and


Monday 3rd December 2012 at 8.19am.