Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Strange bedfellows...
(begun Wednesday 12th December 3.25am...)

*It's on the cards that this update will lead to a renewal of the enraged abuse carried out in ours from midday on, yesterday... So be it.   You're prepared to sacrifice one of yours, and have done so, despite your self-denial, while I will continue throwing myself onto the fire in a futile attempt to wake you up.  Mexican stand-off?  Rest assured that your erstwhile Tutor sits hugging himself delightedly in the shadows, at the sheer predictability of it all... *

British Army Intelligence and ex-SANDF?  Too wild a leap of the imagination even for me?  Hey, you use what's available, and that's just what they did... *shrugs..  You'd have thought they'd be preoccupied, trying to clear some of the devastation, but you'd be wrong, and it was business as usual when I'd let myself out of the gates and walked up to No. 17, around 11am yesterday morning...
I'd seen their gardener droog ripping the creeper off that high retaining wall less than a week earlier, and had wondered at the move.   That tower of bricks looked shaky at the best of times, and the plant's roots were pretty much all that was holding the structure together.. *blinks...

It had been years earlier while the Illuminati Osborne was still involved with the Flame Lily board of trustees, that he'd first given the astonishing order that all the Moth Cottage tenants were to clear their front gardens of trees and shrubs... As his privileged proteges, No. 11 would have been eager to comply, and wouldn't have thought twice about creating DLOS for the Blessed signal.. Shame.   So when that creeper had come off last week, despite all the torrential rain, I'd naturally thought they'd been ordered to clear it off... Turns out they'd cleared the back retaining wall as well, and at 1am yesterday morning the catastrophic, but fairly inevitable had happened, and the whole damned shebang came down...

The first I knew of it, had been going up to fetch the paper and finding the bricks all tumbled about the street and pavement, and water pouring down the road, but there'd been no sign of their cars on what was left of the front yard, so I figured they'd been lucky in that respect... Wrong again, as I'd soon learned that the back wall had broken right through their garage wall and nailed her car a good one...
Missus Bernie up at No. 17 had called me early on to see if I was aware of this latest crisis, and we'd discussed it freely on our 'shared party' lines, and she'd invited me up to hers to check out the ruin from a different angle...
I'd waited for a break in the rain before, like I said, puffing my way up the hill to No. 17, at around 11am..

We'd been out front when the guy with the camera had called out to ask whether he could come up, and she'd said okay, and he'd gone around to her front gates. Not so my young ex-Housesitter, who'd taken a short cut and was standing next to us in seconds, in his dark hoodie... Man, if you came onto my property like that, I'd put a pellet in your head, quoth I, in my usual charming fashion.. (Strike 1?).. The Assessor had taken his pictures and left, but the young soldier wasn't leaving until I'd actually resorted to shooing him away.. (Strike 2?).   WhatTF was it that had him rooted to the spot with the two old biddies?
I found out soon after he'd gone back down to theirs, and I'd taken out the Panasonic to snap off some of the scenery from angles I can't get, tucked away as we are down in the valley...
My word, but did she hammer away at my poor old camera as soon as I'd switched it on.. *chokes.. Just as had happened when I'd been sitting in Sue the Book's front yard during the Comrades, trying to take pictures, and the zoom function had the lens going in and out all by itself, and jamming up, until the familiar Replace the Batteries message had appeared on it's screen... *claps enthusiastically.... As slow as I am, I'd still managed to figure out that it's pointless stepping out of my back door without a spare set of batteries, so I'd replaced them and stood up to try again... At which point I'd glanced down to see the young apprentice soldier and his cousin huddled against a dark window watching me intently.... Oops!

I'd called out to him that I didn't want pictures of their home, and was just shooting the scenery.. (Strike 3?) And what scenery it proved to be.. Will you check out the Booster cage nearest the little church on the orphanage building HERE?  The big active enhancer just beneath it, and the smaller fierce light on that balcony itself?  Even standing up next to the Polo, that area is hidden from my sight behind the trees, but from Missus B's verandah I had a clear view of those two active lights taken at precisely 11.27am.. *dances...
Can you begin to imagine the levels that are now being used to access ours from that great distance?  I don't believe you have a clue, nor do you wish to know...

Will her young son fare better in the espionage industry than he has with the shocking education system currently operating in this deliberately degraded country?  Sadly, probably not, although he's been given a strong grounding in the criminal aspects of this inhumane Experiment, going right back to the deliberate theft of my very first digital camera, and the accessing of my property to be daubed about with all manner of laser-enhancing compounds... *sighs... (Strike 4, Renette?)  And there I was, dumb as ditchwater, thinking the Housewives League at least, were being merciful... Geez Louise!  Could I be any thicker? (Apparently that's an affirmative..)

Having gotten what I'd wanted, I'd trudged back home to unwittingly face the music... My logs show that by 12.25pm the BackFire frequency had been pushed up to eye-watering levels, and that by 12.45pm, I had a fierce ache in the right side of my jaw... I'd tried browsing the mybroadband forum at 1.49pm, but had been given a spurious Sorry the board is unavailable message, and denied access... I'd tried again at around 2pm only to achieve another FAIL.. Pfft.... At 2.55pm the BackFire was still flooding the lounge, and I have to say there's nothing quite like an irritated and stressed-out female Operative when it comes to venting and payback... While nowhere near the Sadist's personal 'standards', by bedtime his erstwhile pupil had certainly gotten her message across.. *wipes eyes...

A couple of minor puzzle pieces had dropped into place yesterday, and one of them would be that her participation neatly explains why our wireless bell at the top goes off on it's own every now and then.. *waves... Her open dislike for my friend at No. 5 has always been a mystery to me.. A mystery that was finally solved when I'd replayed my final words to Missus Bernie and recalled reminding her to beware the grinning teenaged apprentice-Soldier to the Yellow Army ranks...  I've no doubt at all that I was talking directly into the mike at that point, as Missus B had her cellphone about her, and that would've sealed my fate for the rest of the day... Strike 5 ensured that there'd be no reprieve from my pain  at all, as Balliram's proxy delighted him with her savage achievements... *sad...

LATER at 5.30am

No 11 had been pacing in his garden when I'd taken the trash out around 5am, and I'd spoken to him briefly... I've been given every reason in the world to become the suspicious, cynical old bat you see before you, and yet I find it almost impossible to believe that this latest crisis was a planned diversionary tactic, however hard I try.... Why she had her gardener pull off the only stabilising factor holding those walls together, between the torrential downpours, is a question unlikely to be answered, but the fact remains that not in a hundred years could they have predicted that her car would've been damaged or the red dog be buried under the bricks.. They got him out apparently unscathed, but the car is another story altogether...

He tells me they're moving out today, though they've not found alternative accommodation.. Oddness.. I care not that her Mast rage has reached such proportions she willingly damages me physically, and I only hope that some of her contacts out there on the Sherwood LAN will help them in their hour of need.. Course it's the plight of their four or five dogs that does my head in, but you knew that already... Balliram's appetite for schadenfreude will have been provided with a veritable feast yesterday, one way or the other... *vomits...  Look ma, no hands, you Chop?
My text sent early yesterday morning, offering help where I could, was genuine, though as I just said to her spouse, she would probably rather choke on her own vomit than accept my offer.. *sigh...

LATER at 6am

I've never included No. 11 in my SOS text messages sent out to the Housewives League when I'm under attack in the wee hours.. Why?  For some reason I'd never considered adding her, and I figure some vague animal instinct had kicked in.. If her role in this ghastly game of cruelty had her bumped up to go sit alongside the charming Right2Know PRO Officer and Stealth Agent at the Wireless Station, then I guess she can be forgiven almost anything.. Working under that towering red and white mast day after day, and then coming home to face both the Barnard Road tower and the mini base station at St. Theresa's, is likely to screw with her head, however much she would deny it... *shrugs...

Hearing the truth about your offspring and knowing full well that you've encouraged and nurtured his character would in Missus N's eyes at least (and her Tutor's, that's for sure), be reason enough to take out her frustrations in ours... Working with the Shithead at No 6, it was always a given that the crap would stick to her shoes, and so it has... Right now, whether engineered or otherwise, her situation is pretty grim, and I repeat, if there's anything I can do...
Sure it's a sobering thought to know that she genuinely considers herself to be a part of the so-called Good Team, and that as such she'll easily justify her behaviour yesterday... Which brings home how cunningly the Experiment Authors have achieved such a blurring of lines between Good and Seriously Rotten...   Will their Pommie contacts in the Brit version of this wirelessed removal of your right to privacy rally to their aid? Hopefully that's a yes...

Peace julle...


Wednesday 12th December 2012 at 9.11am.