Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Rumour has it...
(begun Tuesday 25th December at 4.15am...)

Unbalanced? Moi?  You think?  I must have woken some time after 3am, and I'm darned if the ceiling didn't spin when I'd finally opened my eyes..  I hastily closed them and tried again, and round and round we went... What corner of that Pandora's Box of an arsenal did that particular beauty emerge from?  Too much Christmas spirit the night before, and not some fantastical variation of a frequency after all?  It being the festive season, sure I'd indulged in a couple of voddies early in the evening, and I'd felt wonderfully mellow shortly afterwards... But by the time I'd come to go to bed at 9.45pm, that pleasant sensation was history...

When I'd tottered through to the loo at 3.40am, it was to encounter the Knives to the Back frequency in the passage, and that Cap of Unpleasantness was popped on my head in the loo itself, as someone made it perfectly clear they weren't exactly filled with Christmas cheer... *snorts.. Balliram's main squeeze of an enhancer on the wall just outside my kid's room remains, to all intents and purposes, deactivated... Something you'd think he would've made an effort to attend to, before he moved himself ostentatiously to another location, but I'm guessing the work-around consisted of doubling up the output from that biggun facing us at the top of his drive, and THIS one on his garage wall... *yawns...

You can bet your bottom dollar that if I hadn't eventually chosen to sms Missus Courageous each time their house alarm was activated, that light would've stayed on, and would've continued to literally announce each time the Chop or one of his designated cadets bounced on in to No. 6, before accessing our lines..  The best laid plans, hey Creep?   Sure, the entire 'we're away on holiday' thing is an elaborate scam, but I'd be nuts to say I'm not enjoying the break while I can... I still snarl bad-temperedly at each jab to the back, as the proxies hop from room to room after me, but on the whole I've not had it so good in a long time, and the BackFire frequency was really scarce yesterday...

It was probably just before 2.30pm that my Vice Chair had called to ask whether I was home, and to say he was popping over..  (Myword, it's 4.55am Realtime, and you want to feel the heatwave that's just hit me here at the desk) I wasn't the only one to go into scramble mode, and a few minutes later there'd been the chirrup of a remote, and that silver car with the larnie wheel trim was sitting at the top of Balliram's driveway.. *chokes..  Was our brief conversation really worth the fluster and panic that had ensued?  Hardly, but you have to remember that this particular band of *ahem* 'Special Operatives' have very little, if any real intelligence work to do, and are inclined to go over the top at the drop of a hat...

The good news came when the Honourable Man had said he'd stopped that horrible spasmodic barking, and was feeling excellent, though I've no doubt that particular nastiness will rear it's head again on Balliram's official 'return'... We'd discussed my post on the Right2Know's Facebook page, and he'd insisted that I had it wrong, and that they were Good Guys trying to make a difference, and that the venues chosen for those two presentations had most likely been purely coincidental... *waves to Vanessa...
Hell, my days of generalising about anything and everything are long gone, and I'd certainly not include that entire organisation in my accusations... But the fact remains that at least some of those apparently dedicated fighters for justice are well aware that the campaign to stop the Secrecy Bill is just another distraction, and that the Right to Privacy pretty much no longer exists in this country..

You'd have me believe that it's Richard Mdludli's boys that infiltrate our home via our powerlines, and cause us so much misery?  *falls over choking..
Back in the day, when Selebi ruled the roost, and our Mo Shaik carefully pulled his strings, Sydenham Station was the cream of the crop.. If rumour is to be believed, Glen Nayager would don his Pimp's hat and steer the Police Commissioner down to the Blue Waters Hotel on his visits to Durban, to engage with whatever ladies took his fancy... Each and every assignation would've been recorded and added to our Jackie's growing personal Leverage File, and when the time came to pull the plug on him, it would've been used to persuade the Commissioner that he was no longer a free man...

Was Selebi always a diabetic, or was the onset of that condition due to the enormous amount of eavesdropping technology he was exposed to, both at his office and his private residence?  Rhetorical question, folks... Unlike the Arms Dealer, Jackie's Sickie was the real deal, and it's my assertion that he would've been slammed repeatedly over his residential powerlines to achieve his condition... I wouldn't be surprised to find that someone had whispered in that old man's ear and had said 'See how sick you are?  We can make you even sicker, if you don't go quietly... '
And what do we have, oppie ou einde?  Nayager's right-hand best buddy, Balliram, given a helping hand to scramble over the Fence and join the so-called Good Team, while the spokesperson at Right2Know denies all knowledge of this fantastical surveillance technology.. *eyeroll..

LATER at 6.15am

By 5.30am I was feeling dizzy and disorientated, so instead of doing my few chores, I'd gone back on board Cloud 9, only to be instantly flooded by another heatwave.. Some seriaas intent there, after all?  You betcha... By 5.45am some mini thug was prodding at my entrails, and just after 6am Cola had hopped onto the bed to say hi to his foster-sister, so that was that.. Merry Christmas, julle... *waves...

I'd stepped out of the back door into the courtyard to be met by a single savage Knife to the Back, and when I'd come back downstairs and was closing the courtyard door, the identical jab took place... Charming... At sparrow's out the front, there'd been that overpowering stench of what?  Pine needles se VOET!  Is godschild having problems with his sewer line as well? *curious...
I can only wonder at the rewards the cadets are given for their diligent participation in this brutal experiment.. Are they merely given flamboyant promises of lucrative employment once some sort of standard has been met, that satisfies the sadistic Chop at No. 6?
Or is there cash paid into an account each month, of a sum sufficient to have the old self-denial kept comfortably in place, constantly reminding you that it's not like that, and that you're doing the right thing? *sad....

Did one of the Members over at mybroadband strike up a private conversation with Karl Muller and declare his full support for the Rocket Scientist at any stage?  Did he whisper to the Educator that although he fully believed every claim that Karl was making to be true, it would be best if that Member kept in the background and didn't reveal himself to Mr. van Zyl openly?
Did they progress to email conversations eventually?  Did he cautiously begin to gain the Rocket Scientist's trust and somewhere down the line did he intimate that it was common knowledge that the wretched toad sang his praises on her blog, and that this quite possibly did Mr. Muller's accredited academic reputation more harm than good?

Am I looking for something more than just that she finds me creepy, to cover my hopes being dashed like that?  Hell yes.  I circle it and circle it and the penny refuses to drop, and I settle for the old shooting myself in the foot by my inherent unpleasantness scenario, until something better comes along... Truth of the matter is that astonishingly, I'm finding things out about myself that I actually like.. No, dont snigger like that, it's gospel...
I don't know how many of you could strip down to the buff each and every day to reveal, as the TLC Channel puts it, My Naked Secret, to a less-than-friendly audience, and not go right over the edge?  For someone who's always regarded her body with disgust, even prior to Millie's ghastly appearance, I'm pretty darned proud of the way I deal with those thugs at Matinee hour, and I'm not ashamed to say so.. *beams..

Sure I have bleak patches, don't we all?  But everything considered, I continue to find that I can rise above most of the carefully engineered malice tossed at me... Some thanks should I suppose go to Koos Bekker, and his steady diet of escapism that I so happily embrace... Naspers role in this gigantic culling exercise is vital, and never mind the monitoring options provided by their decoder boxes,  if the actual content can distract you from what's happening outside your window, on your streetlight pole, hey Koosie?
When I'd cleared the first terrace yesterday morning, I'd found another lump of the white chalk-like substance (zinc?) that had been dropped by either a Wall Jumper or young V himself, and I'd amused myself by scrawling THIS arrow onto the courtyard wall, and THESE two solid white circles on each of the garbage cans in the corner.. I could've sworn I'd also done a solid white circle on THIS old door leaning against the wall, but maybe last night's rain washed it off..
Never mind, I've replaced it, and maybe it'll entice more of those pretties into being snapped on camera... Have a grand day, and peace...


Tuesday 25th December 2012 at 10.21am.