Sunday, December 30, 2012

Knives out...
(begun Monday 31st December at 3.20am..)

She was young, fearless, and bloody articulate.  Everything in fact, that I wasn't...  Back then I was still weaving about like a drunken sausage, constantly trying to figure out the cause of the hate-filled atmosphere and the mischief that dogged me..  I guess in my confusion I'd seen her as some sort of possible saviour with the ability to read and fathom my incomprehensible babbling, and to figure out why Telkom and SAPS Sydenham featured so frequently in my tale of woe... Idiot.  *snorts...
She had her own problems, and once Jannie van Zyl had realised she could present a very real threat to his recruitment efforts at mybroadband, she had to go.

I know little or nothing of the unpleasantness that ensued behind the scenes after that, only that the site owner himself was persuaded to play his part in silencing her, and it hadn't been long before Jannie had achieved his goal, and she was history...   Was she ever at any stage whispered to, of the Grand Scheme to infiltrate the Ruling Party, using some sort of magical surveillance technology, in order to clean the ranks of corruption from within?  Was she in actual fact fed the Trojan Horse version of the Experiment, and did she fall for it?  I'd like to think that was a no on both counts...

As far as I'm aware, to this day no-one has tried running that line of crap past the Honourable Man, and you have to ask yourselves why that is.  After all, he'd be a prize catch, and would give much needed credibility to the purported Good Guys Team, would he not?   I've an idea that at some stage M had been tasked to tentatively fill him in on the basic outlines of the Operation, but that for some unknown reason the plan had been aborted...
I'd have to bet that there've been times over the years I've known him, that he's questioned my sanity, and he certainly has issues with many of my allegations, and never hesitates to say so..  A near-perfect scenario for converting him to this wondrous Cause, and yet you still hang back, shuffling your feet.   Why? Personal issues?  Barnabas' No. 1 Stooge up at Sydenham Station has made it perfectly plain that he'd be offended were my VC to become a member of the so-called Good Guys Team?  Has the Crumb grown partial to sitting back happily and watching as droogs are sent onto that property to tamper with the Audi, and the chap's home is frequently flooded with the debilitating Throat Choker frequency?  A habit that's hard to break, hey Laz?

Course, if he were eventually invited on board the Experiment he'd have to be told about our role as a Hacker's Hub of Learning, and you can almost hear the screech of his brakes as he digests that bit of information before reaching for the sickbag...
My Chairman?  A very different kettle of fish, and though I'm uncertain as to just how much he's been fed, telling him that I was in trouble with the Intelligence authorities as a result of my big fat mouth, would've worked for him nicely... *shrugs...
My VC on the other hand, would've had questions, and he would insist on being given answers....  Were he to come to realise that at least three homes down this end of the Crescent had had their privacy and health compromised on a grand scale for eight years, simply to allow the Cadets recruited to this operation somewhere to go to practise their laser skills, I suspect he'd be less than impressed...

It's now 4.15am, and a single jab to the back has the heat here in the room rocketing... *waves.. Two or three of those little bats that live in our garage roof dart about the sky in front of me, apparently oblivious to the blanket of spheres surrounding them.. It's magic I tell you....
I'd like to ask young Leon Chetty of the now apparently defunct site for his views on why my Vice Chair hasn't been invited to participate in this inhumane experiment?  Has it been said that the chap talks too much, and might let the cat out of the bag, alerting the very criminals the technology is designed to catch?
Rubbish.  If my VC were to come to believe in your Cause, wild horses wouldn't drag so much as a peep out of him, and you know it...

Trouble is Leon, that he would see straight through the lies and subterfuge, and unlike you and your papa, I doubt he could live with himself, supporting such an abusive experiment... Of course I'm mightily intrigued to learn that the Throat Choker frequency is no longer being employed to flood his home, and I have to wonder whether it presages another push to convert him, or whether the Area Controller has been persuaded that enough is enough....
Am I too late, and have the Planners finally come up with a version of the Sales Pitch they think he'll buy?  As hard as I find that to believe, it would be foolish to discount the possibility altogether, so if you don't mind, I'll just carry on watching and waiting...

At around 10.40am yesterday morning, the GW and I had been out front in time to see a new Bushdweller, loaded down with a sack of his belongings, making his way through the uncut undergrowth to the old drugboy's lair behind the stormwater manhole, down in the valley... Though I'd only glimpsed his back and his big bag of possessions, he appeared to know exactly where he was going as he fought his way through the bush.. Me and the dogs had heard voices down there only minutes earlier, so I figure it's safe to assume he's not alone, and that we can anticipate more mischief in the weeks ahead? *looks at the boss....

Any pretence of a truce had fallen by the wayside yesterday afternoon, and credit must be given where it's due... Were YOU in ours at around 1.30pm, when the familiar shin cramps kicked in as I sat in the lounge?  I see it was accompanied by the BackFire frequency, so I guess you earned yourself some decent points for your scorecard?   The gloves came off fully after 4.50pm, and it was Knives to the Back, BackFire, and heatwaves off and on until 6.45pm, when someone chose to amuse themselves by prodding away at my left armpit.... At 8.15pm, some clever dick had jabbed me fiercely above the ear before unleashing more of the BackFire frequency, and at 8.45pm they'd set about poking me in my side...

It had been enough to get me off my butt to shoot a few pictures indoors and out.. See the pretty white tennis ball sphere hanging on the ceiling lounge HERE, and the enormous white orb hovering next to our outdoor spotlight near to der Bunker HERE?  Truce?  What effing truce... *mutters...  
I discovered yesterday that one has to have a Facebook account before you can post comments on someone's page.. A system that will safely exclude any helpful remarks from the likes of the heavyweights involved in this technological experiment...
Have my FB albums made it any easier to understand what I've been on about all these years, or are you as confused as ever?   Times up...

LATER at 6.15am

More theatrics laid on for my benefit?  Man, that was weird... I'd already seen the Security guard at No. 11, and I was unlocking the garage door when the tall skinny dude in a beanie went by... I watched as he'd stopped outside their gates and hung around.. The guard will let him in if he's there to tidy the garden, thought I, and I began washing down my car... I checked again two minutes later, only to watch as the bloke slid his long frame up under the broken fence at speed, at which point I went out and shouted at him... Hey, he was out of there like a greased eel, giving me some bullshit story I didn't need nor understand, before he headed swiftly back down towards Cato Crest ....

I finished wiping down the car, relocked the garage, and there was the Security guard back on the front lawn, who said he'd never heard a thing.. *eyeroll... Is there anything left in that little house worth thieving? I wouldn't know, as I'd tried both Mr. and Missus Newton and had gone straight to Voice, so I'd sent him a text instead.. Mischief abounds, for sure...
What do I think?  Who cares, and I've probably said it already, but the fly-catcher lives down there by the landline cable, only yards from Telkom's white wireless box HERE..  I figure that mere seconds after Balliram has activated something down by that line, it startles the flycatcher into it's frantic squeaking, which is always followed immediately by the call of the Enhancer Bird.. One is real, and the other ain't, would be my guess. Take care out there..


Monday 31st December 2012 at 7.28am.