Sunday, November 25, 2012

Prized above rubies...
(begun Monday 26th November at 3.35am..)

My Excellent Neighbour's wall enhancer is back to flashing endlessly on and off, this morning, and yesterday I'd noticed for the first time that a different pair of thick curtains have been hung across the set of lounge windows that overlook our home.  An additional precaution for Ms. Dorny's visit on Friday, or simply something I'd not picked up on before? *curious...

It appears that more than a few of you are fully aware of the abuse being carried out over our powerlines and that you condone it fully.  And there I'd been kidding myself all along that you simply didn't believe me.. That Balliram continued to casually deny my allegations, and that the heatwaves and pain are simply a figment of my imagination... Oh dear, oh dear....  You won't mind if I feel exonerated from any suggestion that my claims have ever been exaggerated?
The damage control theatrics employed for the Mast Fighter's visit, fully confirm the terror tactics and abuse that are taking place in this Labrat's home, if not across the Zone...
How high were those emissions, that you had to resort to the cables being cut in the early hours, for fear they'd register on her meters?  Ms. Dorny had plugged one of her devices into a jackpoint in our lounge to charge it, and at the end of her visit she'd picked it up and remarked in surprise that it had barely taken a charge at all...  Would it then be safe to assume that even our power supply had been dumbed right down for the duration of her visit? *teeth...

As usual, I simply don't gettit.  Why go to all that bother?  Even if her measuring devices had gone through the roof (and I guess you know they would've), what difference would it have made?  Seriously?  Were the true levels of what's being flooded into our home to be made public, would my Devout Neighbour say that he was pulling out of the Experiment, and that he simply couldn't participate in such blatant abuse? Would No. 16 follow suit, and insist that his children no longer access our home?  Alas, it ain't gonna happen, as they're in this mess up to their necks, literally..

Ordinary citizens shouldn't be made spies, Vanessa?  The Right2Know outfit's increased publicity was beautifully timed, and has served it's purpose well.. Did they manage to have any drastic changes made to the Secrecy Bill?  Not as far as I can tell, but their arrival on the scene has managed to scramble my already muddled head even further... Neato..
The Independent on Saturday (Online Network foils SA Outlaws, Page 5) brought another set of Players back into the spotlight, with Andre Snyman touting the good work being done by his eblockwatch.  An outfit who employ amongst others, the local Housewives League, to alert them of possible crime in the area.  Are you as confused as I am?  You're familiar with the term red herrings, or smoke and mirrors?  Then hold onto that thought..

It really doesn't matter what name the Data Thieves duck behind, when all you should be concerned about is the total removal of your privacy via Roux and Petruccione's astonishing quantum laser/wireless surveillance system... That once the pattern followed by the Experiment Authors arrives in your neck of the woods, you can kiss your private life goodbye.. Sure, you may be approached and given one of several versions of the Grand Sales Pitch, and enticed into doing your bit by providing a link between you and your unsuspecting neighbour's home, and sure, you may be flattered into blindly accepting the bait... It wouldn't occur to you that anyone would ever be bothered to access your own power system to thieve your privacy, as you've got absolutely nothing to hide, right?  *chokes..

Were you told that Sue the Book, B.Snr. and I, were a security risk, and therefore we were doomed to provide the Learning Centres needed for your hacking classes?  That you'd be assisted /taught to access our homes, and practise your laser skills in all three properties, (never mind the physical effect your presence would have on the occupants) simply because someone out there had decreed we TALK too much? *snarls...
What was it that finally tipped my Devout Neighbour over the edge, and had him obeying the order to erect the Booster Shed that has proved to be my nemesis? *interested...  What dreadful thing did either I or the GameWrecker do, that had him assist in unleashing the fires of hell upon our home so willingly?

Did you fall about laughing when it became apparent that for a moment I'd thought he was going to save us?  That I'd briefly allowed myself to think that by his very Goodness, the torture would abate?  Au contraire, folks..   The levels of pain I suffered both after the mast Fighter had left, and the power was finally restored to Nos. 10 and 16 on Friday, and for almost the entire day yesterday, were so bad that I didn't think to log them, nor did I think to use my camera to attempt to catch the culprits... That is, until the Bathtime Performance, when I caught more perverted voyeurs hanging on those walls than ever before.. HERE and HERE.. You've seen the evidence for yourselves in My Pictures files, and I'll try to add yesterday's proof when I can...
Where were YOU at twelve minutes past 4pm yesterday afternoon?  Hanging up on my bathroom wall, watching my toilette in horrified fascination?  As Millie protested at all the extra attention, and for the third day in a row she'd filled the bath with blood?  *snarls... Did the sight thrill any of you to such a degree that you hung around long enough to be captured HERE?  *fetches the bucket...

By 4.20pm I'd been back in the lounge, and though the pain levels had lessened somewhat for the first time that day, I'd fished out the Olympus and walked about the room taking shots of different angles for a change.. My stubborn persistence was well rewarded, and my Arch-Tormentor had clearly grown smug and forgetful... Check HERE to see that pretty bolt of light, back in position in our passage.  Four consecutive pictures showing how it appears to strike the sliding kitchen door as it heads towards the jackpoint that holds the microwave and fridge plugs.. And HERE's a first for you as well... On either side of that bright bolt of light, hanging on both walls, you can see a tennis-ball-sized sphere...
I'd mentioned it to the GW some time later, giving the sadistic Creep next door ample time to come up with a satisfactory story to explain that stunning phenomenon.

Will he insist that it was Captain Cochran in my passage at 4.26pm, or will he not even bother to deny his own presence?  I'd guess the latter, as he has nothing to fear from his tame Puppets nearby, and should he or his trusty second-in-command at No. 12 hear so much as the whisper of dissent on their regular covert visits to eavesdrop at No. 10 and 16, reprisals will be exacted, as sure as night follows day.... My curses of pain become easier to ignore every day, do they not? *looks at the Housewives League... My foul-mouthed roars of outrage have become routine, and you no longer question their cause, entrapped as you are by these criminals...  Shame...

It would appear that the creator of The Microwave Factor has at last irritated the Experiment Authors to the point where he's been tagged to receive copious doses of debilitating wireless frequencies...  You'll have seen my anxiety at the long gaps between his posts and the note I sent him querying his well-being.. Turns out I had good reason to be worried, and I suggest on your next gate-crashing exercise you check out the mail that arrived from him yesterday, if you've not already seen it...
Was my reply satisfactory?  My Network Admin at the time hadn't cared for it much, and my first attempt at sending Mr. Doyon some of my pictures had failed.
I'd had better luck when the GW had kindly re-sent the mail sometime later, and hopefully those pictures will spur Mr. Doyon into doing a bit of sphere hunting for himself...

I'm actually serious for a change.. Someone is going to have to write a book about this blatant attempt to take over and control the world's population, and it can't be this babbling and incoherent Idiot... How does a collaboration between Karl Muller, Paul Doyon, debbie, and the Mast Fighter sound to you?  All of them have been on the receiving end of this brilliantly planned and executed outrage that is the Experiment, and all of them have a way with words that I sadly lack...
I'll be long gone by the time any real effort is made to clean the Monitor's ranks of the filth that is currently employed...
And no, BeVonk dear, I know you are basically a good person who has simply been misled along with so many of your colleagues.. By filth I refer to the likes of the Druglord Michael Barnabas, and his erstwhile and newly made-over IT Monkey, the Cracker, Collin P. Balliram..

For as long as those two remain in power, there cannot be even a glimmer of hope on the horizon, as they set the tone for the rest of you...
I've written endlessly of how I understand the reasons for their employment, but right now I say enough is enough, and it's time to end the deliberate corruption of so many otherwise good people, whom you've forced into slavery.... Where are you Vanessa, and how's your mum today? *waves...

LATER at 6am

As I'd gotten up from the desk and gone through to the kitchen, I'd been beset by a sudden mighty and lingering pain in my head.. The gloves are off, Balliram dear?  After all the free publicity I've given you, that's it?  Come now, you're still the precious sweetheart of the Seriously Corrupt, so what's your problem?  Sure you've revealed your true character in full, but what's the harm in that?  Perverted, sadistic, bottom-feeders with a bent for IT are prized above rubies, and as such you're set for the rest of your miserable life...


Monday 26th November 2012 at 8.37am.