Friday, November 23, 2012

Links cut..
(begun Saturday 24th November at 3.15am..)

I've got me a double-act in my ears right now.. My left is like scanning for the missing Mast Song/Tinnitis, while the right is filled with the rough Christmas Beatle chorus outside... Eh, and there's the squeak of his NAT kicking in, and a spike to the BackFire frequency for good measure... *yawns...
The graveyard wake-up call is nothing personal?  Just some shift in the technical system that's set for around 2am, that unfortunately happens to affect the Labrats? *falls over snorting at the precise moment the first heatwave arrives...
Tsk, and there I was thinking that what passes for the Curry Mob on this stretch of the Crescent had dedicated their miserable lives to sticking it to a few vulnerable older women... My bad.

It's now 3.25am, and a chirrup from the Sadist's remote has him implying that the fun and games between 2am and now, weren't of his doing.. Ja, right.  Nothing personal se GAT.  I'd shifted cautiously at 2.05am, but there'd been no anticipated ache to the hips.  Instead, a couple of wicked Jabs to the Back hit me, and Sophie had flapped her ears madly and bingo! I have the cause of my rude awakening....  By then the NAT outside the window had kicked in as well... (Balliram's arrival has included waking the Enhancer Bird down by the Telkom wireless box).  By 2.25am three of my fingers had gone numb, and the random Knives to the Back persisted, and eventually I capitulated, and here I am....

Ah - And there's a tentative poke at my left lower back as the Sicko gets comfortable behind the controls.. Get on with it?  Geez Mr. van Zyl, however keen you are, I can't be rushed....
I suppose I'm fairly flattered that you actually want my version, when you'll have listened and watched yesterday's stolen footage already....
I told you how I'd already been sitting here at the desk at 2.45am yesterday morning, when young Spanky had sounded the alarm? Turns out that whatever had set him off wasn't in the valley after all, but up in the Crescent by No. 12...

She'd called me after 11am to check whether we had power and of course we did, and I'd volunteered to make a couple of calls to see who else was affected.. She said the copper wires had been cut between our pole and Freddie's, and though I'd been up top several times earlier, this blind old bat hadn't noticed a thing.. *sighs..  So I'd duly called No. 17 across the road and established they had power, and then I'd phoned the Accountant at No. 12 who said he didn't have a problem either, before I rang Faults and put in a report...
Meanwhile, the GW had gone up to look at the damage and came back to say they'd cut between our pole to Fred's, skipped a section, and then also cut up by No. 16... You're getting the picture?  All this carefully choreographed thievery, only hours before the Mast Fighter was due to visit ours with her emission level meter devices?

My Good Neighbour had said that their two big dogs (who wisely sleep indoors) had gone bananas at about the same time Spanky had let rip, and that their bedroom fan had suddenly stopped at 3am... And no, I don't know why it had taken them eight hours to call me to see if our power was also out, and I can only suppose they'd hoped it would be restored before then... *coughs*.. As it turned out, our old friends Howard's Electrical had arrived with almost indecent haste just before 12 noon and they'd been up and down their ladders until well after 3pm, when the cables and power were finally restored...

You're okay with all of this, V?  Sure you don't read my blog if you can help it, but maybe one of your associates nudged you into taking a dekko?  Man, you've clearly got a brain or you wouldn't be sitting where you are today, so tellus  -  What do you think the purpose was behind cutting the links just to the Pupils at Nos. 10 and No. 16 for the duration of Ms. Dorny's visit?  Did it ensure that only Balliram and his personal valet at No. 12 were controlling the emissions in ours, and that they'd make sure no give-away spikes would register on her devices?  They didn't want those recruits listening in to our conversation, and quite possibly fluffing the cover-up and giving the game away?
Despite the removal of two of the links causing my misery, neither Ms. Dorny nor her devices appreciated what was running outside... Balliram had carefully made sure there was nothing untoward INSIDE the house, despite that both of us felt the odd spike as we were trailed and monitored every inch of the way... As much as cutting the power so judiciously to No.s 10 and 16 had helped clear the indoors, there was nothing much the Criminals could do about the outside, and she'd said her readings showed our situation was easily as bad as hers up at Craigavon...

You're listening? *looks at godschild... That's what you and yours are being exposed to on a daily basis, and I guess you can't now deny that the lengths gone to, to hide the appalling increases inside ours, prove that what you endure is nothing compared to what is being pumped into our home... Her machines had spiked when pointed towards St. Theresa's, and again that pulsed signal had increased tremendously the nearer she got to der Bunker, and you surely should ask yourselves what readings she would've gotten in our home, had those sections of power cable not been cut...
Extreme lengths gone to, in a blatant attempt to hide the truth, and I can only hope it's given you cause to rethink your participation in this criminally-run operation...As if..

Long after Ms. Dorny's departure and the power had been restored, there was some serious payback taken care of, and if you'd been listening you would've heard my outraged roars of pain as I'd been vindictively jabbed right up until bedtime.. *vomits...
Did Howard's replace the copper with Twisted Pair, to avoid this happening in the future?  They did not, and they simply strung up more copper, as the scheme had worked so effectively there's no ways they're going to change it...
I'd never for one moment anticipated the Mast Fighter getting any truthful readings in our house, and had already said to her that it would be switched off for her visit, though I'd no idea it wasn't as simple as that... Now, if I could just get her to swing by once more, before she heads back home?  *teeth....
What would you do?  Daylight copper theft?  A sudden inexplicable blackout?  Why does it matter so much that the truth of what's running in this Academy of Laser learning isn't revealed, to the extent that in desperation, those lines were cut?

It's time to stop stalling V.. If your lot are going to fix the country's ills, they could do worse than to start by removing the Sadistic criminal at No. 6.. Cutting those cables is still not sufficient proof to nail your carefully protected colleague for ongoing human rights abuse?  Then you'll have to pardon me if I continue to regard your outfit with a jaundiced eye....
Despite their smarmy public utterances, that's all it is... Talk.   Getting a few drug dealers off the streets doesn't cut it, when the bigger problem lies so firmly within your own ranks... A problem that is destined to be studiously overlooked until the entire country is harnessed to the Experiment technology, and by then any genuinely Good guys left, will be powerless to make changes for the better... Lovely.

Who gets the medal for saving the day yesterday, and coming up with the 'copper theft' idea?  A combined effort?  Fark, would I like to have been a fly on the wall at the panicked discussions the night before... The fact that were the true levels of what's being flooded into our homes to be revealed, it just might cause a few of your devoted Recruits to sit up and pay attention, had had these criminals resorting to what should be give-away tactics.. Phew! Mop those scurvy brows, why don't you...?
The malicious glee behind the relentless jabs to the back that ensued and increased, once the cables and power were restored, was frankly stomach-churning... As I never for one moment thought Ms. Dorny would uncover the mischief inside our home, it hadn't even occurred to me to ask her to try measuring, and the stolen data will reveal that it had been her idea to measure indoors, and had been almost an afterthought...  You lot are seriously jumpy are you not, and your guilt is there for all to see...
Can you not look past your personal achievements to the horrors being enacted by your fellow 'officers' and actually DO something to fix it?  Clearly not.. Outranked, or no desire to rock the boat?

LATER at 6.30am

As an aside, I should mention that Ms. Dorny's animals are apparently all displaying prematurely grey muzzles, just like Sophie's.. A phenomenon that I would guess occurs as they frantically rub their ears and muzzles on the nearest object to alleviate the severe discomfort caused by the appalling levels of wireless unleashed on Ms. Dorny's property...
A fact that will be shrugged off by the majority of heroic Recruits to the Yellow Army as insignificant, but one that any genuine animal lovers might have a harder time accepting...
When your animals gaze imploringly at you, hoping for you to banish their pain, what do you do?  Look back at them and say 'sorry guys, but it's for the good of mankind?'  Zombied, much? *falls over..


Saturday 24th November 2012 at 9.00am.