Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The here and now..
(begun Tuesday 16th October at 8.05am..)

*The BackFire reached near Knife to the Back levels as I logged on... A Class running in ours right now, or simply the Obsessive Sadist making his presence felt?*

The rain was spitting when I went up top to fetch the paper ten minutes ago.. I'd glanced across at the orphanage and stopped dead in my tracks.. How weird is that?  A pall of mist/smoke hung over all those buildings that didn't carry on down into the valley..*startled...
Has a GateKeeper set a bonfire on the grounds, and why is that mist so dense in just that area?  There's a fairly decent breeze blowing in the tops of the gumtrees, and yet it's not dispersing that odd effect at all... If it's not smoke, then what is it?
You care to bet that it's a blanket of spheres that are drawn to those booster stations (shark cages) in such numbers as to cause that smokey effect?   A phenomenon that no doubt occurs regularly, despite that I've not noticed it before...?
My mum used to go on about everything in moderation.. Wise advice that as you can see, I chose to ignore.. As impossible as I'm finding it to convince the tunnel-visioned Converts to the Cause, it sure looks like you can have too much of a good thing, even if it's being touted as the saviour of the human race...

Wednesday 17th October at 4am..

I'd gone back and tootled around Eshowe for a bit yesterday, though I'm none the wiser as a result..  I'd eventually found some copper cabling on the outskirts of town, by the sugar-cane fields, but for the most part it was twisted pair everywhere I looked... It took us at least three thefts before we were blessed with the slightly less desirable to thieves wiring, and yet here's a tiny town out in the sticks whose quiet streets already have the twisted pair.. Am I off at a tangent here?  Is there a common-sense reason for this? *stumped...

To those of you familiar with the magic of google's streetview it would probably take you only minutes to find Eshowe's main residential area, and the cellmasts that are dotted about.. During my hesitant foray I found neither.. What I did discover however, were Telkom's white wireless boxes, and several trees that looked to be decorated with the cloned physcia grisea lichen.. One in particular was what was left of a palm tree on the corner of Drane Road, that appeared to have been used for laser target practise...
Ag, I'm far from convinced, as the most glaring thing missing on my brief visit had been the lack of the vital DSTV/Mnet white satellite dishes which form the backbone of the surveillance experiment...  Now if I could just find my way to the more densely populated part of town, maybe things would be different...

Slowly, slowly?  As impatient as ever, man, I wish I could figure out shortcuts.. Where does the R66 go to, and where is the tiny one-horse town of Babanangu in relation to Eshowe or Vryheid? *froths...
The hum heard around the world?  Any relation to the wireless song that pours across the valley carrying the dense laser-showers on it's back?
Is the 'hum' a collective description for the Noise Assisted Transport, as I suspect it is?  If so, it's a bus I missed by a mile as I staggered onto the scene in 2004/2005 to watch the foreign road-working equipment busily working on the freeway bridge HERE..

She'd mentioned Revelations in her brief fly-by visit yesterday, and how in her opinion the push to wireless the world was anything but for the good of mankind, and yet you totally believe the opposite... Did you not so much as glance beyond the premise that the technology would be used to topple the Corrupt in power here in SA, to see the real agenda lurking behind?  What matters is the here and now, and you don't give a flying eff about the distant future, as it's hard enough to survive each day? WHAT??!!

Did I behave predictably true to form yesterday when I blundered into Fingolfin's thread on mybroadband, and ended up sending him/her a pm?  Act in haste, repent at leisure springs to mind, as it generally does AFTER I've taken the plunge... If I were to wade through those posts a second and even a third time, would they become any easier to understand?  Is it someone I've encountered before, under a different nick?  Where are the swarms of ignorant fanbois who leap out from under their rocks to diss any suggestion of a conspiracy?  Despite the inflammatory topic, the OP is being treated with a curious deference, not usually seen on that forum..*sniffs the air...
Ag, over-thinking it doesn't help, and I figure I'll find out soon enough whether I've fallen into a trap designed to further discredit me... Further discredit?  Who am I kidding? *falls over....
It's nearly 5am and growing light already.. I must go deal with the trash... *waves...

LATER at 7am

Once I'd been lucky enough to fall over the Popular Mechanics 'Tangling with Telecoms' article, I suppose I should've gone straight to Pretoria University and begun sniffing aroung their Physics Department... I've just struggled through the piece for the umpteenth time, and it looks as though our Stef would've been busy testing his laser comms. system up there in 2004, while the infrastructure was only just being put in place down here in Durban...
Would Roux have required a quiet backwater out in the bundu somewhere, to run his initial laser tests?  The main township in Pretoria even?  Further away?  A youth camp at Babanangu?

When the time came to decide which City was to be the first to employ the laser surveillance technology, I imagine there'd been no contest, and that Zoneboy (and soon-to-be best bud of the then Head of Intelligence Mo Shaik) Michael Barnabas, was a shoo-in... A Druglord with connections spread far and wide across the city, and the power to lean on his customers to gain their compliance...
The willing-to-please-for-a-buck Michael Sutcliffe, installed as the eThekwini City Manager, had sealed the deal... It's unclear for just how long the Wireless Rennaisance Man, Francesco Petruccione, had been cosying up to our Town Clerk, but I'd have to bet they were on first name terms well before the roadworks began here on the Freeway bridge, and the water meter on the Moth Cottage at No. 7 was replaced by THIS one in 2004...

Don't ask me why, but that first slice cut across the road to our streetlight from the water meter was significant, as the Head of the Board of Trustees at Flame Lily had by then handed his innocent tenants over to be guinea pigs for the Experiment... *vomits..  Right from the start the Muni officials and their assorted carefully-created Contractors had regarded the invasion of our privacy as a huge joke... A trend which continues today, as many of the Chosen on board the Project smile at me pityingly, as if to say why would I want to spoil their fun?  *nauseated...
My tales of the horrific physical abuse we've endured from 2005 onwards, cuts no ice with these hinnying party animals.. It's all lies and exaggeration on the old bag's part, and there's nothing the matter with any of them?

More than a few of you will by now have come to realise the truth of the matter, and the agonies that can be created by the judicious and brutal use of various wireless frequencies... How many have actually died here in the Zone since 2005, as a direct result of the employment of Petruccione and Roux's combined technologies?  Glen Nayager?  Gary Goodall?  Fabian Carey?
Gary Goodall, who was never warned of the risks he faced as a diabetic?  Fabian Carey, whose immune system took a fatal battering both at his office at St. Philomena's mini base station and at his home right at the edge of the Convent playing field in Mary Road?
Glen Nayager, who was most assuredly taken out of the picture using the wireless frequency weaponry.. His removal, leaving the way open for his erstwhile IT Monkey to be re-invented and whitewashed, before jumping the fence to the so-called Good Team... *gags...

Just three of the players in this so-jolly and fun-filled Laser Experiment, who paid the ultimate price for their involvement.. How many hundreds of others across the Zone have gone down without any fanfare, to this astounding new weapon of war?  Balliram?  You care to stop poking Millie with a stick long enough to give us an idea of the figures? No?  I'm not surprised....
This Charmer had without any warning, hit me in the right ovary as I browsed the Off Topic section of the mybroadband Forum yesterday around 2.50pm...
Does he get a Noddy badge to add to his collection, Jannie?  *winks...  Such dedicated loyalty surely deserves an additional perk or two?
The stunning lack of so much as a single 'woop!' from der Bunker yesterday, more than points to the Sadist as the author of the now near-constant increase in the levels of the BackFire frequency flooding our home..

Is Mr. van Zyl encouraging the Sick Bastard to push me to the limit, merely to demonstrate that whatever I do, it won't change anything for the better?  I'd hazard that's a yes...  Lord, how I'd like to think I've upgraded from being a mere Figure of Fun to a downright Irritating Pest....  Peace..


Wednesday 17th October 2012 at 9.03am.