Thursday, October 25, 2012

School of Hard Knocks...
(begun Thursday 25th October at 6.40am..)

*Now six days since an update from The Microwave Factor... Hmm...*

Could the BackFire frequency be run any higher than it already was?  Turns out that's a yes..
I was giving my car a bit of a wash-down after 6am, when the Sadist had zoomed in for a closer look, causing my pain levels to go through the white-enhancer daubed rafters in the garage.. *vomits..
There's no point in appealing to anyone specific, as compassion is not a trait that these Creatures are familiar with at all..  Eight years of blood, sweat, and tears have earned me nothing more than additional hardship from this thankless lot, and I  -  naaa, forget it...  It's always the old answer D that flashes up... It IS written, and he knows exactly what he'd doing, and therefore I must simply hang in and let the bitch Karma get round to him in her own good time... You make your own fate?  You'd better hope so, on that score...

LATER at 11.15am

By the time he'd remotely kicked my spare cell into life in my handbag, I'd finished the only conversation he might have been interested in overhearing, and had moved on with my trolley..  I'd heard the text noise as I stood at the till, and now when I've finally remembered to check, there's nothing there... *winks.. So ja, further confirmation that your cellphone can be activated remotely to enhance your off-air conversations, and relay them back to interested parties, despite that he missed the only one of any importance...
His irritation after that quickly turned nasty, and it's been Knives to the Back flooded into the car on and off since the GW picked me up at in the Polo...
Can I put Balliram on report?  Are there forms to fill in?  Just kidding, as it's hardly likely that there is any printed evidence of this Super-Secretive Operation, or of the criminals employed to run it...
I'm sitting in the Parking lot at Knowles in Pinetown while Shopper Pete does his thing down the aisles, so I figure I'd have a quick bitch and moan to you while I wait...

I'd hit overdrive once I got back from my solo shopping trip and found Kasim's dog from No. 2 still wandering desperately up and down the street looking for food.. I'd left my brick down in the house so I couldn't call for back-up, and despite all my efforts I couldn't persuade her to get into my car, so I'd had to let her go again..
Since B.Jnr. 'donated' Thunder to Kasim's tenants at No. 2 when they'd had to relocate, the inevitable happens, and being the bigger of the two dogs I guess he eats all and any food that's put out for them... B.Snr. used to tie Jody and Thunder up separately to feed them, so at least Jody didn't starve...
This one doesn't get that kind of attention and is now a bag of bones, with her sides almost touching in the middle.. I was going to put her in the car and take her straight down to my friends at the SPCA to be put out of her miserable existence, but I failed to get even more than her head through the door.. Useless..*mutters.. (A triple-woop! from der Bunker as I update here on blogger at 7.27am Friday)

Anyways, when I finally got downstairs I'd phoned the tenant and asked her to take the dog in off the road, and she said she'd ask Kasim if I could take his dog to be destroyed, and I'll let you know how that pans out, shall I? *snarls...
The Chop's Beemer was still sitting on his driveway at 10am, and I've no doubt he was busy doing what he'd euphamistically refer to as 'working from home'...*gags... I'd lay you 100 to one he's romping about on No. 10's power supplies right now, and has been for at least a part of the morning...  With the man of the house out of town, Balliram simply wouldn't be able to resist a houseful of women and children...
Sure I find it frustrating that you doubt my words, but that's your choice, folks...
She has a whopping great headache?  Any ideas why that should be, o Perverted One?
I've sampled the Headache frequency from your arsenal on more than one occasion, and I certainly wouldn't put it past you to play around on their powerlines while he's away...

Friday 26th October at 5.35am

The bank of clouds on the horizon behind the Convent were just starting to turn silver when I sat on the top stairs at 5.15am... The electronic Call to Prayer kicked in from the Sparks Road mosque, and again, I regard myself as fortunate to have what I have...
It didn't matter that Balliram had arranged for me to be tormented for the better part of my trip out in the Polo yesterday... Nor did it bother me that he'd engaged the Throat Choker frequency last night, and that as a result I'd dry-barked till the early hours, and now resemble a terrifyingly wrinkled and ancient panda.. It's a beautiful day and if I'm lucky, a few more mini-miracles will come my way...

Those more-often-than-not brilliantly lit windows in the upstairs toddler's dormitories were sanctimoniously dark as early as 8pm last night.. I'd strolled over next to the avo tree for a better view and sure enough, I could just see that vivid red light winking out from it's usual position to talk to it's matching pair HERE on Balliram's streetlight pole...
They were still unlit when I got up sometime in the early hours to pee, and I do believe that the Operative next door thinks leaving them off for a couple of nights will make everything okay..*chokes..
I'd found a couple of old Panasonic camera cards last night, pre the arrival of the spheres, and taken over the period that the National Lottery had forked out for the astonishing upgrade to St. Theresa's in 2010.

Amongst them were date and time-stamped photos of the remarkable amount of lighting running from both the upstairs and downstairs sections of the orphanage building, and including the Recreation Centre, and I can only imagine the reason for that will be given as security.. *gags...
Do I regard these Institution's Administrators as accomplices to this vile human rights abuse being carried out on innocent children and their Carers?  How can I do that?  The Director and the Principal will have been told that the quantum laser communications system was one hundred percent safe, and that the ShaikBoyz had hijacked the surveillance technology in order to save the country.. You'd be lying if you said you'd have smelled a rat, and that you'd have held off until you'd at least researched the technology...

By 2010 the National Lottery had, by their carefully engineered manipulations, reduced many charitable institutions to penury and eventual closure.. The Experiment Authors knew what they were doing, and that there would be no arguments raised once they sent the Lotto people to knock on St. Philomena and St. Theresa's doors, and to make them an offer they simply couldn't afford to refuse...
HowTF were they supposed to know that once Roux's perfectly safe laser technology was combined with Petruccione's wireless over the powerlines, it would prove to have devastating results on the Community's health?
Besides, any doubts they may have had would've been swept away by the Area's Marketing and Promotions Manager, the re-designed and newly furbished Druglord, Michael Barnabas.. As long as key members of St. Theresa's staff continued to run the specific lights on Collin P. Balliram's orders, it was a small enough price to pay for the buckets of money being poured into that establishment's upgrade....

Except of course, by now you know that it's far from your standard voltage that's being run out of those lights, and that Balliram has the means to run astonishing levels of power out of what appear to be normal and standard light fittings...  The two booster cages (shark) were eventually added to the upstairs floor, and that innocent-appearing institution finally realised it's full potential as a mini base station for the Experiment...
An Institution whose occupants are totally at the mercy of Barnabas' designated Area Controller, Collin P. Balliram...
Have you yet come to realise that my apparent character assassination of the Cracker is in no way due to any petty personal vendetta, as Barnabas would have you believe, but that you were ALL sold downriver into the clutches of an often idiotically dangerous petty criminal, who is sans any form of compassion for his fellow-man?

Is the silence that now hangs over the Zone, a fearful one?  You bet it is... Threatened obliquely by tales of severe repurcussions should you attempt to raise the alarm on this touted-as-a State Security Operation, who among you would be so foolish as to step out of line?  You've seen what happened to Glen Nayager and Fabian Carey, and you probably know of others in the area who've died under suspicious but unprovable circumstances... There was a time when I was open to persuasion of any possible merits the Experiment might hold, but that's now fading with each passing day as my old man shuffles about like an octogenarian with what he chooses to believe is a damaged tendon, and I'm assaulted severely whether home or away...

While the Muslim Community appear to have a different and more stoic attitude to martyrdom for the Cause, I refuse to believe that the majority would willingly sacrifice their sons and daughters simply to increase the spread of Islam... Yet that dense blanket of spheres that surrounds the new mosque and Madressa is a clear indication that those dozens of young pupils are being deliberately used as labrats, as much so as the orphans are at St. Theresa's... *sick..
Why the overkill?  Why those huge amounts of technology right there by the Hall?  To speed up the cull, and to weed out the weak from those whose immune systems can withstand the battering?
How many of you regard yourselves as Blessed to have been able to place your precious child in such a prestigeous place of learning?  Were you ever told that your offspring would be deliberately exposed to copious amounts of EMF each day?
So what?  If you lose one to the technology, you have four others to take her place?  *studies the RF Engineer with fascination and not a little nausea...


Friday 26th October 2012 at 8.01am..