Saturday, September 01, 2012

The Italian Renaissance..?
(begun Saturday 1st September at 6.50am..)

Re-routing the water lines so carefully, certainly separated the haves from the have-nots, hey Neil?  It became obvious early on that the Labrats chosen for the Three Stooge's laser experiments were also to become the guinea-pigs for Neil McCleod's sewage into tap water.... Hell, why not, hey guys?  *vomits over the lot of you..  Were I to check my photo albums, I could probably give you an idea of just when this second miracle of modern science began putting in an appearance through our waterlines...   It would've been about the same time that I inexplicably stopped drinking my two litres of tap water each day, though my instinct there had been slow at kicking in, and I guess that were the contents of my bowel to be analysed, there'd be a few little creatures taken up permanent residence that weren't there before McCleod gifted us with his scientific miracle...

Take my word for it, I kid you not.. Those giant puff-ball fungi HERE that began springing up under the avo tree and along our boundary walls?  Fungi that, according to my gardening book, grow only in extremely nutrient-rich areas, and had no business arriving in that dusty dry area down there, after all these years...  Is my Landscape Artist also in on that particular joke?  Anyone over at the Jaguar's lair mention to him that we were drinking faeces at ours?  I don't recall him ever turning down a glass of tap water or two, on a hot day, so maybe not.. *shrugs...

I've still got that same wild-eyed, slightly out of control feeling right now, that hit me yesterday morning, though this time my vague nausea could quite well be attributed to one too many coffin nails... I put my cardigans on, and five minutes later I fling them off again, so clearly my body temperature is going bananas as well.. Is that all a part of the data captured eagerly by the Pig next door, and relayed carefully back to some science wallah who's actually interested?  Hah!!! As if...
These inhumane experiments were done decades ago, and the results recorded for posterity, and if you believe otherwise you can share my Dunce's cap FFS....
Did my reports here of the unfortunate toads who used the hadeda's pool to breed, and had turned in one memorable instance HERE an acid yellow, and the other truly sickly-looking near black, before they either died or disappeared, cause Mistuh McCleod's team to make hasty adjustments to his poo/water ratios?
I've no idea what ultimately led to that testing being abandoned, or whether there's still a certain percentage of crap running through our tap waterlines.. It would be nice to think that the heavily invested Muslim community took exception to the whole premise, though I'd question whether that hadn't been another good reason why Khaled and Kassim relocated suddenly across to Sandringham Place from down at No. 2...

LATER at 10.10am

The BackFire frequency was unpleasantly high by the time I'd shut down the PC and fetched myself a coffee, and I'd said out loud that I would put the Sadist on report again (for unnecessarily sadistic practises).  A joke, as he answers to no-one but himself, and may do just as he pleases...*eyeroll... I hardly dare write that my pain has subsided somewhat since I aired my empty threats, but it's not likely to last...

In my ponderously slow fashion, I appear to have stumbled across the Italian Renaissance and their role in wirelessing the world... I'd finished updating my The Objects blog and had ended up using google search quite aimlessly, and I can't even recall what I'd typed in.. Quantum Laser Communications UKZN SA maybe?  Anyways, I couldn't get the first few results to open, though that may just have been a problem with my Network proxy..*winks...   Scroll down and what do I find?
A CV belonging to one Filippo Caruso, who is currently stationed at the Imperial College in London... I grant you I'm a shockingly poor reader, but a couple of things leapt out at me, and natch, I fell on them with glee..

Noise assisted transport?  A rather dull-sounding description for the noisy wirelessed cricket/grasshopper enhancers now outside each property in both Garbutt and Harris Crescent?  Another term for the thready-sounding nunus that surround our home?  *falls over choking...Would that also cover the wireless song that often carries across the valley, and appears to emanate from St. Theresa's Recreation Centre?
No wonder I get so many pitying looks cast in my direction..  Anyone with half a brain would've googled these things within a week, and here I am eight effing years later, standing in a metaphorical pool of my own blood, as I grasp at the few straws I literally stumble over..*eyeroll...

Did you bother to read Sen.Caruso's CV, right down to his Research Activities?  Did you see that he studied and 'delivered the optimal eavesdropping strategies and the security threshholds'?  So what I want to ask you is this... Did anyone ever tell you the truth on the levels of EMR and wireless necessary to enhance and relay the stolen data back out of your home to the satellite, or didn't you think to ask? *snarls...  What's my problem?  Sure, the energy required is off the scale, but as it's bloody unlikely anyone would ever activate YOUR power supplies, to thieve YOUR private conversations, why would you worry?

And the Retirement Village just down the way, where your elderly parents are happily living out their days?  You're absolutely certain that complex wasn't pulled out of the hat to be used for 'testing' purposes, and that your folks natural ailments won't be exacerbated mightily by the increase in technology over their powerlines?
Lies, lies, and again, more lies, hey Janneman?  And they'll believe you, because to do otherwise they'd have to accept that this world-wide experiment is indeed the culling horrorshow I've always claimed it to be, and that simply wouldn't do..

Sunday 2nd September at 2.30am

I seem to think he began his wake-up efforts as much as an hour ago.. Just your basics really.. Full-on Knives to the Back and then getting the dog to choke noisily and repeatedly next to me on the bed.. No biggie, when you look at the rest of his arsenal...
The bathtime matinee yesterday was attended by THESE three perfectly visible little spheres, for some reason clustered on the ceiling, though THIS snowy orb was easier to find, in the next shot...
Later in the lounge, I found THIS tennis-ball hiding behind the wall clock, and it's mate lurking up by the ceiling fan... The reason for the wide variety of sizes?  *baffled... It actually doesn't matter how small they are, as they're still dead-easy to spot, after all the practise I'm getting...

*The University of Sheffield, Lichfield Campus, maybe?  Physics Department? *winks...*
I'd been standing in the doorway next to the television at 7.45pm last night, waiting for the dog to come back indoors, when I'd taken a sudden massive hit to my inner thigh... *blinks.. Soft tissue? Tendon? Muscle?  No idea, and I'd forgotten all about it until I'd crossed by the microwave earlier this morning, and a great twinge had reminded me...

Now that the puzzle has pretty much completed itself, it occurred to me that I might try a bit of plea bargaining, and were my Good Neighbours to point out exactly which plants were continuing to provide a headache for the desired laser paths, I would obligingly remove them, in return for which the physical assaults in ours would cease... Our usefulness as live Study Aids has surely become boring and predictable, and once you've seen one battery remotely drained, you've seen them all..  By the 100th time you've heard me shriek out loud in pain it surely becomes passe?  Seeing my raddled and disfigured body as I lower myself into the bath can hold little more than fleeting nausea for you, after all this time?  Is it not time to pension off the Pensioners, and to move your students to greener and more rewarding pastures?

Plea bargain se GAT!!!! You don't even need an excuse for this abuse to continue indefinitely.. Loose lips sink ships, and I'm a liability? Oh please, what utter rubbish... I'm no more than a sick entertainment designed to toughen up some of your more *coughs* sensitive Cadets, and the idea that I could be a threat to this mammoth experiment is a joke in itself...
Are you listening out there?  You who sanctimoniously consider that you're doing the right thing, and that I've got it all wrong?
When the thirteen Abahlali stooges from Kennedy Road were incarcerated without charges in that cell up at Sydenham Station for so long, did you ever spare them a thought?  Battered ceaselessly by the laser/wireless technology under Nayger/Balliram's rule?
Have you ever bothered to nip up to Dodge City and check out the outside wall of that cell to see the visible damage caused to it by this 'perfectly safe' technology, never mind how it had affected those young inmates on the other side?   My word, but how easily you shrug off that atrocity as being a necessary part of this experiment, and you overlook the fact that it was your seemingly amiable Tutor who was hitting the keys at the time...
It takes one to recognize one?  It sure does, and the stench of hypocrisy is rife...

Has our Laz worked out why I continue to attend the CPF Motherbody Meetings up at the Station despite the physical assaults carried out on my person during the Meetings?  Assaults BTW, that can easily be achieved no matter where I sit in that office, as my natural defences were cooked to a crisp back in 2005?
I find it of immense interest to study the faces of those that attend, and to catch the furtive glances that fly between the Players, and to smile inwardly at the increase in volume for some of the more crass statements made...
To know that every last one of them has what they think are their secrets, hugged to themselves, when in fact that is anything but the truth...

Security thresholds?  When I tell you that merely by attending those Meetings, your home WILL be accessed via your powerlines, without your knowledge, you really should pay attention.. Your pain-sensors, like Fabian's, will let you down, and give you no warning of any furtive invisible Eavesdroppers breaching your privacy...
Like Sutcliffe, the Comms. Officer is stock-piling Leverage files on you all, for his Boss, the Overseer of the Zone.. Will your file stand out from the rest?  Have you transgressed in their eyes, and will you pay for it?
Secrecy, lies, and fear will do the job nicely, not so, Mr. van Zyl?


Sunday 2nd September 2012 at 9.13am.