Thursday, September 20, 2012

Sweet sixteen..?
(begun Wednesday 19th September at 10pm..)

Trying hard to inject a bit of fun back into the Game are we, dear?  On whose suggestion?  Along the lines of Jannie van Zyl's attempts at warped humour, when he claimed to have switched off the iBurst tower in Craigavon?   You'll use a couple of your students to do your dirty work for you, and that'll make it all okay? *spews...
Some fairly remarkable restraint was shown yesterday, but of course it couldn't last, could it?  By the time the triple-woop! rang out from der Bunker at 2.47pm, Balliram was on a slow simmer, and was itching to remind me for the umpteenth time, just who was running this Show... *yawns...

I survived the Bath Run and was back in front of the box by 4.40pm to find that both remotes had jammed and weren't responding.. *winks..  I'd reset the telly to the wall just before the heatwave arrived, and I was quick enough to catch THIS snooker-ball of transparent white up by the ceiling fan...
At 5pm I took several nasty jabs to the temples, and at 5.05pm the remote was jammed again, though this time it miraculously came right on it's own...
At 7pm I endured Knives to first the left inner ear, and then to the right, followed at 7.15pm by a single savage Knife to the Back...
At 7.30pm a double-woop!woop! and just to make sure I hadn't missed it, a brief run of his house alarm...

At 8.15pm I took the dogs outside for a pee, and I sat down on the front steps, only to hear No. 16's house alarm react immediately.. *blinks.. The Tutor made a house-call to yours, Prameet?  Surely not.  Then again, you were one of the first nearby to buy into his fun-filled persona, and to happily overlook his criminal tendencies, were you not?  Small wonder the Good Man appears quite so exhausted...
This is one of those rare occasions when I hope mightily that I've got my wires crossed, but.....

I was on Cloud 9 by 8.25pm, when the second heatwave had arrived, and I'd hauled the camera out to get four consecutive pictures of five different spheres HERE.  I was chuckling over my results when the NAT kicked in just outside the window.. See now, that, I do find interesting.. Balliram it is that runs the Noise Assisted Transport system, and if you're allowed to manage those stealthy little buggers as well, you're certainly in the Advanced Class..
I'd put the light off and settled down by 8.45pm, and I'd taken two quick Knives to the inner left ear, straight afterwards.  Five minutes had passed before it was repeated, and so on ..... I confess I began to wonder if there was a deeper purpose behind all this sadistic fun and games.. Was my Controller trying to damage my hearing further than he already has? *curious...

By 9.35pm the heat in the bedroom was intolerable, and I'd had to take off my T-shirt and warm pants, and the assaults on my ears had been added to, by the Knives to the Back and to my temple... *belches.. I'd put the lamp back on to scribble in my logs, and immediately the noisy NAT kicked back in... I was still taking erratic jabs to my ear at 9.45pm, so I finally decided to oblige him by getting up and coming in here to chat...  I'd already been at the desk some fifteen minutes, before Balliram chirruped his other remote ostentatiously, and I can only imagine that wherever he'd been, he hadn't quite the splendid viewing options that der Bunker provides him with, so he'd nipped home for a better view... *teeth..

To those who consider that by describing all of his sterling achievements so diligently, I am merely pandering to this sadistic Rubbish, think again... There are several of his Students who still tell themselves that Collin P. Balliram is a genuine Agent for the counter-Intelligence operation, employing the laser/wireless surveillance technology, and that I'm embroidering the facts when I refer to him as a murderous psychopath...
While they may consider my account of the repeated Knives to the Ears employed this evening to be mildly amusing, how long do you think it can continue before real and permanent damage is caused to that eardrum?
It doesn't matter, as I'm here merely to serve as a warning to others?  *looks at godschild.. I've told you already of the permanent damage done to my wrists and to my eyesight, deliberately... Of the many Needles to the Eyes we've endured since the Academy of Learning at No.s 8, 4, and 5, had their doors opened without their consent.. Even as I lay motionless on Cloud 9 with my eyes closed, my Controller was never above stabbing me in the eye with laser, and did so on more than one occasion... An error?  You think?  *snarls...
The same thing was being done to the GW, the occupants at No. 4, and to Sue the Book, and the newish arrival up at No. 72 tells me she's already encountering the same assaults, inside the privacy of her home...

Have you been told unctuously that it's something that's unavoidable for the moment and to live with it?  Are your eyes not your most prized possession?  Clearly not, for you've willingly signed yourself and your family on to this wondrous game of Russian Roulette, and are prepared to make some pretty big sacrifices for this Cause... Hopefully, moral integrity isn't one of those sacrifices? *interested...

Did you read that article I posted just before I updated my blog today?   It can be found at  On Human Rights.  On a rather more advanced level than our fun-filled occupation of filling up the free space with laser showers, there are nonetheless similarities, as I'm sure you'll agree...  A whole bunch of dumbasses, cut from the herd to be used and abused by the rest?  A flock of Idiots considered not quite as equal as the rest, and therefore worthy of being employed as guinea pigs?
Give us a couple more years and we'll be right up there with the USA and their mind-control technology, if it's not arrived here already... Man, just think how useful that would be over in the jondolos, to control the heaving masses...*fetches the bucket...*It's now 3.06pm and as I update this blog online, I swear and declare I just heard a quiet little single woop! from der Bunker... *

Like I said, I'm all for the New Age and it's astonishing scientific achievements, but while Good People sit back and silently allow criminals to rule the roost, and to totally abuse the power they've been given, you'll have to pardon me if my admiration is somewhat muted...   It's a foregone conclusion that my Area Controller will have his usual story to hand, to insist that the steady attacks on my person tonight, were not of his doing, or couldn't be avoided...*vomits..
I have the spheres in my bedroom to prove the presence of the Liar, with or without his Student/s, and those pictures are clearly marked with the time and date they were caught.

Alas, this is not a losing battle that I fight, but one that never even got off the ground at all.. Don't mind me, julle...   Pouring water over the back step yesterday at twilight?  What a plonker!  I'd seriously hoped it would encourage more of those ground-hugging orbs to come out and play.. Did you ever?  I completely forgot that I captured all those beauties in the courtyard simply because they were being forced in their thousands to ground-level by the storm clouds and drenching rain.. Tsk...
I'd have to bet that the near-invisible splodge of black substance on the back kitchen step is the same gunk that had been used to decorate so many other areas around the property, and when it's dry you simply don't see it against the black stoep polish...   Come, I'll take you on a Cook's Tour of our garden, and astonish you by the amount and variety of applications that have been slapped about in our absence, or while we sleep, on Balliram's orders..

I was outside in the sunshine today, snapping away at the brickwork surrounding the verandah.. Why?  I'd taken a couple of pics of that area the night before, and one of the gaps in the bricks that opens onto the space underneath the house was filled with white light.. Hau!  HERE...
As with the spheres, it's the flash that caused that weirdness, and the pictures I took today (also with flash) show nothing but the inky blackness under the house.. At the entrance to each of those three or four gaps, there appears to have been a fair amount of the white chalk-like substance applied to the cement, and that is probably what will have caused that odd phenomenon to show up in the picture... Cool...
It's now 11.30pm, and I'm going to take my chances back on Cloud 9 and hope the Creature is through with his showing off for the moment.. Sleep tight... *waves to the persistent NAT nearby..

Thursday 20th September at 4.50am..

The BackFire frequency had been gathering in the passage even before I'd staggered back to bed at 11.35pm last night, and it's not like I'd been allowed to nod off until a couple of nasty last words were delivered by our Controller.. Whether they'd been administered by the Sadist personally, or his latest carefully coached Tools, higher up the Crescent, doesn't really matter.. What counts is the unmistakable sound of that little NAT outside the bedroom windows, which for some reason I decline to believe anyone other than the Sicko himself, controls...I figure a pretty desperate attempt is being made to spread the blame for his brutality onto his students...
Much the sort of behaviour you'd expect from a Squad Commander in the Yellow Army.. Good enough to have him bumped up the ranks to War Consultant, and redeployed to outer-Mongolia? Hardly..*snorts..
Singling out certain of his troops to carry his guilt for past, present, and future war crimes, may not disturb you in any way, though this Tribunal of one is pretty nauseated by such cowardice.. Peace..


Thursday 20th September 2012 at 3.12pm.