Thursday, September 06, 2012

(begun Wednesday 5th September at 5.10am..)

It's still raining out there, so Einstein thought he'd go the loud and proud route with his noise assisted transport, right outside this window.. *chokes.. Test?  Okay. Simply mutter under my breath, and he has to stop his racket to hear what pearls of wisdom fall from my wrinkled lips.. Tsk, tsk...

LATER at 5.50am

I'd been sitting out on the verandah ten minutes earlier, when Maestro had raised his baton and the hadeda orchestra had launched into their noisy chorus between Nos. 2 and No. 12... Funny how the change in the airwaves appears to titillate the birds as opposed to upset them, and I kid you not... Five minutes later and I'd tried using the Olympus, but the Chop was waiting for me, and the flash was visibly weak.. On the third try it had improved, and I swear I saw a spark of light against the grey clouds above the gum trees... Had I come the closest yet to actually seeing one of those short laser beams?  That, and the spark I'd seen hitting the silver metal band on Fred's streetlight pole the other day? *nods...

I've not yet gone through the results of my efforts, but you can easily tell which ones suffered Balliram's interference, and any that may have avoided it... If my photos are of no consequence whatsoever, I consider it rather odd that the Genius goes to such lengths to corrupt my pictures, but it's a given he'd have some sort of explanation to sell the Suckers...
Just holding the camera up prior to taking a photo, I can actually see the change in light on the little screen as Balliram remotely hits the batteries...
It's a mystery to me why such an honest, hard-working individual would waste his precious time indulging in what could be viewed as a juvenile activity, but there you go... *shrugs... Far be it for this Idiot to suggest that my pictures of the dense clouds of hologram spheres blanketing the area could present even so much as a minor problem for the Prevaricators operating the system, but one thing's for sure,  my Good Neighbour hasn't mentioned his desire to see them in ages...

LATER at 11am..

Only one of the pictures I'd taken at around 6am this morning was worthy of note, and the rest, my Controller will be relieved to hear, were corrupted to the point of murk, and little else... I'd watched my Landscape Artiste after he'd scraped off the black greasy substance in the bowl of the birdbath at my request, and how carefully he'd placed it back on it's stand on the first terrace, adjusting it just so, to an angle he liked.. Interesting...
Although the few pictures I'd taken subsequently didn't reveal the single bigger-than-a-tennis ball sphere that's been so regularly attracted to that gunk, this morning's only uncorrupted shot shows several glittering pinpoints of light under the dish itself.. Water, simply reflecting the flash, or carefully applied laser-attracting substances dotted about where I wasn't supposed to notice them? I must try and remember to check it out once the wet weather has cleared...

The clump of palms by the verandah has several fronds that are nearest our outdoor spotlights, which show distinct signs of being burned, much as I'd described the fully-grown bromeliad up on the terrace by the paw-paw tree HERE..  The pretty white jasmine that hangs over the wall between ours and my Good Neighbour's powerful signal enhancer HERE, has clearly been 'dealt with' harshly, and it's turning brown and dead, the length of the wall..
Would you care to tell your students your version of how this was achieved, o Mighty One?
A WallJumper killed it manually, or you upped the levels of emissions to the point where you've fried it, along with the bromeliad and the palm fronds?
Careful how you answer what could be a loaded question..

For if the hedge of jasmine was indeed dealt with manually, it would confirm the depth of spiteful behaviour I've long claimed is a trade-mark of this world-saving experiment... If OTOH, those plants have been cooked that crispy brown by the 'perfectly safe' laser/wireless technology, what does it say for the safety of the occupants at No. 10?  Would a layman to the quantum laser technology dare to question the risks such levels might cause to humans, or would he meekly shrug and say that Balliram surely knows what he's doing? *chokes...  Stunned and awed by the intricate scientific workings of this astonishingly sophisticated technology, far be it for you to stick your neck out, right?  Far better that you simply follow instructions, and trust that you and yours will survive the battering, to emerge unscathed...
Did you decide on your own that my photos weren't worthy of your interest, or were you subtlely pointed in that direction?  *curious... The images on my now four camera cards, are a truthful record of the technology you so avidly support... Do you have any idea why such useless information should lead to the resumption of corruption to my cameras?  Will Balliram laugh it off as mere amusement, and a further demonstration of what the technology can achieve, or are his Masters growing a tad concerned that my results could cause alarm in some quarters? *teeth...

LATER at 4.35pm

It's been a day to be thankful for my cosy little home, despite my unwanted Squatter... Speaking of which, it's got to be pretty miserable over at Kennedy and Foreman with all this rain... The doef, doef, doef, of his sound system has sailed out from der Bunker for over an hour, and I can only imagine he gets special dispensation from keeping normal working hours, that he may be home early enough for the vital bath monitoring session..  And HERE he is, high up on the wall by the bathroom door at 10minutes to 4pm.
After all the years of sharing our Monitor's character traits with you here, I'll leave it to you to decide whether he is indeed capturing important data on his daily visits to my nakedness, or indulging in a particularly disgusting perversion...

Apparently there'd been an elderly female resident beaten to death in Baizley Avenue last Friday, within spitting distance of Dodge City.. I don't know the details, and I'm given to understand a suspect has been picked up, but no doubt we'll have to read the newspapers to get the full story.. Could she have been saved? What about the dozens of Chosen living over that side by St. Phil's?  Tutored to hack into their neighbour's computers to enhance the Blessed signal, why are they not formed into groups who could scan the area in shifts, using the cowling cameras?
Your Students ARE aware of the near-invisible visual monitory technology tucked into the sides of those cowlings, are they not?  Have you admitted to their existence, but insist you don't have the manpower available to scan the streets?   What utter bollocks!   If all the youngsters, and the not so young who frequent the Sherwood Network, and who are considered worthy of the fake NIA clearance certificates, can't be taught to type in an individual pole's code number and activate that camera on their street, what is the point of that particular bit of surveillance technology?

Currently reserved for use by Organised Crime only?  I've seen the speed with which Balliram follows the Polo on our Thursday trips, and how often that tiny button in a nearby cowling will light up inexplicably.. A skill that only he and a few other carefully chosen Puppets answering to the Druglord, have access to?
The Greenwood Park grant payout heist on Monday?  No designated SAPS patrol van to keep an eye on things?  They're all in the workshop? Elvis?  *winks.. Shades of Glen Nayager and his IT Monkey's team-work perhaps?   Those visual capturing devices in the streetlights are an absolute godsend to the Organised Crime units, hey Earl?  Abroad?  You're ABROAD?  Wangling the next fat donations from Dubai and Saudi?  Hey, with the amount of crud you just know is hanging over Randles Road, you're better off wherever you are..

Thursday 6th September at 4.15am

Can I steal from Fillipo Caruso's CV, and label the next paragraph as Research Activities?  I'd put my light out at 8.25pm last night, and woke at 9.20pm with a nasty ache in my lower abdomen.. That had disappeared and I'd slept till just before 2am, when both dogs had been triggered to do their brief barking frenzy... I settled them back down and tried going back to sleep, but I guess the Sadist had other ideas.. I do remember a single savage Knife to the Back, and the piercing sound of a wirelessed nunu just outside the window, and you can add the Burning Hand in there somewhere as well...
I must have been allowed to doze off briefly after that, for I recall dreaming that I was standing out in a garden with someone, and I'd watched as a light aircraft had smashed straight into our roof, followed by two others, minutes later.. All I can remember is that all three planes missed the wireless aerial on the roof.. *blinks..
It was in no way a nightmare, and if anything, I had a strong sense of deja vu, though it's not one of my recurring dreams that I recognize...

The Unfortunate Creature is still at it next door at 4.25am, and the frequency has just altered in my ear, while the shrill Noise assisted Transport kicks in by the window... The rain's still falling steadily, and as much as I love the sound, I'm very aware of the misery it must be causing to those perched under makeshift dwellings on muddy slopes across the city.. Not to fret - You'll have 'em all in the laser-loving, zinc structures by 2015, and by 2020 you'll be able to manipulate them en masse....

She'd said she'd stumbled across an African blogger recently, who'd also been voicing his concern over the surveillance technology, though when she'd gone back later to send me the link, she couldn't find it.. Anyone care or dare to bail me out here? Point me in his direction?


Thursday 6th September 2012 at 5.41pm