Tuesday, June 12, 2012

(begun Tuesday 12th June at 3.15am..)

Straight off, I've a retraction to make.. As much as I'd like to think I had actual photos of laser beams coming in through the lounge window and the front door's security gate, I haven't, technically speaking.. The silvery sliver of light 'hitting' the gate's metalwork turned out, on closer inspection, to be a slice of the sky peeping through above the windbreak on the verandah,*purple* and I've managed to somehow delete the picture of the burglar-barred window behind me, in my excitement, so unless that strange phenomenon re-occurs, that's it...  Man, if you want to see something badly enough, you'll see it, one way or another... *eyeroll...  Meantime, I'll just keep trying my random shots and hoping for the best...

I'd even lit a fag and sat it in the ashtray beside me and taken more shots of the television, to see whether I could re-create the amazing vapour trail display seen in THESE three shots.. I failed, and you're welcome to come see for yourselves and to guess just how much laser activity it took to create those crazy trails of 'smoke'..
The little bolt of rainbow light in the passage? I've found a mark on the door that could be attracting it, but would need an educated opinion to say whether or not I'm correct... There's certainly laser activity in that throughway, as you can see from the tell-tale swirls of vapour up by the ceiling HERE.. Moving on...

Several of our CPF Members couldn't make the Meeting last night, as they were going to church to pray on Fabian's passing.. Turns out he was only 51 years old, and that it had been just four months between his diagnosis and his death.. Quick hey?  Reports varied between pancreatic cancer and cancer of the colon, but hey, the dude's gone, so it doesn't make much difference now...
It seems he didn't live on the premises at St. Philomena's after all, but had a home and family over in Mary Road...*blinks..
Check it out on google.  If you took away the precast wall that borders the Convent playing field, you'd be looking from my verandah across the other side of the field, at the entrance to Mary Road...

If you've been following, you'll be aware that all the home-owners over in Grindrod, Raftery, Mary and Michan face a barrage of emissions as powerful as those we endure, and that instead of escaping the area safely each day when he headed off to work, Fabian had ended up behind his desk at a mini-wireless base station.. You have to wonder how he survived the fall-out for so long, and just what had changed that caused his health to fail so suddenly and fatally... Luck?  With the criminal element so heavily involved in the running of the Surveillance technology here in the Zone, I doubt that luck had much to do with it, but proving it would be impossible..

I'd taken the Panasonic with me to last night's Meeting and had waited until it was over before stepping out of the door and holding it up to the overhead light.. Sure enough, there was the fiery blue rain as it fell ceaselessly down the side of the pole, and this time the batteries were brand new and it wasn't switched off remotely..*grins.. They came and looked for themselves at the astonishing sight, but alas, the one fellow who might have cleared up the mystery, had moved faster than a speeding bullet, and was nowhere to be found.. *nods to the Microwave Boffin.. Next time?  Needless to say, the 'rain' didn't record on the resulting pictures, just the huge lamp and the holograms around it...
I'd given the tell-tale flickering neon tube a smile and a thumbs-up at some point during the proceedings, and I was taken aback to find the next time I'd glanced up at it, it was as steady as a rock, though the minute my Chairman began holding forth, it set to again, with it's miniscule flickers... *winks...
Damned if I don't think there's a place for me in the Spy Industry, and NOT as a bleeding guinea-pig, either...

I'd shown her the drab non-descript blue painted on the wooden dais, and had snapped off a shot to reveal how the colour miraculously changed to match the substance applied to my pathway paving slates HERE.. Oh ja - I nearly forgot. I told you about those two treated paving stones yesterday, but I'd gone out later on to discover another two, much bigger, and also covered in the pretty turquoise substance, directly outside of my corner in the lounge...
Up to that point I'd had no real intention of trying to scour the stuff off, though Balliram has subsequently done his level best to change my mind, by employing the brutal Knives to the Back on a scale that had me yelping out loud each time he nailed me... Was it good for you, Master? *teeth...

You'll recall me saying that our Controller had microwaved my old man the night before, resulting in that give-away dull brick-red colour on his cheeks?  I'd seen him wince as he went into the kitchen yesterday morning and he'd said he'd woken with a pain in his back, so I guess cooking my SO on high was just the start? Not an hour had passed since he'd mentioned his new discomfort, when the Creep saw fit to employ the Kick to the Kidneys on me, though that was superceded once I'd done yesterday's blog update, by the Knives to the Back special.... You'll understand then, why I'm now reconsidering attempting to remove that powerful turquoise compound from the paving slates outside the lounge window, and if I'm not successful, I'll get young Vincent to do it on his next visit, along with cleaning the whacker's head and lead... *snarls...

You think that's funny?  Really? Man, what I'd give for you monkeys to experience just half the physical pain the Sadist causes us, and to see how quickly you'd scream for mercy....

The matter of the increase in rabies was raised at last night's Meeting, and my Vice Chair had voiced his concern over the many neighbourhood dogs that are permitted to roam the streets freely.. Was it then that the script was hastily adjusted, Laz?  Were a few quick calls made to ensure that mayhem would ensue, as a pack of dogs roamed up and down our street, and through the little valley below, all night long?  *curious... It's pretty much the standard of mischief I've come to expect from the AmDram Society up at Dodge, and the timing, within a few hours of the Eavesdroppers hearing my VC's words, was perfect...
Balliram had arrived back from the Station about half an hour after I'd gotten in... How do I know?  I'd walked into the kitchen without being struck by the Knives to the Back, the Kick to the Kidneys, or any BackFire at all, for that matter...
It was probably half an hour later when *boom!* and the situation had changed dramatically for the worst..*yawns... I'd hit the sack around ten past 9pm, and at 10.30pm the curtain went up on the latest engineered mischief, as Nobby went off like a rocket and Cola joined in...

I figure that somehow the Producers of that stunning all-night production had managed to include a bitch on heat in the pack, as it had been a male thing at the start, and Nobby, Cola and Rocks had gone mental, while Sophie hadn't stirred... Course, that didn't last long, and eventually every dog in the street had joined in, and by 1am I'd heaved myself up our fifty two stairs just in time to see three of the stragglers loping up the little feeder road past Carol's ex-home on Jan Smuts...  They must have come around a couple of times after that, and I'd let our two out to join in the cacophony before they finally settled down before 3am...
On the plus side, all of those unfortunate beasts trapped in their yards without any form of warm shelter against the chilly weather, would've warmed up nicely with all that vocal exercise, though the designated hare (read bitch on heat) will have had a truly miserable night of it...

Again, I have to stress that this is the level of the so-called Intelligence Officers recruited to the Project here in the Zone, who are protected and encouraged by the likes of the Telecom's Strategist and his Superiors.. The mischief must continue until the ultimate goal is achieved, ain't that right, Jannie?  And what finer example of trouble-makers do you have here in the Zone, than Balliram and his colleagues up at Dodge?  The crass, Cracker mentality, that's proven invaluable to this population-harnessing technological experiment..
Are you planning on getting this Turd off my old man's case, or will I be forced to STFU and let Balliram find himself another yapping Labrat, or face the very real threat of fading into obscurity? *EDIT at 9.37am: The GW tells me that remarkably, the pain in his back has disappeared this morning. A wise move IMO...*
Do you even know what you want, Einstein?  After the level of yesterday's assaults, I figure we're getting to the point where you'd be delighted to finish me off, and bugger the consequences?  Your call as always, DEWD....

LATER at 7.50am

After that *coughs* busier than usual night, I've finally staggered off of Cloud 9 to face the immediate renewed onslaught of a variety of less-than-pleasant frequencies...
Tellus my friends - Despite the totally free-of-any-discomfort at all between my arrival home last night, and the arrival of my Area Controller back to the Chickencoop to almost immediately resume his torture of us, was the intention to deliberately increase the levels of delights he unleashes, merely to demonstrate that no matter what depths Balliram sinks to, we can't escape?  Earl?
In fact, are we a Presentation, designed to further impress your equally repulsive colleagues, of the absolute power owned by the Controllers who operate Stef Roux and Francesco Petruccione's fantastic combination of technologies?
Your disguise is leaking, Mistuh Barnabas, as is that of your Pet IT Monkey, Collin P. Balliram, and the poison is affecting your Community far more than your previous stock-in-trade ever did.. Who knew..? *shrugs...


Tuesday 12th June 2012 at 9.58am.