Sunday, April 22, 2012

(begun Sunday 22nd April at 7.25am...)

I'd asked him to dig the hole deeper and drop the new metal water bowl right down to it's rim, so the hadedas and occasional visiting toad could step in with ease.  Maybe put this folded cloth over the edge so the frogs can clamber out? Nope, he'd replied that they could hop out easily as it was...
I'd checked it yesterday afternoon late, and the water was a little muddy from where the hose had hit the earth bordering the edge of the bowl..
I checked it again half an hour ago, to find a full-grown toad swimming frantically in circles, unable to navigate the slippery sides, so I scooped him out and he went on his way...  The water? No longer slightly muddy, but a milky white.. *blinks...
Anyone qualified to venture an opinion?  If I hadn't found him/her so soon, would he/she be floating belly-up by tomorrow, covered in the tiny crimson thread-like worms?

Water into wine?  Tsk, I mean sewage into potable water, Mistuh MacLeod?  Hell's bell's dude - but I have to say that under the circumstances I wouldn't trust you as far as I could toss you... *spews... Sure, we're the witless Labrats for Groesbeek's fibre through the water/sewer lines, Petruccione's wireless over the powerlines, and Roux's enchanting and 'perfectly safe' quantum laser communication system, so why not try us out on the sewage into water scheme as well?
You in touch with your ex-Boss, Neil?  Does he keep calling you for support in his hour of need?  Does he threaten to blow the lid off this filthy can of worms, including the part you're playing?  Now there's a lynch party I'd be happy to attend... *snarls... Moving on..

I'd begun heading up top to fetch the Times, when I'd stopped to study the little lemon tree on the first terrace.. WTF?  I slapped into reverse and fetched my camera to take a couple of pictures...
What if some smart Physics boffin had stumbled across a mixture of chemical compounds that when applied, resembled the Physcia Grisea lichen closely, but wasn't?  What if the vast amount of what appears to be that radiation-gobbling lichen, spread about our property, is merely a clone that's actually being used as a bounce-off point for the lasers?  Gotcha! *chokes...
Can I anticipate the young Professor will take samples and have them analysed for me?  You know that's not gonna happen.. If I were to go right now and scrape off some of the newly applied 'lichen' from the bark of the lemon tree, I'm betting it would be too degraded to work with, by the time Leonard arrived... *winks...

Here I am, enthusiastically suggesting you take your cameras outdoors after dark to search for your own Physcia Grisea, and accompanying holograms, when the odds are that Mother Nature has little or nothing to do with it's appearance on your property, after all... *cackles..
Are the Chosen encouraged to apply their own compounds to the bricks and walls about their yards, to ensure the lasers can dart from point to point, creating pretty holograms?
Man, if it weren't for the Sicko next door, I could SO be dazzled by all this wizardry... As it is, it's simply a stunningly distracting icing on an irrefutably rotten cake...

I'd gone up the top and had found several other interesting objects to photograph, but it wasn't long before the predictable ReplaceYour Batteries message appeared on the little monitor, and I'd headed back down indoors...


Almost an acid-green mossy colour?  Spectacular, and I'd noticed it immediately now covering the rocks on the end of the wall that has such a visible HERE energy field about it, outside the lounge window ..
I've just discovered it's twin next to the little hole in the wall that we refer to as a tool shed... CHECK how it's covering the right hand side of the entrance by as much as 3foot deep by 1 foot across... Some sort of aerosol applicator?  Again - I went and checked the new metal pool and the water had settled back to it's slightly muddy appearance. However, the indigenous (sp) iris-type plants that surround it, appear to be spattered thickly with a white substance from root, almost to the tip of their sword-like greenery.  Quite possibly what had turned the water in the pool temporarily that milky white?

*The shriek in my ears just dropped a pitch as BigEars slid in to see what I was up to, here at the desk..*eyeroll..*

Despite my camera insisting that I was to change the batteries (they were already new yesterday morning), I didn't bother, and it's working fine for the moment, though you'd be a dumbass if you didn't realise by now just how simple it is for him to shut the thing down remotely...  Almost schoolboy level pranks, unless you know the Sicko behind them, and just what he's capable of...

I'd been stumbling around what I'd considered a perfectly unnecessary and hideous change in format to, when I'd clicked on the Stats option and had snorted in disbelief...
Another area that's been manipulated by Balliram to ludicrous levels for sure.. Again I suspect that those figures are most likely reached by automated bots crawling up and down the interwebz.  Bots that are set to hit my blog each time they pass, and delude me into believing that anyone other than the Sadist bothers to read my waffles...

Monday 23rd April at 4.15am

The rain's coming down steadily, and I've towelled the dogs dry and put them back under a blanket on the sofa... A fairly busy night one way and another, with the Nobster barking anxiously nearby after midnight, and then the intense pain to the thighs not long afterwards.. I know not what time the wave of nausea dragged me from my sleep, but it's a clear indication that el Monstro is upping the ante considerably...  I was still awake at around 2am when my fingers and thumb began to die, but this time it didn't develop into the full-blown Hand on Fire, and I'd eventually gone back to snoring...

Foolish twit that I am, I'd been briefly crushed when I'd examined the lemon tree further, after V's visit, and discovered that a black substance had been poured into the cavity in it's trunk... It reeked of something vaguely familiar.. Engine oil?  You'll recall recently that I'd found an ant's nest in there, that had been carefully hidden under a substantial lump of moss..  Nonetheless, it took the heavy application of the cloned lichen and the black fluid on Saturday, before I realised and accepted that the lemon tree has to go.. *shrugs...
It makes sense in a weird sort of way... Vincent said he'd like to be a Landscape Gardener, and that's exactly what he is, albeit on Ballram's instructions .. *yawns....
I guess I'll put the little axe out on his next visit and tell him to just go ahead and remove what he's been told to kill, without all the covert ants and poison crap...
Everything's got to go, so there's no point in dragging it out, hey Creep?  If I were up to it, I'd take the chopper and down the lemon tree, the willow tree, and the already battered Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow and save Vincent the bother, though it's clear he enjoys his 'work'... *shrugs...

Telkom's finest, the slippery Jannie van Zyl, has every reason to feel smugly complacent.. The Rocket Scientist is distracted by the book he's editing, and is highly unlikely to have time to pay my chirping more than cursory attention, and he is after all the only one I can trust...
Is Leonard Els aware of the amazing results achieved in camouflaging so many of the laser-friendly chemical compounds to appear as if they were normal every-day deposits found in gardens across the country?
Black bird/insect droppings, black and white gekko poo, and now the amazingly cloned Physcia Grisea lichen?  That's not the half of it either, with the luminescent-affect substance that can be applied to large areas before it fades and disappears from sight, and now the addition of the brilliant green moss effect that's suddenly appeared on the toolshed wall, and outside the lounge window... *vomits profusely..

Such fine attention to detail tells me that Stef Roux's quantum laser communications system is destined for far more than just KZN, and that ultimately, along with the wireless/fibre over the powerlines, it will soon cover the entire country... *applauds loudly..
How I'd blethered on about the startling increase in the precision of the attacks made to our anatomy, since young Rezah had arrived from Joburg with his magical box of frequency tricks...
At that stage, I had no idea that the improved accuracy was due to the use of laser beams...
Beams that can be zig-zagged from the dozens of bounce-off points that have been applied about our yard, everywhere you look...
Enough of them in fact, to ensure that the beam itself is never long enough to be seen by the naked eye, though it appears the possibility that the holograms would reveal themselves, was overlooked...

Am I, in my incorrigible thickness, making any sense at all?  Ahmet? (Edit added at 9.13am after opening my mail this morning) I see that instead of the usual failed mail this morning, there is a second request from you to give my reasons for wishing to register at  I already did that some time ago, and the mail failed to arrive at it's destination, but I shall try again later.  If you're that keen on creating holograms sufficiently to be an Admin on the site, would you care to drop by and check out all the different chemical compounds used in our case, and how successfully they work in the field, so to speak?
You and your fellow members would be welcome to come sit in my ruined garden overnight, and be surrounded by the pretty things hanging in the air, though I'd strongly suggest you wore your safety goggles.. Not an option offered us by our Area Controller, but it would be wise not to take unneccessary risks...
After all, we Stooges are expendible, whilst you and your fellow-forumites are most definitely part of the Troops destined to march happily into the fantastically technical New Age.  *beams...

My old man had a look at the sword-shaped leaves of the plants surrounding the bird bath and announced that the white now spattering the green so thickly, are some sort of spores... Their arrival fits in neatly with the giant ball fungi that keep emerging down under the avo tree and along the boundary wall, along with all the different varieties of moss and lichen...
V had been busy for some time in the front flower bed under the verandah and our bedroom windows, so I duly took pictures of the area the next morning..
He'd tossed a small clump (not quite a handful) of what appears to be moss into the centre of at least three of the garvie plants under our windows... When zooming in on the results, I was hardly surprised to find they gave off the pretty rainbow colours so familiar to the laser technology...

I'd made up a smallish amount of compost accelerator for him to put on the heap under the avo tree, and was in time to see him pour the dregs onto the Must-Go mulberry tree inside our boundary wall.. *sigh.. One way or the other this operation is a killer, be it human, flora, or fauna... Onwards and upwards!


Monday 23rd April, 2012 at 9.37am.